Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

I hold him to me with my arm around his lower back, the dips of his muscles and the memory of them flexing as he made love to me last night sending an army of butterflies loose in my stomach. “She’s fine, just a little hung over from last night.”

“Too bad.” He squeezes me. “I’m going to grab a sandwich.” He kisses the top of my head. “You want anything?”

“No, I’m good.” I release him and take my seat.

He peers down at me, those gorgeous eyes flashing with concern. “You feeling okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

He tilts his head. “Did you eat breakfast?”

“I had a piece of toast, Killian. I’m fine.” As much as I love that he cares, his concern is often overdone and pointless.

“It’s after twelve. You need more calories or your body is going to cannibalize itself. It’ll eat any muscle you have and—”

“Stop.” I hold my hand up. “I’ve heard the speech before. My stomach’s been off for the last few days, and it’s messing with my appetite.” I shrug. “As soon as it comes back, I’ll eat.”

He doesn’t look convinced, but thankfully lets me off the hook. “Mindy? How ’bout a Gatorade?”

Her eyes continue to move between Killian and me.

He grins, like me, interpreting her silence for shock. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He heads toward the café, and I enjoy the view of his muscled backside as it moves beneath his shorts. I’ve checked his body out before when we were just friends, but it always made me feel dirty to do so. Now I stare unabashedly because I have every right to gawk at my handsome boyfriend.


That’s what he is, I think.

We never officially discussed it, but a confession of love from both parties I think is self-explanatory. I make a mental note to bring it up later when we’re alone. That is, if we can keep our mouths off each other long enough to talk.

“You and Killian.” The sound of Mindy whispering calls my eyes to her. She’s shaking her head slowly. “I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.”

“Yeah.” I try to force some maturity into my voice rather than squealing like a teenager at a Bieber concert.

She swivels her body toward me and leans in. “He porno-kissed you in front of the entire school.”

I cringe. “Porno kiss?”

“Hell, yeah, it made me horny just watching, and I’m fighting puking, so that’s saying a lot.”

She’s not the only one. Killian’s lips are smooth and strong, and the guy knows how to use them. Every time he kisses me it’s like he’s making love to my mouth.

“I don’t judge, you know that, but has this been going on for a while?”

“No, we’ve been best friends for years, but our first kiss was last night. I think on some level I’ve always loved him, and it seems he feels the same.”

She slumps back in her seat and smiles. “I’m so jealous. But lucky for you, I love you, so I’m happier for you guys than I am jealous.”

I laugh. “Thank you… I think?”

“You guys make a great couple, and the chemistry…” She fans herself with her hand. “I foresee some epic sex sessions in your future.”

A lemon-lime Gatorade is placed on the table between us, and mortification stiffens my spine.

“I hope you told her about us and that Mindy’s not foreseeing you having epic sex sessions with someone else.” Killian’s voice is laced with humor, but the edge in it reminds me of the times I’ve seen his protective temper flare.

I peer up at him and he scowls as he hands me a granola bar. “Give it a shot, yeah?”

I take it and nibble on the tasteless bark to make him happy. “Mindy was just commenting on our ‘porno kiss.’”

He unwraps his sandwich. “What does that mean exactly?”

“It means”—Mindy wrestles with opening the Gatorade until Killian pulls it from her hands and easily cracks the lid before handing it back to her—“that you guys almost risked turning the UNLV quad into an orgy with the heat coming off that kiss, that’s what!” She throws back a healthy gulp of the yellow fluid and smacks her lips.

He winks at me. “Can’t argue that.”

My stomach tumbles, and I’m suddenly desperate to get Killian alone where we can enjoy each other in a more comfortable environment, like his bed.

Preferably naked.

Although the way his T-shirt is stretched taut against his biceps I’d be willing to make an exception and allow him to keep the shirt on.

He leans over and places a soft kiss on my cheek then moves his lips to my ear. “If you want me to be able to get up and walk away from this table without embarrassing myself, you’ll stop fucking me with those eyes.” He nips at my ear.

The combination of his hot breath, his hot words, and the hot as hell way he bit me, flushes my cheeks.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

“You guys make me sick.” Mindy grabs her backpack, and with all the grace of someone who very well could still be drunk, pulls it on and pushes herself to stand. “I’m skipping a class to go home and sleep this off.”

“You okay to drive?” The concern in Killian’s voice for my roommate makes me fall a little deeper.