Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

“So, are we going out for Valentine’s Day or what?” Theo asks the brunette who’s been staring at him adoringly.

“Depends.” She flips her hair in that way girls do. “Are you going to actually take me out, or is this like the last date you took me on where we hung out on your couch?”

Whatever good mood I’d managed to find fizzles at the mention of Valentine’s Day. It’s been a bummer holiday since the night Axelle’s dad reappeared in her life only to crush her to pieces.

After that, we’ve always spent the holiday together. It’s never romantic. We pass the time by going to the movies, grabbing something to eat, or these last two years we’ve spent watching Jack so Blake could take Layla out. It’s not their favorite holiday either, and between the four of us, we’re like the Cupid Killing Squad, all trying desperately to normalize a day that has left us with memories that are far from pleasant.

“…come with us, Killian.”

I shake my thoughts at the sound of the redhead saying my name. “Yeah?”

“Oh yay! It’s settled then.” She motions to Ry and Theo. “The three of us, so it’ll be, what, a triple date!”

Oh shit. “Wait, for Valentine’s Day? I can’t—”

Ryder slaps me on the shoulder. “Of course he can.”

I glare at him and he manages to smile wickedly. Fuckface.

“Great!” The redhead scribbles something on a piece of paper and rips it off, handing it to me. “Here’s my phone number.”

Ryder snags the paper from her since I make zero attempt to take it. I am not taking this girl out for Valentine’s Day.

She stands up and her friend follows her lead. “We have to go, but keep in touch and we’ll work out the details.” She flashes another sweet smile and then walks off with a confident sway in her hips.

Theo jumps up too. “Hillary, wait up.” He chases after the brunette.

I swivel around to glare at Ry. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Helping you to move on.” He chuckles and takes a swig of Red Bull. “It’s one night, bro.” He tosses me the scrap of paper.

I take it and look at the girly swirl numbers of her phone number. “I don’t even know her name.”

“Really? You guys had a class together.” He shakes his head. “Her name is Brynn. For a genius, you’re really fucking stupid.”

“Look. I’m not going.” I toss the scrap of paper back at him.

Ryder’s eyebrows pop above his sunglasses. “You got something better to do?”

He knows Axelle and I spend Valentine’s Day together every year, so I don’t answer.

He leans in. “Don’t worry, Kill. Something tells me her plans are already made anyway, and…” He nods to a spot just over my shoulder. “My guess is they don’t include you.”

I spin around, and all the air is sucked from my lungs. Axelle’s across the way and sandwiched between a tree trunk and Clifford. His head is tilted and his tongue’s down her throat. I cringe but can’t look away.

“You sure you want to give everything up for her, man? ’Cause from where I’m sitting I don’t think you’re even on her radar.”

Clifford gropes her body, his hands sliding around her waist to grab two fistfuls of her ass. I rip my gaze away and stare blindly at the café.

“Axelle’s a cool chick. Seriously, I wish things were different. But it’s time you start seeing things that’re right in front of your face.”

Fuck. I push up from the table, ignoring him. “I’m getting some lunch. See ya later.”



Clifford didn’t wait the two weeks I was supposed to abstain from kissing. He swore he couldn’t help himself. It’s to the point now where I hardly get two words out before he attacks my mouth. I thought this was the reaction I wanted, but now I’m not so sure.

He tastes like cigarettes and coffee, and as gross as that should be, it’s not. My first kiss was a rocker kid who was three years older than me. I was thirteen, but in his defense, I looked a lot older. Despite his rough exterior, he was really tender, and his mouth tasted like an ashtray. For me, he set the standard for every kiss that followed.

And other than the smoky taste, Clifford’s have yet to meet the expectation.

I mean the fact that I’m even thinking about that first kiss while Clifford’s tongue flicks at my barbell is proof positive his kiss is less than earth-shattering.

I press my palms against his chest until he breaks away. He’s breathing heavy and his eyes roar with lust. “What…what’s wrong?”

Sidestepping to get out from between him and the tree at my back, I tuck hair behind my ear and grin. “You know how I feel about PDA.”

With one arm, he braces his weight on the trunk, tilting his head to study me. “That piercing makes me crazy.”

My cheeks heat and my heart flutters at his approval. “I can tell.”

“Can’t keep my hands off you.” He chuckles. “Hope I didn’t fuck up the healing process.”