Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

Feeling eyes on me, I grip the bag to keep it still and turn to find Blake glaring. Shit. Does he know about Axelle?

I wipe sweat from my eyes with my forearm, which proves pointless because my forearm is just as sweaty. “Blake? What’s up?”

He takes a couple of steps toward me, and it’s all I can do to not double-step back to keep distance between us. I give myself a mental high-five for standing my ground when he stops just a foot or so before me. “What. In the motherfuck. Is wrong with you?”

“I…” have no idea what that could possibly mean. If he found out I’m in love with his daughter, would he ask me this in response? Probably not. “Don’t know?”

“You don’t know.” He lifts his eyebrows as if that’s a question, and I’m completely lost on how to answer.

My eyes wander around as if they’re desperately seeking guidance or possibly another fighter just in case whatever is simmering below Blake’s surface explodes all over me. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Do something wrong?” He drops his gaze and shakes his head before he pins me with a glare. “You sure fucking did.” He tilts his head, those arms crossing at his chest and emphasizing his size. “Explain to me why you’re not going to be on a plane to motherfucking London with Rex day after tomorrow.”

I exhale long and hard and run a hand through my hair, which is so damp with sweat it sticks out on all ends. “I know it seems like I’m passing up something huge, but—”

“Nope.” He frowns. “It doesn’t seem like you’re passing up something huge. You are.”

“Okay, I’m passing up something huge, but I have a plan, and in order to see that plan play out, I have to stay in Vegas and finish school.”

His eyes widen as if I just told him chickens fly out of my ass. “One year, Killer. No one’s asking you to change the course of your life; it’s one fucking year.”

“I realize that, but it’s an important year.”

His eyes narrow. “Important how?”

I’m in love with your daughter, and she’s finally given me a chance. There’s no way in hell now that I finally got her I’m going to leave her for a year!

I rip my gloves off and sigh. “Listen. You’ll understand soon enough, okay? But please, for now, just trust that I’m making the best possible decision.”

“I don’t get it. I thought MMA was your life. You’re walking away from a chance at making all your dreams a reality and quickly. You stay here; it could take years to get a fight.”

“I’m willing to wait.” For Axelle, I’d wait forever.

He blows out an exasperated breath. “Well, fuck.” He shrugs. “I hope you know what you’re doing, man.”

The disappointment in his voice cramps my insides. These guys are my role models, and their approval means everything to me. Surely when Axelle and I tell him that we’re together and in a committed relationship, he’ll understand why I didn’t leave. He may disagree with it, but he’ll have to respect the fact that I love his daughter enough to put my entire future on hold to be near her.

And he’ll know I’ll do whatever it takes to make a good life for us.


I left the training center a little early to hit the grocery store and grab stuff for the weekend. I got Axelle to agree to spend the weekend with me, and there’s no way we’ll be leaving the bed.

If I have my way, she’ll be in my arms for forty-eight straight hours. We’ll have to take breaks to eat, but showering will definitely be a joint experience.

Just imagining her wet and wanting in my shower has me readjusting in my sweats. Last thing I need is to welcome her with a raging hard-on.

I stack the few movies I rented neatly on my nightstand and check the top drawer and make sure the condoms I bought are available for easy access. Once I’m convinced everything is in place, I fall back on my bed and try to relax. I contemplate calling her to find out how close she is, but decide not to add pathetically desperate to her list of reasons why she shouldn’t be with me. Right above nerd and below socially awkward.

By the time she finally knocks, I jump off the bed with so much force I hit the wall. Calm down. Breathe. I make myself walk at a controlled speed to the front door. When I open it, I’m struck right between the pecs by the most brilliant smile I’ve ever seen on her.

“Hi.” It’s such a benign word, but the way she says it, the flash of lust in her eyes, makes me dizzy.

“Hey.” We stare at each other, and my eyes rake over her short tee that shows off a healthy section of her slender belly. Her stylish gray sweatpants hang low on her hips and are rolled at the bottom, and she’s wearing flip-flops with bright red toenail polish tipping her gorgeous feet. “You look hot.”

She laughs, but sobers quickly as her gaze zeroes in on my sweatpants. “So do you.”