Fleeting Moments

“Now that’s out of the way,” Johnny says, standing, “what are we going to do about Josh?”

“He’ll be plotting another way to get to us, but for the police to shut down what they’re doing there they need proof of a crime. Right now, it’s just Lucy’s word.”

“They killed people in a stadium!” I cry.

“Yeah, they did. And they arrested the ones who were involved in that, but as for the others, there is no proof they were involved, and they cannot arrest them for being associated with the people who carried out the attack.”

I blink. “But . . . Josh is behind all of that.”

“Yeah, and he’s smart. He claimed that he doesn’t instruct his followers—that they do what they believe is right from their own beliefs. He just guides them. He claims that he had no idea about the attack.”

“But it was widely known the group wanted that land . . .”

“Yes, it was, but there is no direct link to him and that confrontation with the city. Again, they arrested the men who were fighting for the grounds. Josh has kept himself clean, claiming that while God has told him he needs that land, he did not instruct an attack. Unless the cops can find proof against him, they can’t arrest him. The people arrested took full responsibility. He’s not stupid—he has them warped to do his dirty work and believe that they’ll be saved for doing it.”

“That’s so wrong!” I cry. “So wrong. He should be arrested.”

“The law is fucked up, baby,” Heath says. “The only way to shut down what he’s doing there is to have proof of a crime that affects them all, otherwise they’re just believers we can’t touch.”

Angry tears burn under my eyelids. This man is committing crime after crime and getting away with it. “He kidnapped me, does that not count?”

“He did, but if we move to the cops now and tell them that, it could blow everything up before we’re ready and he could make a runner and start somewhere else. We need to be careful about this.”

“They’re raping girls there,” I whisper, swiping the tears away. “I know they are. Underage girls.”

“I know they are. That’s what we were hoping to go with, but we need the right kind of evidence to make sure when he goes down, he can’t get back up. If it’s half assed, he’ll just get away with it and do it again.”

“Have you spoken to the girls?”

He shakes his head. “They can’t speak to those girls without parental supervision even if they have solid grounds to stand on. Right now, they’re only assuming they’re being raped. The police are doing what they can.”

“I can get proof,” I say. “I can get it.”

All eyes turn to me.

“And how do you expect to do that?” Heath says.

I rub my cast. “I’ll go back in.”

“No,” Heath barks.

“Not a good idea,” Blake mutters.

“I say hear her out,” Sheldon carefully adds.

“I’m with Sheldon,” Johnny says, holding Heath’s eyes.

“He knows she’s with me. He’s not going to let her go back in without hurting her,” Heath argues, his fists clenched. “No.”

“He will if he believes she wants to join him,” Sheldon adds.

Heath glares at him. “No fucking way.”

“He’s watching—he’s always watching,” I say softly. “All it’ll take is for him to witness a fight between us and for me to turn up there. It might take a little time, but I think he’ll believe me after a while. I can make him believe me.”

“Even if that’s the case,” Blake says, “how do you think you’re going to prove there are underage girls being raped?”

“I’ll take a video camera, or a voice recorder. I’ll get close to the girls. I’ll get confessions. I’ll get what I need, and then we’ll have proof.”

“No way. It’s too fucking dangerous,” Heath snaps. “Not going to happen.”

“We’ve got no other option right now, bro,” Johnny says. “The cops aren’t going to get close, you’re not going to get close—none of us have any fuckin’ chance of getting close except her.”

“Josh isn’t stupid,” Heath barks. “He’ll know she’s pretending.”

“For a while, he may suspect that but if she plays along he’ll believe her. He thinks he can change anyone.”

“He’s right,” I say, reaching out for Heath’s hand, but he jerks it away. “Heath . . .”

“I’m not risking you. End of fucking story.” He turns and storms into his room.

I sigh and look to the guys. “Let me talk to him.”

“Convince him,” Johnny says, standing and grabbing a packet of smokes from the table. “It’s our only chance.”

I hold his eyes and nod. He returns it.

Then I turn and glance at the bedroom. Here goes nothing.


“Hey,” I say, stepping into the room.

Heath stands by the window, staring out, his arms crossed over his chest, his body tight. I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder, leaning in and pressing my cheek against his back.

“It’s not going to happen, Lucy,” he mumbles.

Bella Jewel's books