Forgive and Forget

“Before we get to that, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Oh God, you’re married. I knew it. Of course you are. Look at you.” Joe shook his head, his heart sinking. It was stupid to think a guy like Liam was—

“I’m not married. Unless you count my job. We’ve been in a pretty intense relationship for years, and I think it’s time we saw other people.” Liam gave him a cheeky smile. “Break the news I kind of met someone.”

Joe chuckled. A huge weight lifted off his shoulders, and he couldn’t help his dopey grin. “You said you needed to tell me something. Why couldn’t you tell me over the phone?”

Liam’s smile fell away, and Joe braced himself.

“I needed to tell you this in person, so I hope you forgive me for waiting this long.” Liam took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking up again. Whatever it was, it was important. “A few years ago, I came across a beautiful man who was in a good deal of trouble. When I reached him, he looked right at me. He had eyes like the ocean. Before I could say a word, he passed out. Every night at the hospital, I’d stay by his bedside and play old jazz tunes. I’d talk to him, keep him company. And then one day I received the call I’d been waiting for, and I was off to DC. I hated leaving him, knew I was giving up something good, but I was young and I wanted to help people like him. A few days later, the hospital called to inform me my dream guy was awake and would be fine.”

Joe couldn’t believe what he was hearing. When he spoke, his voice was almost a whisper. “Baker… It was you. You’re Officer Baker.”

Liam smiled bashfully. “I thought about you every day after that. Wondering what it might have been like if I’d stayed in New York. If I’d been there when you woke up. When this job came up in the city, I jumped at the chance. Not because of what it would do for my career, but because I might see you again. I knew I couldn’t make contact, but sometimes I’d sit across the street with a cup of coffee and watch you go about your day.”

Joe gasped. “You drank someone else’s coffee?” He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think I like you anymore.”

Liam chuckled. “Sorry.”

“So what happened that night when you ended up in the garden?”

“I was in the neighborhood when I got the call to make the drop. That’s when I realized I was being followed. I managed to give him the slip and then surprised him. That’s why my knuckles were bruised. Knocked the guy out. Chances were the guy wasn’t alone. I needed to stash the SD card, somewhere it would be safe. You came to mind. I jumped the gate and hid it in the pot of pink geraniums. I was about to leave when they whacked me on the back of the head. I’m guessing something or someone interrupted them, because they left me there.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Why didn’t you come see me? Or call me? I tried looking for you everywhere. When I finally found your precinct, they said you were no longer on the force. I couldn’t find anything else on you after that.”

Liam looked remorseful. “You were moving on with your life. I didn’t want to bring that pain back to you. Plus, I was scared.”

Scared? Joe found it hard to believe Liam could be scared of anything. “Of what?”

“That once I talked to you I wouldn’t be able to let you go.” Liam met Joe’s gaze and brought his hand to his lips for a kiss. “I had a lot going on at the time, and I was getting ready to go undercover. Had to have my head in the game or a lot of people could get hurt. The thought of you getting hurt because of me? I couldn’t have that.”

Joe thought about everything Liam had said about his job and his home in Virginia. It was a risk, putting his heart out there, but looking at Liam now, at those familiar silver eyes, Joe knew he would regret it if he didn’t try.

“I was wondering if maybe you’d be interested in making some new memories. Ones that include me.” Joe chanced a glimpse at Liam, his smile stealing Joe’s breath away. Liam leaned in to kiss Joe’s lips, sweet, slow, and filled with a need Joe had never felt from anyone.

“I’m pretty sure I lost my heart to you a long time ago, Joe, and even if all I had were memories of you, it would be more than enough for me.” Liam put his hand to Joe’s cheek. “How about tomorrow I come down on my lunch hour.”

Joe frowned. “You’re going to fly in by helicopter for lunch?” There was a wicked gleam in Liam’s silver eyes. What wasn’t he telling Joe?

“I was thinking about driving. And if you ever fancy meeting me for lunch, you can drop by the Federal Plaza down on Lafayette.

Lafayette? “Wait, but I thought you worked out of Virginia.”

“I did. I put in for a transfer to the New York office. Figured it was time to come home.” Liam placed his hand to Joe’s cheek. “Now that I found my way home. That’s what took me so long. I was waiting for the transfer to come through. I wanted to surprise you.”

Charlie Cochet's books