Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

“Nope. I’m a good healer. I think it’s okay.” Something pulls my attention, and I look over to see Killian headed into the café.

He unknowingly snags the eyes of practically every girl he passes. Even the guys he passes seem to puff out their chests in a silent defense of their manhood. And honestly who could blame them? He’s tall, wears clothes that fit him too well, and his body is sculpted to perfection, but that’s not even his most attractive quality. It’s his humility. He has absolutely zero idea of the effect he has on people.

“You hungry, babe?” Clifford’s voice calls me away from watching my friend in all his gloriousness.

“Yeah, do you have time to grab a bite?”

He checks his phone. “No, but I’ll walk you down there before I head to class.”

I pick up my backpack off the grass, and he throws his arm over my shoulder, making me melt into him.

God, I’m the worst girlfriend…er…hookup girl ever. In the time I’ve been with him, I’ve been thinking of two other guys. Clifford is far from ugly. His light brown hair is skillfully cut in an emo shag, He’s slender, not super skinny, but his muscles are longer. Lean. Not like Kill’s bulging physique. He’s tall, close to six feet, and he dresses like he belongs in a band: small shirts, tight jeans, spiked belt and a wallet attached to a chain.

We head into the café, and even over the crowd, Killian’s gaze immediately tangles with mine. He flashes a small smile that dissolves the second Clifford spots him.

“Killian, what’s up, man?” Clifford pulls me closer to his side.

Kill’s eyes dart between us and then settle on him. “Nothing much. You guys grabbing lunch?”

“I am. Clifford has to go to class.”

Killian’s eyes stay on me.

“I have class all the way across campus, so I better go.”

I rip my gaze from Killian and peer up at Clifford. “Okay, you sure you don’t want to grab a coffee or something for the road?”

The side of his mouth lifts and he leans in close. “Oh, yeah, I’ll definitely be taking something for the road.”

Before I have a chance to turn away, his tongue is in my mouth, flicking like a snake against my piercing. I pull my head back, but he locks me to him with his forearm at the back of my neck. I squeeze my eyes closed and consider taking this stupid thing out if it continues to bring on Clifford’s probing kiss every time I open my mouth.

He finally pulls away and again he’s breathless. Huh…why don’t his kisses do the same for me? I don’t feel anything. Hell, I may as well be watching Cars for the six millionth time with my brother as it has the same dulling effect.

I pretend to swipe at the messed-up lip gloss I’m not wearing, when really I’m clearing the wetness of his mouth from my upper lip. “Okay, well, I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

He nods to Killian, and for some stupid reason, I can’t even look at my friend because I’m terrified to face the disappointment I know I’ll see in his expression.

“Yeah, tonight.” He squeezes my ass, and I resist the urge to glare. “You’re coming over, right?”

“Yes.” Most likely to watch him play X-box, but it’s better than being alone.

“Later.” He spins on his black Converse high top and is gone.

“I’m sorry about that,” I whisper and reach into my backpack to fish out some money. “I told him I’m not into PDA, but he’s not a very good listener.” I laugh uncomfortably and fumble with a few dollars, still avoiding Killian’s eyes. “It’s awkward and I don’t know…” Why isn’t he talking? Did he walk away and I’ve been here talking to myself?

I risk a glance and immediately regret it. His dark eyebrows are set low, and he’s gripping a water bottle so tight the thin plastic caves beneath the pads of his fingers.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

I don’t even know why, but it had to be said.

He blinks a few times and then sucks in a shaky breath. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

I don’t. But then…why do I feel like I do? I’d hate to see Killian kissing his girlfriend, if he ever had one. I mean I wouldn’t hate it, but it’s always awkward seeing people make out.

I lick my lips and shift on my feet, vacillating between doing the moonwalk or giving myself a wedgie just to erase the unease in his eyes.

“You getting something to eat?” He nods to the money in my hand.


“I’ll grab a table.” He moves past me without waiting for my answer.

Not that I would’ve said no. And he knows my schedule well enough to know I have thirty minutes before my next class.

I grab a premade turkey sandwich and a grape Powerade Zero then meet Killian outside where he’s sitting at a table that’s half shade half sun. I grin and shuffle over to him, dropping my stuff on the table just as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

He chews then motions to the other chair. “If you sit there, you’ll get both.”

I gauge the sun and shade then agree and move my things to the chair closest to him. “You think I’m weird that I like to sit half in the sun, don’t you?”

He takes a pull off his water bottle. “You’ve always been like that.”