Fleeting Moments

I look up at him.

“She’s got nothing because you did nothing. Let her act like a crazy person if it makes her feel better.”

I stare at my hands. “I don’t want him to get hurt. Regardless of everything, I don’t want to see him suffer. I need to go and talk to him, without her.”

Heath’s jaw tics, but he nods. “If that’s what you need to do.”

“I do,” I say, reaching up and cupping his jaw. “I’ll call you later.”

His eyes close for a second, and he mutters, “I’ve never been the jealous type, but fuck, I hate you seeing him.”

My heart flutters. “You’re jealous?”

“Don’t smile at me,” he growls.

I smile big. Then I reach up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “Oh, I need a ride.”

He grunts, but lets me go and reluctantly gets his keys.

“Later, guys.” I wave as we rush out the front door.

Heath is jealous.

Why does that feel so good?


I arrive at Heather’s half an hour later, after stopping home and getting some fresh clothes on and collecting my car from my parent’s house. I exhale in relief when I see her car isn’t there; I just hope wherever she is, he isn’t with her. I need to talk to him alone, and if I have to demand that before proceeding further with the settlement, I will. I reach the front door and knock, sucking back any nerves and putting on a confident face.

The door opens a few minutes later, and Gerard appears, his hair messy, shirtless, and for a moment my heart aches. It aches because we didn’t go where I thought we’d go; it aches because part of me doesn’t want it to anymore; and it aches because he’s a good person, and I hate that it ever had to come to this. Our eyes meet, and I can see he’s tired. That hurts me. He doesn’t deserve to be struggling over this. Heather isn’t helping him, and I hope he comes to realize that soon.

“Are you seeing someone else?” he says, his voice icy yet exhausted.

Okay, I see he’s spoken to Heather already.

“Can we talk?” I sigh. “Please Gerard. This is getting out of control and I’m tired of it. We need to have a conversation without that woman around.”

“That woman is my sister, and she cares about me.”

“Yeah,” I growl. “Well believe it or not, so do I. We can either do this civilly or I’m going to put a hold on the proceedings until we can sit down and discuss it. It’s up to you.”

He studies me for a moment, then with a clenched jaw, he sighs. “I’ll get changed. Have you had breakfast?”


“We’ll go out. Heather is busy this morning.”

Thank god. “I’ll wait out here.”

Ten minutes later, he steps out in a fresh pullover and a pair of jeans. Once, I’d thought his elegant, casual look was all I wanted, but now I’ve seen the rugged side to a male, I’m not so sure. We awkwardly get into my car, and I drive down to a café a few blocks down. We find a seat and for a few moments, we both just sit, looking at anything but each other.

“Are you seeing someone else?”

I don’t want to lie to him, but at the same time, there’s only so much information I can give.

“I have spent time with a man, yes,” I say, telling the truth.

“Before we split?”

I shake my head, a little sadly. He should know me better than that. “No, Gerard. Not before we split. Whatever Heather told you was a lie. I wouldn’t do that, and you know it.”

He runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what I believe anymore.”

“Well, you can believe that because it’s the truth. I was never unfaithful.”

“That seems hard to believe when you moved on so quickly.”

I take a calming breath as I try to find a way to explain this without lying . . . too much. “He’s a friend.”

“Then why did Heather see you leaving your parents’ house with him last night, holding hands?”

“We are just friends; I don’t need to give you more of an explanation.”

“I beg to differ,” he snaps.

I close my eyes for a second. “Come on, Gerard. We’re better than this. Can’t we just . . . try? You loved me once. I loved you. We got along. Why can’t we just attempt to do this properly?”

“You loved me so much you moved on in a matter of weeks.”

I say nothing, because he’s right, and I have to accept that one.

“I don’t want this to be messy,” I say, changing the subject.

“I didn’t either, but I want a full investigation before anything proceeds. Infidelity will change everything.”

He can’t be serious. “I didn’t cheat on you,” I try to say it calmly, but my voice comes out clipped.

“How come you suddenly got pregnant?”

Oh my god. No. Not that. Anything but that.

“I don’t know how you expect me to explain that. It was lucky, but it was yours.”

“We tried to for so long, with not even a glimpse of a baby, then suddenly you’re pregnant.”

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

“That baby was yours,” I bite out.

Bella Jewel's books