Fighting Fate (Fighting #7)

“I gotta run. Cam’s waiting for me.”

“Oh, okay. Then sure, just storm on through. I’d keep your head down though, ya know, just in case they’re going at it in the kitchen.”

I cross to her door and tug her ponytail as I pass. “Talk to you later.”

“Wait.” She blinks and swallows before setting those piercing blue eyes on me. “Thanks for helping me out last night. I mean I’m sure I would’ve been fine, but—”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m always here if you need me.” I motion to the door. “I really need to go.”

“Yes, go.” She plucks the shirt she’s wearing with her fingers. “I’ll wash this and get it back to you on Monday.”

“No hurry. See ya.” I head from her room, keeping my eyes to the floor, and it’s a good thing I do because, when I pass Mindy’s room, her door is wide open, and I’m assaulted by the hushed whispers of a very heated good-bye.



I knock twice on Cameron’s door and wait for him to give me permission to enter. It’s cracked, but without Eve or Layla here to let me in, I don’t dare presume by barging in.

“Yeah, come on in.”

I push inside to find him sitting at his desk, his eyes pinned to a computer screen. His huge hands dwarf the keyboard as he types using his pointer fingers. “If I’m interrupting, I can come back.”

He hits me with the full force of his scowl. When I first started working at the UFL, I’d nearly piss myself every time he looked at me, but now I understand that’s just his resting scary-badass-do-not-fuck-with-me face. “Sit.”

I take the single seat opposite him, and his chair moans in protest as he leans back. “I have an opportunity I’d like to discuss with you. You know Caleb’s training over in England?”

“Yeah.” He’s turning out some kickass fighters and making a name for not only himself but for the UFL.

“We’ve been talking, and I think it’s time you get some fights under your belt.”

My pulse jacks up, and I try hard not to grin like a moron.

“How would you feel about a year overseas?”

“Overseas? You’re sending me to England?”

“I’d like to, yeah. Hugo Webb is ready. I’d like to promote a UK-versus-USA fight. You go, take a few months to train with Caleb, promote. Opportunity of a lifetime for a new fighter, Kill. We could line up a few fights in a year’s time. You’d be stupid not to jump on it.”

“How is it UK versus USA if I’m training in England?”

“Caleb’s always been USA. He’ll be your main trainer. Makes more sense to keep you there with him rather than fly you back and forth every four months.”

“Three fights in a year?”

“Big-ticket fights.”

It’s everything I always wanted, just…not exactly where I wanted. I blink, trying to absorb the offer when my mind screams one name.


“But, what about school? I’m on an academic scholarship and—”

“It’s only a year. This semester just started. You drop your classes, get over there, and when you get back, you can pick up where you left off. As far as your scholarship goes, if they can’t put it on hold for a year, I can guarantee you’ll make enough money fighting for a year to pay for eight years in college.”

I run a hand through my hair and wish I could put myself into a headlock for even contemplating saying no. This is all I’ve ever dreamed of; fighting for the UFL in any capacity is more than I could ever ask for.

“So…?” He leans forward, resting his forearms on the desk. “What do you think?”

“Oh, uh…can I think about it?” I’m a fucktard!

His narrow glare becomes impossibly narrower, and I cringe when I see a flash of disappointment in his expression. “Make it quick. If you’re not going, I’ve got a line of guys who will.” He turns back to his computer, dismissing me.

“Cam, this is a great opportunity. Thanks, ya know, for believing in me. I’ll let you know in—”

“Get yourself a passport and pull your head outta your ass so I can put you on a fucking plane to England. I need an answer in a few weeks, tops.” His disappointment is suffocating.

“I got it. Thank you.” It’s all I can say before I stand to leave, and even as I walk out of his office and to my Jeep, all I’m thinking is there’s no way in hell I’m leaving Axelle for a year. No. Way.

I’ll have to find a different route to achieve my goals, stay local, bide my time, and stick to my plan.



Call me when we’re cleared to put that piercing to use.

I can’t stop staring at the last text Clifford sent me. Even as I run the stupid pink ball along the back of my teeth, my stomach clenches in that all too familiar way. Why can’t I just tell him to fuck off? Let him go and move on?

A tiny voice in my head whispers that I need him. That if I can’t keep him from leaving then I’m truly destined to be alone. A shiver races up my spine at the very idea of growing old alone. All I ever wanted was someone who’d love me unconditionally, someone who’d commit to me and only me forever and ever.