Fortune Hunter (A Miss Fortune Mystery Book 8)

I dashed out of the bedroom and hurried to the landing and looked down at Peaches, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Everything’s fine,” I said. “I’m afraid we took some time admiring your oak tree from the game room window, so it’s taking a bit longer than it should.”

Ida Belle’s eyes widened and I could tell she knew things had gone horribly wrong.

“Okay,” Peaches said, but still looked a bit confused. “I thought I heard a noise like something falling, but maybe it was outside. I just need to dry the bathroom floor and I’ll be right back.”

Right back. Downstairs. Holy crap part two!

Gertie couldn’t exactly stroll in the front door, and Peaches had a clear view of the downstairs entry from the hallway the bathroom was situated on. I hurried back out onto the deck and looked down. Gertie was upright now and appeared to be mobile, although I bet she’d be sore as heck the next day.

“I think I can climb back up,” Gertie said. “If I could find something to stand on.”

“No way. Duck down and get to the front of the house.”

“What about Peaches?”

“I’ll figure something out.”

I hurried back into the bedroom, grabbed Gertie’s purse from the bed, and headed to the landing, pulling out my cell phone as I went. Just as I hit the top of the stairwell, I heard Peaches come back into the living room and speak to Ida Belle.

Ida Belle glanced up at me, and I waved my phone in the air, then sent a text.

Get Peaches out of the room. Way out!

She pulled out her phone and glanced at it. I saw her jaw flex, but otherwise, she managed to keep her expression blank.

“One of those text reminders,” Ida Belle said as she slipped the phone back into her pocket. “I need to take blood pressure medicine at the same time every day. If I didn’t set up these alerts, I’d never remember. Could I take you up on that offer for something to drink? I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Oh, it’s no inconvenience at all. I didn’t realize you had high blood pressure.”

“It’s a fairly recent occurrence,” Ida Belle said drily.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Peaches said. “What would you like to drink?”

“I don’t suppose you have any sweet tea? The pills have an awful chalky taste. I can never get them down very well with plain water.”

“I only have unsweetened. I’ve been trying to watch my diet to get off the last of this baby fat. But I can add some sugar for you.”

“That would be great. Thank you so much.”

I heard footsteps leading away from the living room and Ida Belle motioned to me. I hurried down the stairs, tossed Gertie’s purse on the couch where she’d been sitting before, and hustled to the front door. Ida Belle followed my every movement but didn’t say a word. Gertie was standing at the side of the front porch, just out of sight. I glanced back to make sure the coast was clear, then waved her in.

Gertie came inside the house, shuffling as fast as she could to get to the couch. I yanked two sprigs of bush from her hair as she passed by and tucked them in my pocket before jumping over the chair and landing in place. Gertie shoved the camera into her purse just as Peaches reentered the room with Ida Belle’s tea.

Ida Belle put her hand up to her mouth and pretended to swallow a pill. She even grimaced a bit before downing a big gulp of tea. I had to give her props. She was good. The silence was uncomfortable, so I looked over at Gertie, hoping she’d get a topic started, but one look at her flushed face and slightly heaving chest and I knew she was breathless. Since Ida Belle was chugging tea like a prizefighter with a jug of water, I figured it was left up to me.

“That’s a pretty vase on the bookcase,” I said. “I really love that shade of blue.”

Peaches perked right up. “Isn’t it? I got it from one of those ridiculously expensive antiques shops in New Orleans. I’ve been admiring it for a year now but never thought I’d be able to afford it. But with the big shrimp running, we had some extra money. Brandon wanted to buy me a wedding ring with a larger diamond, but I’m perfectly happy with the one we got engaged with. I told him if he was dead set on spending some money on me, then what I really wanted was that vase. Every time I walk into this room, it makes me smile.”

“I can see why,” I said. I didn’t have a domestic bone in my body, but it really was a pretty decoration.

Ida Belle checked her watch and cleared her throat. “I’m afraid we need to get going,” she said as she rose from the couch. “I’m sure Marie is dying to have a shower and change clothes.”

“She’s such an angel,” Peaches said. “I really hope this election audit puts her in charge. I can’t imagine why people voted for Celia Arceneaux. She’s so, well, mean.”

“I think more people are starting to figure that out,” Ida Belle said.

“It’s a shame they didn’t come to their senses before we voted,” Peaches said.

Gertie started to get up and lifted about an inch off the couch before falling back down. “Darn this knee,” she said.