Forgive and Forget

Bea waved a hand in dismissal. “I think the excitement has gotten to you.”

The bell above the shop door jingled. Joe turned to greet his customer and his stomach filled with butterflies. Liam stood there, dressed in a charcoal-gray suit, white button-down shirt, and a black tie. He looked more handsome than ever. It took Joe a second to snap himself out of it.

“Look at you, all respectable,” Joe teased. He reached out to straighten Liam’s collar, though there wasn’t really anything to straighten out. It was silly, to have missed the man so terribly after one night. “You look good.”

“Thanks,” Liam replied with a shy smile. He motioned to one of the empty booths near the back of the café, and Joe followed him, taking a seat across from him. “I was on my way to the New York office and wanted to stop by to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Because of you, we’re moving in on the cartel and everyone on their payroll.”

“Me?” Joe shook his head. “That was all you. You put your life on the line to get that intel. You were almost killed.”

“If you hadn’t taken me in, put your faith in a man you didn’t even know, I would have been. Those detectives who came by looking for me were working for the cartel. I’ve been collecting intel on those men for months, hoping they would lead me to more dirty officials. They were the ones who made me, and spread the word after I took off. If you’d trusted them, handed me over, they would have killed me, or one of their corrupt buddies would have. So, thank you.” Liam placed his hand over Joe’s. “There’s so much I want to say, Joe, but I have some things I need to do first. The government waits for no man. I’ll come by as soon as I can. I promise.”

“I understand.” Joe meant it. He had no idea how these things worked, but he knew enough to know what Liam and his team had accomplished, what they were in the middle of, was no small feat, and the aftermath would keep them busy for some time. As much as it broke Joe’s heart, he’d known this day would come. Even so, he wasn’t prepared. All he could do was his best, try and be brave.

“Joe.” Liam squeezed his hand. “I will be back. I promise. I’m not walking away from us.”

Joe blinked at him. “Us?”

The bell jingled and a familiar voice called Joe’s name, making him flinch. Dammit, of all the rotten timing. Did the guy not have anything better to do than harass him? Blake appeared beside their table, his upturned lip aimed at them. He looked Liam over with obvious disdain.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Joe asked, unable to believe the guy had come back.

“I’ve come to give you a second chance. Cater my event and I won’t press charges against you and your guard dog.”

Joe stood to face Blake. He was done shrinking away from his past. Blake had taken enough away from him. Joe wasn’t about to go down without a fight, not this time. “Get the hell out.”

Blake shoved his hands into his pockets and took a look around the café. “You know, it would be a shame if a city inspector came and found this place infested with roaches. He’d have to shut you down.”

“What?” Did the guy have no shame? Why wasn’t he surprised Blake would sink so low?

Blake’s toothy grin made Joe want to punch him. “You know better than to cross me, Joe. Just give me what I want and everyone walks away happy.”

Before Joe could tell him what he could do with his threat, Liam was on his feet, looking imposing and dangerous. Should Joe feel guilty Blake recoiled at Liam’s presence? Who was he kidding? Blake deserved whatever Liam gave him.

Liam rounded his shoulders, his expansive chest as impressive as his menacing scowl. “Leave right now, or I’ll have you arrested for conspiracy to bribe a public official.”

Blake laughed. “You think because you put on a cheap suit, the police are going to believe you?”

“Oh, I think they might.” Liam smiled pleasantly and reached into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He flipped open a wallet and presented his badge. “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. Agent Liam Baker. FBI.”

Blake’s jaw nearly became unhinged. He stared at the badge before moving his gaze to Liam. “That has to be fake.”

Liam shrugged. “Maybe. And maybe after I arrest you, the federal government will take a nice long look at your finances, and your dad’s. Go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. We’ll look into every account, IRA, investment, property, transaction, transfer, and deduction.” Liam’s smile widened. “I hope you’ve kept your receipts.”

Blake swallowed hard. “I don’t need to put up with this. I’m taking my business elsewhere.”

“You do that.” Liam slapped a hand on Blake’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He leaned in to murmur quietly, but Joe heard every word. “If you, your father, or any of your associates come near Joe, his friends, or this shop, I’ll know, and I will bury you so deep you’ll wish you’d never laid eyes on him. Understood?”

Blake nodded fervently.

Charlie Cochet's books