Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

Honesty is something I know very little about, and the mention of it triggers a flicker of panic. “Promise?”

He pulls my chin, his eyes scarily serious. “I promise to give you everything; in all things, you’ll always come first.” He takes my hand resting on his chest and makes an X over his heart with my finger and kisses my knuckles. “Cross my heart.”

I melt deeper into him, and to avoid bursting into tears at the meaning behind his confession, I focus on the screen. Two young boys, brothers I think, are on a boat on their way to get eaten by dinosaurs.

“You’d think they’d have learned their lesson from the first three movies,” he mumbles, settling in as his hand holds mine to his chest.

“Right? But then we wouldn’t get to watch Chris Pratt in a tight shirt, chasing dinosaurs.”

He gasps and rolls on top of me. “What did I say about lusting over other men while in my bed?”

I chew my lip and pretend to remember. “Hmm… I’m pretty sure you said it was encouraged.”

He buries his face in my neck. “You’re a horrible listener.”

The heat of his breath sends goose bumps down my arms.

“And you’re a jealous boyfriend.”

He nuzzles against me and moans. “Fuck yeah, I am.” He nips at my skin. “And don’t you forget it.” He drops his weight between my legs and kisses my throat tenderly, his lips barely a ghost against my skin.

I run my fingers through his hair, holding him to my neck in a firm request.

He chuckles. “You like that, huh?”

I moan and arch my back. The sheet falls below my breasts, and they meet the firm warm planes of his pecs. “Don’t stop.”

“Thought you wanted to watch Chris What’s-his-name?” He smiles against my ear before kissing a path down between my breasts.


Another deep chuckle vibrates against my skin. How is it that the simplest things he does can be so sensual?

He continues his path downward, kissing, nipping, and licking my skin until he settles between my legs.

I’m pretty sure Chris Pratt saves thousands of tourists from being annihilated by dinosaurs, but lost in Killian, I don’t watch a single second of it.



I’m a creepy bastard.

I know I am, and yet, I can’t stop staring at her.

I’ve woken up every couple of hours throughout the night to feel her naked and pressed to me, and each time I was compelled to watch her—just to stare at her face, lips parted, dark lashes fanned against her creamy skin, and all that hair tossed around her face from hours of love-making. She’s beautiful.

I always thought if I were lucky enough to get Axelle naked and in my bed I’d spend all night staring at her gorgeous body, and I’m not gonna lie. I did that too. But the most captivating part of her, which surprised even me, is how her expression softens in sleep. It makes me realize just how much worry she must carry around every day. Like she’s tiptoeing through each day with the fear that one wrong step will have devastating repercussions.

The thought makes my chest ache.

“How long have you been staring at me?”

I rip my gaze from the curve of Axelle’s hip to meet her sparkling blue eyes still swollen from sleep. “You want the truth?”

She reaches forward and puts and X over my heart with the lightest brush of her fingertip. “I only want what you promised.”

I shrug one shoulder and hold off the heat I feel rising in my cheeks. “Off and on for most of the night.”

“Huh.” Her brows drop low.

“You think I’m creepy.”

“No, it’s just…we must’ve been on opposite shifts then because I’ve been up staring at you off and on for most of the night.”

A slow grin pulls at my lips. “No kidding?”

Her hand slips into my hair just above my ear, and her thumb brushes my forehead. “You look so much younger when you sleep.”

I grimace. “That’s not good. Are you sure you don’t mean I look so much studlier when I sleep?”

She pushes up and rolls on top of me, straddling my hips. “Definitely studlier.”

I run both my hands from her hips, brushing the sides of her breasts then settling on her shoulders. “We should eat.”

“We just woke up.”

“It’s ten o’clock.”

Her jaw drops open, and her eyes dart to the clock on the cable box. “Holy shit!”

I push up and over to flip her back to the bed. “I’ll cook.”

With a kiss to her lips, I snag my sweatpants and head to the kitchen to throw together some breakfast. “Eggs and toast okay?”

There’s a rustling of sheets, and I turn to see her snuggled deep into the comforter with her eyes on me. “Yes, are you sure I can’t help?”

I prop my arm on the top of the fridge door. “Depends. You gonna stay naked if you help?”

She grins. “Probably not.”

“Then no.” I pull a carton of eggs, whole-grain bread, and butter from the fridge and get to making breakfast. “You should check your phone. I thought I heard it early this morning.”