Fleeting Moments

“No,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “I’m staying with you.”

God dammit, this man just keeps getting better and better.

There is just no way I’m not falling in love with him.

And that scares the hell out of me.


I sit, curled on an old chair, staring out at the rising sun. I snuck out of Heath’s room this morning when I couldn’t sleep. He was out to it, so I didn’t want to wake him. I managed to find coffee amongst the mess of a kitchen, and quietly let myself out onto the porch to watch the sun come up. I’m quiet in my own thoughts, for the first time in weeks. It’s peaceful out here—calm and unhurried. It feels good not to think for a few seconds.


I flinch and look over to see Johnny coming out, coffee in hand. I don’t know if he’s here to give me a hard time, but if he is, I don’t think I’m ready for it. “Look, I know you don’t like me but please . . . I don’t want a lecture this morning.”

He studies me. “I was just going to say you’re in my chair.”

“Oh,” I say softly and go to get up.

“No, stay,” he murmurs, disappearing inside and coming out with another one.

He puts it down about a few feet away from mine, and for a few minutes, we sit in silence. I glance at him a few times, because if it weren’t for his haircut, I’d swear Heath was sitting beside me.

“I’m sorry you experienced what you did,” he says, staring out at the sunrise. “I didn’t give you a fair go. That wasn’t fair, considering what you’ve been through.”

I shrug. “It’s fine.”

He turns to study me. “No, it isn’t. Heath told me what happened out there.”

I swallow and look down at my mug. “Well, there isn’t a great deal I can do but learn to live with it. I guess the only good thing that came out of it is that I met Heath.”

“He says you were married at the time.”

“I was,” I admit. “I still am, but we’re separated.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not,” I say in a small voice. “I think life has a path for all of us, and I think it put Heath in mine for a reason.”

Johnny studies me, his eyes scanning my face. “Maybe.”


He doesn’t seem convinced.

“I’m sorry I caused problems for him. I didn’t realize he was in so deep.”

“Not entirely your fault,” he says, sipping his coffee.

“No, but I could have gotten him hurt, or any of you . . . That was never my intention.”

“I know. I can see that now.”

I nod and turn to staring back at the red and yellow colors streaking the sky.

“How much has he told you?”

“Not much,” I admit. “I understand, though. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

“Just know this is extremely personal for him. Keep that in mind, no matter what happens. You just need to know it’s his life.”

His life. What could have happened to make this such a big deal for him that it became his life?

“Can I ask you something?” I ask, my voice hesitant.

“That depends on what it is.”

I shift and turn, tucking my leg beneath me and facing him. “Is he in a lot of danger?”

Johnny’s eyes dart to the left for a split second, and he takes a few minutes before he answers. For a moment, I don’t think he will, and the idea of that scares me more than knowing the answer, because if he doesn’t answer, that means he knows what kind of danger Heath is in. My heart pounds harder and harder as I watch him, begging for him to open his mouth and say the one word I want to hear—no.

He finally sighs and looks me in the eye. I’m fairly sure I’m going to stop breathing. “If he finds out, then it is pretty serious.”

“Who is he?”

He opens his mouth to answer but Tank walks outside, shirtless and terrifying. His eyes slice to mine and then to Johnny’s, and he growls, “Heath is looking for her.”


Not Lucy. Her.

He hates me, and I don’t understand it. He might have his reservations about me, but this outright hate I just don’t get it. What the hell have I done to deserve it?

“Right,” Johnny says, standing.

I stand too, but my knees shake a little as I move past Tank. He terrifies me; he’s so incredibly dark. It radiates from his soul. Maybe he’s just damaged and it’s coming off wrong, but the man has the power to scare anyone with just one look. I only let out my breath when I’m inside the warehouse. Talk about a testosterone-filled space. Blake and Sheldon stand at the kitchen counter, each wearing only a pair of boxers.

My cheeks turn pink and my eyes find Heath, who is on the other side of the counter, studying me, a hungry look in his eyes as they drag down my body. I wrap my arms around myself, meeting his gaze. I’m wearing my jeans and tank, but suddenly I feel very exposed. I shift nervously and glance at the other two men, who are grinning. Big, wolfish grins.

Bella Jewel's books