Forgive and Forget

Not remotely, but he nodded anyway. The EMT spoke to Liam, asking him questions before she got to work on his arm. “So this is what you do.” Joe glanced over at one of the gunman being taken away.

“Sometimes. Other times it’s a lot of sitting around waiting, filling out paperwork.”

Joe turned his attention back to Liam. “You’re a G-Man.”

Liam chuckled. A mischievous gleam came into his eyes. “Guess it’s better than a nutritionist.”

Joe arched an eyebrow at him. “Not funny.” Liam laughed, and Joe shoved his hands into his pockets, aware of the chaotic scene going on around them as agents dealt with the crime scene. He waited for the EMT to finish up with Liam, and once she’d walked away, he spoke up. “So, what happens now?”

“First things first.” Liam held his hand out with a smile. “Liam Baker, FBI.”

Joe took his hand with a sad smile. “Nice to meet you, Liam.”

Someone called out Liam’s name, and Joe’s heart sank a little. “You should get going. They probably have a lot of questions for you. I gave the SD card to Agent Geoffrey.”

“He’s my partner at the bureau, and a good guy.” Liam’s expression softened, and he placed his hand on the small of Joe’s back, leading him back in the direction of the parked government vehicles. “I need to take care of this, but as soon as I’m done, I’ll come by the café. We need to talk. I’ll send people over to clean up and get you some new chairs.”

“That’s not necessary,” Joe assured him.

“No, it is. Please.”

Joe nodded and did his best to smile, but his heart was breaking. This was it. This was what he’d feared. He couldn’t blame Tom—Liam. The man had a life, one he’d lived just fine before meeting Joe. He had a career and maybe someone special back home. Even if he didn’t have someone, Liam was a federal agent. What would he want with a man who baked pies for a living? Joe was happy with what he did. He loved what he did, but he could understand how that might not be the most exciting lifestyle for a man of action like Liam.

The ride back was quiet. Agent Geoffrey took Joe’s statement, recording the conversation as Joe explained everything he believed was relevant to their case from the moment he’d found Liam until the FBI showed up. Of course he left out personal details, like their nights in front of the TV together, enjoying each other’s company, or the way Liam had made him feel like he was the most desired man in the world. Their intimate moments, caresses, embraces, the way Liam drove him crazy with his kisses, or the way Liam brought him to his knees. Their nights making love, teasing each other. Joe didn’t bring up any of that. He didn’t mention how much he missed Liam already.

Joe wished Liam had been able to ride with him, but their supervisor wanted to hear from Liam right away regarding his disappearance and any information he might have on the men they arrested. Liam was reluctant to leave him, but Joe assured him he’d be fine.

They dropped Joe off at the café after insisting he call the number on the card he was given if he thought of anything else or needed anything at all. Joe stood in the middle of his little shop, splintered chairs and upturned tables all around. Broken glass on the floor from the picture frames. He just didn’t have the energy to do anything about it tonight. He turned off the lights and went upstairs, showered, and got into bed. He would have thought maybe he’d return home to police cars and questioning, but there was no one. It was as if nothing happened.

Joe lay in his big bed all alone and stared at his ceiling. It was so quiet. Liam was probably still up debriefing. What would he tell his superiors about the time he’d spent here? Joe rolled onto his side, his heart aching. Liam was from a completely different world. He spent his time chasing down criminals, investigating, traveling all over the country. He’d never be happy here with Joe, in his tiny little apartment above a pie shop.

That night Joe barely slept. He’d tossed and turned, trying to come to grips with everything that had happened. The next morning when he came downstairs, he thought he must still be dreaming. The place was spotless. Everything had been swept, cleaned up, fixed, replaced, and gleamed good as new. Joe had to admit, he was impressed. Having a G-Man for a boyfriend might have some perks. If only. Joe spent the rest of the morning assuring Bea, Donnie, and Elsie that he was all right.

“Wow, I can’t believe Tom—I mean, Liam—is a Fed! How cool is that!” Donnie was still in awe, had been since Joe had told them what happened last night. Of course he left out all the shooting. They’d fuss over him, and he didn’t want them worrying. At least they were safe now.

“I knew that boy was a hero,” Bea proclaimed, and Joe almost spit out his coffee.

“You thought he was an assassin sent to bump me off!”

Charlie Cochet's books