Forgive and Forget

With his free hand, Tom carefully pushed Joe back into the cushions and leaned forward to place a tender kiss against Joe’s lips, smiling when he found the man’s eyes closed and his expression one of contentment. His heart swelled, knowing he’d been the one to put it there.

He pulled Joe in for a kiss, the touch of those soft lips a delicious sensation. He willed himself to go slow, allowing his hands to roam over Joe’s body, over his arms, his chest, coaxing him to open up. His efforts were rewarded more quickly than he expected, and Joe parted his lips. Not wanting to spook him, he took Joe’s mouth tenderly, his kisses more like caresses. He desperately wanted to feel all of Joe, to touch, taste, and explore every curve, every muscle. It took a great deal of self-control not to let his imagination run away with him. He wrapped his arms around Joe and his sinewy body that fit against Tom’s like it was molded to do so.

“You’re holding back,” Joe murmured against Tom’s lips.

“I don’t want to rush you.”

Joe pulled back, the fire smoldering in those ocean-colored eyes making Tom grateful that he was sitting, because his knees had turned to jelly.

“Why me?” Joe asked quietly, slipping his fingers into Tom’s hair and absently stroking. He must have made some kind of noise because Joe chuckled softly. “You like that, huh?”

Tom moaned and let his eyes drift closed. “Oh, yeah. Feels good.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Joe continued to stroke, and Tom had to be careful he didn’t fall asleep right here on Joe’s lap. Those long, slender fingers felt so soothing.

“Why not you?” Tom smiled when Joe gave his hair a playful tug.

“Look at you. Whoever you are, whatever you do, I’ll bet it suits you. I know you’re grateful for my help, and I’ll still help you, you don’t need to—”

“Wait a moment,” Tom cut him off, unable to believe what he was hearing. He would have been angry were it not for the utterly wretched look on Joe’s handsome face. It made him wonder what could possibly have happened to this sweet man to make him think so little of himself. He remembered Joe saying he’d been hurt, and he couldn’t even bear to think of some bastard breaking Joe’s heart. A dark, deep-rooted anger bubbled up inside Tom, scaring the hell out of him. He didn’t know why he felt so sick to his stomach, but he did his best to push it aside. He took Joe’s hands in his and met Joe’s reserved gaze.

“Joe, I’m not attracted to you because you’re helping me. I can make sense of my own feelings enough to know where they’re coming from, and I’m attracted to you because you’re beautiful. I’m fascinated by you because you’re like no one I’ve ever met, and I know that because there can’t possibly be another man like you out there. I’m sure of it. If I run into a cop, he’s probably going to throw me in jail thinking I’m all doped up because I can’t keep from grinning like an idiot, and it’s all because of you.” He ran his thumb over Joe’s bottom lip.

“This is crazy. What if you’re…? I mean….” Joe had trouble meeting Tom’s eyes.

“A criminal? A murderer? A blackmailer?” Tom held back a smile. “A nutritionist?”

Joe jerked away from him, horrified. “Get out.”

“Because I might be a murderer or a nutritionist?” Tom teased.

With hands on his hips, Joe narrowed his eyes, a very somber expression on his face. “If you start telling me how much sugar to put into my pies, you’re out on your butt. Don’t care how cute it is.”

“Come here,” Tom chuckled, snatching hold of Joe’s chin and giving his lips another sweet kiss. “Well, my fillings suggest I’m either not a nutritionist or a real lousy one. Don’t you worry. I’m pretty sure I’m none of those things, and if I were….” He sat back, his expression grave. “I’ll give it all up for you. Whatever man I may have been in the past, if it makes me someone you’d be disappointed in, I’ll stop.”

Joe quickly tucked himself away and sat with his bottom lip between his teeth. Tom sorted himself out before getting to his feet. “Hold that thought.” He quickly went to the bathroom and washed his hands before grabbing a hand towel and running it under the tap. He returned and handed it to Joe, whose cheeks were flushed as he wiped his hands then his stomach. He folded up the small towel and put it to one side before taking his T-shirt and slipping into it. Tom sat beside him, watching him carefully.

“Joe?” Tom got a queasy feeling in his belly and prayed that he hadn’t messed things up. Was Joe regretting what happened? Was he going to ask Tom to leave?

Charlie Cochet's books