Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

How do I explain that I can’t get close to him only to lose him again?

“…Tatyana sneaks in his bed at night.” Mason, the fighter currently on my table, face up, grimaces while I work a tight muscle in his arm. “We don’t mind, but I think Felix was excited about finally having his own space.”

Every time he gets a chance to talk about his two adopted kids, he does. His face even lights up when he tells stories about how they misbehave, which is beautiful to witness.

I move up his bicep to his shoulder. “She’s probably so used to her brother being there it’ll take some time for her to feel safe without him. Eventually, I’m sure she’ll grow out of it.”

“Part of me hopes she doesn’t.” He hisses as I rub deep into a knot. “I like that they’re so close.”

He falls silent as I work the kinks from his muscles, having to occasionally remind him to breathe. When I sense the he’s nice and loose, I check the time. “That muscle in your shoulder took longer than I thought.” I move to the sink and wipe my hands on a clean towel.

“Mmm…feels one hundred percent better. Thank you.”

I get so much satisfaction from knowing I’m able to help these guys out. They put their bodies through all kinds of torture during training, and it’s nice to feel needed.

I shrug, turn around, and smile. “Just doing my job.”

He sits up, and I fight the urge to laugh at his hair, which is sticking out all over. I contemplate sending him behind the shoji screen to get changed as I did with all my clients yesterday to avoid seeing Killian, but I could use a little break from being holed up in this room.

“I’ll step out while you get dressed.”

He nods, his face still a little groggy.

Stepping out, I close the door quietly and blink while my eyes focus to the bright light of the training center. I jerk in surprise when I see Killian standing there in nothing but a pair of workout shorts and flip-flops.

I stare wide-eyed at his impressive build and remember the way each muscle felt against my body. I shake off the ghost of lust that rushes through me. “What are you doing?”

He tilts his head, and the corner of his mouth lifts. “I’m here for a massage.”

“No.” I step back, shaking my head. “You can’t. I mean… I can’t. We…” I clear my throat and square my shoulders. “I’m booked. Sorry.”

With powerful hands propped on his hips, he stares straight through me. “You had a cancellation.”

“Says who?”


“I don’t believe you.”

“Ask her. Your four o’clock cancelled.”

Shit. I rub my forehead and snap my eyes to him when he moves in.

He closes the distance between us and scowls down at me. “You think you can ignore me and I’ll give up; you’re wrong.”

I swallow and open my mouth to protest, but nothing comes out, so I slam it shut and swallow again.

Get it together, Axelle! You massage fighters all day; this one is no different.

My subconscious screams that he’s so different, but I ignore it.

“Fine.” I check my wristwatch. “You’ve got an hour.”

His confident smirk turns too sexy for comfort. “That’s plenty of time, Ax.”

The door opens behind us, and Killian steps away, giving back my air. I suck in a deep breath, as if entering the room with Killian will be the equivalent of ducking my head under water.

“Killer, man.” Mason and Killian share a man hug. “You’re blowing up the UK scene.”

“Cameron sends me across the pond to kick ass; I’m gonna kick some ass.”

Cocky much?

He slaps Killian on the back. “Nice to see your training team worked the modesty out of you. The press will eat that up.”

Killian’s eyes find mine, and whatever he sees makes him lose some of his bravado. “Yeah, well…it’s all about the show, ya know?”

Mason stares at him for a few silent seconds before nodding. “You’re makin’ us proud. Looking forward to the big announcement tomorrow. As much as I hope you’ll be here in Vegas, I think it would be stupid for you to leave London at the height of your game.”

“Can’t argue that.” Killian’s gaze drops to the floor, and a hint of my old friend is reflected in his frown.

He ping-pongs from the old Killian to the new as if he’s fighting who he used to be, and that pisses me right off.

“As much fun as this little convo is…” I tap my watch. “We’re eating into Killian’s massage time.” I hold my hands up. “Not that I mind. If you guys want to continue, I’ll go get an iced tea or something.” I lift a brow at Killian and he smiles.

“No way.” Mason throws an arm over me. “You don’t want to miss even a second of this girl’s hands. She’s incredible.”

“Oh, I know she is.” He winks.

Really, Killian? Who are you?

I duck out of Mason’s hold and slip into the room, ripping the sheets off the table and replacing them with fresh ones. The door shuts and locks behind me. I rein in my reaction while every nerve in my body is aware we’re alone together in a dimly lit room.