Forgive and Forget

“But you don’t know that! Dammit, Joe. You could have pressed them for more information. They must know who I am.” Tom paced, growing more frustrated by the moment.

Joe had messed up. He should have asked the men for Tom’s name. “I’m sorry. Something about them didn’t sit right with me. I was… trying to protect you. It was stupid.” This could have been their opportunity to find out about Tom, who he was. Those men clearly knew something. Joe felt terrible. He pulled out his cell phone and browsed the web. “I’ll find them. They gave me their names. I’ll call them and make something up, pretend I saw you and—”

Tom put his hand on Joe’s and crouched down beside him, his silver eyes filled with remorse. “I’m sorry, Joe. Here you are doing so much for me, and I snap at you. Please forgive me.”

“No, you’re right. We had a chance to find out something about you, and I blew it.” Joe gently pushed Tom away and stood. “I just—excuse me.” He felt like an idiot. He really had been trying to protect Tom. Even if those men were honest detectives looking to help, Joe didn’t trust them. Not that he was the greatest judge of character, but there had been something about them. With a sigh he headed into the living room, intent on locking himself away in his bedroom for a while and calling every precinct until he found those detectives and did something useful for a change.

“Joe, wait.” Tom caught up to him, taking hold of his arm and turning him. “You didn’t blow it. Your gut told you not to trust these guys, and you followed your instinct. You were protecting me, and I appreciate that. This whole thing has me on edge. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I’d never want you to place yourself in a situation you’re not comfortable with for my sake.” He put his hand to Joe’s cheek and Joe leaned into the touch. “Please, forgive me for being such a jackass.”

Joe smiled, his face growing warm at Tom’s proximity. His words got caught in his throat and all he could do was nod. He was captivated by Tom’s smile, by those intense eyes.

And then Tom kissed him.

TOM was lost in Joe’s lips. They were soft and sweeter than any pie Tom was sure the man had ever baked. A low, deep moan escaped Joe, sending Tom’s senses into turmoil. Joe hesitantly wrapped his strong arms around Tom, and it made Tom’s heart thunder in his ears. Joe might be shy, but a fire raged inside him yearning to be stoked, and that only intensified Tom’s desire. He gently pushed Joe, forcing him to move back until the back of his legs hit the sofa and he dropped down onto the cushions. Tom didn’t falter. He straddled Joe and gave his jaw a small, but firm squeeze.

Tom pushed his tongue against those soft lips, demanding entrance to the heavenly heat that waited inside Joe’s mouth. After a brief hesitation on Joe’s part, his lips parted and Tom slipped his tongue inside, a thrilling sense of triumph surging through him when Joe moaned. Tom ground his hips down against Joe’s so he could feel what he did to Tom, but Joe was still holding back, his spine rigid and his muscles taut.

Reluctantly, Tom tore his mouth away, but only to take Joe’s earlobe between his teeth, gently nipping and licking. “Let go, Joe. Just let go. I know this all seems kind of crazy, but I’ve never felt anything remotely like this for anyone before. I know it. In my heart, I know. There’s something about you, and I want to find out what it is. Please let me in.”

Something in Joe seemed to snap, and all at once he was scrambling to get Tom’s shirt off, pulling it over his head and then tossing it to the floor. He looked Tom over, the lust in his eyes threatening to set Tom ablaze.

“My God, look at you.” Joe ran his hands appreciatively over Tom’s torso, from the tight muscles of his abdomen up over his chest to his broad shoulders, leaving Tom trembling. He couldn’t imagine ever wanting anything as badly as he wanted Joe right this moment, and his need was making him desperate to do some touching of his own. He made quick work of relieving Joe of his apron then T-shirt. Tom thought his heart was going to burst when Joe shyly averted his gaze and wrapped an arm around his torso.

“I’m a baker. Bread and pies are kind of my weakness. I stay in shape, but….” He poked his barely there belly and let out a bashful chuckle. Tom gently took Joe’s prodding finger and brought that hand to his lips for a kiss.

He couldn’t admire Joe for long without the man getting restless or embarrassed, but he wished Joe knew how beautiful he was. The man was in great shape, sinewy and well-toned, with skin that was amazingly soft. He wasn’t all hard muscle like Tom, and somehow that made Joe even more irresistible to him. Tom couldn’t explain the feeling, had no idea why certain things came to mind, but touching Joe was… real, honest, and oddly made him feel safe and at home.

Charlie Cochet's books