Fleeting Moments

“You’ve had a traumatic time.”

“It wasn’t so bad,” I say, sitting up. “I want you. If that’s the only way I can have you then so be it.”

“Lucy,” he warns.

“Heath,” I say, licking my bottom lip as I reach for his jeans.

“Baby, come on . . .”

“No, you come on. Unbutton your pants; I can’t do it.”

“Luc . . .”

“Now, Heath,” I order.

He stands and unbuttons his jeans, letting them drop to the ground. His cock is jutting and ready, and right in line with my mouth as I sit in the tub. “Closer,” I whisper, crooking my finger at him.

He steps closer.

I curl my good hand around the base of him, then bring my mouth to the tip. He hisses as I part my lips and take him inside, teasing the head a little before lowering my mouth down his shaft. His hissing turns into ragged groans as I hollow my cheeks and suck, stroking at the same time. He’s big. My lips burn as they stretch around him, but it feels so damned good to have him in my mouth.

“Fuck, baby. Don’t stop,” he pants, cupping the back of my head.

I suck harder, go deeper. I release his shaft and cup his balls, and he thrusts forward with a groan. He swells in my mouth after another few minutes, and I know he’s going to come even before he growls, “Going to fuckin’ come, baby. Release me.”

No thanks.

I suck harder, and he curses loudly before exploding into my mouth. I take all of him, every single drop, until he starts pulling back. I look up at him as he stares down at me, and I wipe my bottom lip, feeling it swollen beneath my fingertips. “God dammit,” he rasps. “Could you get any better?”

I sincerely hope he always feels that way.

Because I don’t ever want him to leave.


I stare into the faces of five concerned men who are all watching, waiting for me to tell them what happened in there. I suddenly feel nervous and fidget in my seat as I try to think where to start and what information it is they’re seeking.

“They took me after work,” I say carefully. “They took me back to that place and locked me in a room. They figured out Heath was alive because they saw him storming from my house.”

Tank’s hand slaps the table. “I fuckin’ told you she would be the reason you were found out.”

Heath shoots him a look so deadly even I flinch. “Be very fucking careful what you say, Tank.”

“We were so close. We had all the information we needed—we had everything ready and she stepped in. Now that fucker knows you’re alive, and we’re never going to get close enough to get the evidence we require.”

“We’ll get it,” Heath grates out as he looks to me. “Carry on, Lucy.”

My heart pounds and guilt swarms in my veins, but I go on, as requested. “He figured out that you care about me. He said he saw it on your face,” I say softly. “So he decided taking me was the best plan to get you to come out of hiding so he could finish the job he started years ago.”

“He wants to kill you,” Johnny growls.

“He thinks that’s the only way he can be saved and also save your other brothers. He said God spoke to him in a dream and told him that’s what had to happen,” I say, my voice laced with disgust.

“Sick fuck,” Blake mutters.

“So he’s trying to draw you back in.” Sheldon grunts, running a hand through his hair.

“Yes,” I confirm. “He truly delusional.”

“We had him,” Tank growls, glaring at me.

“You know what?” I snap, furious at his hatred for me. “Shut your mouth, Tank.”

The table falls silent.

“What did you say?” Tank hisses.

“I didn’t mean any harm. I had no idea what he was involved in and if I had, I would have never searched for him. I didn’t do it out of selfishness. You look at me, and you don’t see anything but what you want. I’m not a bad person, and I’m sick to death of you making me out to be one because of your problems.”

He stands and leans over the table. Heath launches out of his chair, but I put a hand up.

“Watch it,” Tank snarls, glaring right through me.

“No,” I say, standing and getting in his face. “I love him. I don’t care if you like that or you don’t. I don’t care if you think I should be here or I shouldn’t. I’m here, and there isn’t a single thing you can do about that. If you want to hate me forever, then so be it, but I will not tolerate being abused by you any longer.”

“Atta girl.” Sheldon grins. “Tell him.”

“Back down, Tank,” Heath growls, taking my shoulder and pulling me back.

Tank jerks his eyes away from me, then looks to Heath. Then, he turns and storms out of the room.

My heart is racing by the time I turn and face Heath. “I’m sorry,” I say, my voice shaking. “I didn’t mean to cause any problems.”

“I know that,” he says gently, stroking a thumb over my cheek. “He deserved that.”

Bella Jewel's books