Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

“Well, this isn’t how I expected to find my bride on our wedding night.”

Melina jumped at the sound of Mac’s voice. Turning around she smiled at him as he leaned against the door way.

“I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I noticed. What has you so engrossed that you’re here in my office and not waiting for me in bed?”

Melina glanced at the clock before she answered. “Well, considering it’s after one in the morning and you’re just now coming home, I think I should be the one asking the questions.”

“Is that so?” Mac asked.

Entering the office, he placed both hands on the arms of the chair effectively trapping her.

“Yes,” Melina whispered.

Her pulse raced and she could feel a familiar ache start to build.

“Hmm. Looks like I need to do something to change your mind, then.”

“I’m not easily moved,” Melina said.

Mac raised a brow. “We’ll see about that.”

Before Melina could read his intentions, Mac was lifting her out of her chair, pushing the papers off the desk and laying her on the flat surface. Her breath quickened as he reached for her gown. There was a hunger in his eyes that excited her. Leaning over her, Mac kissed her slowly as if he had all the time in the world. Heat started to build in her belly as he kissed her. Melina tried to wrap her arms around his neck, but he deftly evaded her grasp, chuckling.

Pulling away, Mac reached for the hem of the black, silk spaghetti-strapped nightgown she wore and eased it up her thighs. The pads of his fingers ghosted over her skin, touching just enough to make her want more. Mac watched her with darkened eyes as he inched the gown up further and further. When the gown eased past her hip bone, Mac groaned.


“Guess I was waiting for you after all,” she whispered.

Mac parted her thighs and rubbed her clit slowly. “Thank God you were.”

He eased a finger inside her as he continued working her clit. Her thighs opened wider as Mac stroked her. The flames of desire continued to build as his strong, nimble fingers touched every aching part inside of her.


“Shh,” he whispered.

And then he lowered his head and replaced his thumb with his tongue. Melina arched off the desk, pressing herself eagerly against his torturing mouth. He licked her clit slowly with the tip of his tongue before sucking softly on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Every touch made her desire burn for him hotter and hotter. When he scraped his teeth over her clit, Melina came hard and fast. Her fingers tangled in his hair, holding him to her as the orgasm rocked her body.

“Oh my God.”

Melina’s arms fell limply to her side as her husband stood to his full height and gave her one of his trademark grins.

“God had nothing to do with it, doll.”

Mac easily maneuvered Melina so that she was sitting on the edge of the desk.

“You’re incorrigible, you know that?” she said.

He nodded. “Yeah, but that’s one of the reasons you love me.”

“Is it? I didn’t know being a smart ass was on the list of loveable qualities,” Melina teased.

Mac laughed. “And the pot calls the kettle black. Wife, what am I going to do with you?”

Melina looked into Mac’s eyes, beautiful hazel pools. She would never get tired of looking at him, of appreciating his masculine beauty. Emotion lodged deep in her throat.

“Love me.”

Mac cupped her face gently. “Always.”

He kissed her lips softly before he pulled away. Melina’s eyes traveled to the telling bulge in her husband’s pants and she rubbed him softly.

“How about me returning the favor?” She licked her lips.

“We have plenty of time for that and other delights, but first I want to apologize.”

“For what?”

“For us missing our honeymoon.”

“Mac, you had nothing to do with that. It’s not like you could have predicted someone would commit murder at our wedding reception or that we’d all be dragged down to the police station.”

“I know, but you and I should be in Barbados. You, running across the sand in a string-bikini or dripping wet from the water as we fuck on a beach. I wanted all that for you, Melina.”

“We have a whole lifetime for that,” she assured him.

“You’re being very understanding.”

“Isn’t that what a good wife is supposed to do? Besides, I knew that when I married you our life together was going to be unpredictable.”

“Tonight was more unpredictable than anything I could’ve imagined.”

“You’ll get no disagreements from me about that one.”

Mac ran his hands from her shoulders down the length of her arms. “You’re not going to ask me anything?”

Melina shook her head. “No. If there’s something you can tell me or you want to tell me, you will.”

Mac’s eyes narrowed briefly. “No one was expecting this and we have no idea who would be bold enough to kill the consigliere of a boss of Luca’s status.”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books