
His hands ran up my body, cupping my breasts. I put my head back into the water, letting it soak my hair, my face. I then felt Tripp kiss just above my breasts. Kiss after kiss, teasing his way down to my nipple. I was so sensitive, my chest gently thrusting, wanting him to taste me. His tongue cut over my nipple and then back up. His lips touched, mouth sucked, then he moved to my other nipple. After repeating the same motion, Tripp kissed up my chest, my neck, his hands going around my body, pulling me tight to his.

I felt the swell of his cock pressing between our bodies. I rocked my hips left to right, feeling his thickness rubbing against my belly. My hands moved up his arms, tracing the lines of his biceps, up to his shoulders. I put my right foot up on the ledge of the tub, opening my legs for him.

I was so ready. So desperate.

Tripp’s right hand cupped around to my ass, keeping me close. His other hand played with my leg, climbing around to my inner thigh. His fingers inched up until he touched me. His strong fingers pressed against my pussy, gently moving. There was nothing gentle about what was happening inside my body though. I throbbed with a wild need, my wetness and heat demanding more of Tripp.

He thrust with his fingers, opening me. I sighed and jumped, loving the feeling. His fingers turned and pulled out. He then put a little distance between us, looking down at my body. Our eyes met for a moment and then Tripp went on the attack.

His mouth grazed mine and then inched down. His lips and tongue kissed between my breasts and right down to my stomach. I shuddered and cried out when his tongue flickered at my belly button. I reached up and grabbed the top of the shower door, my other hand at his hair.

I felt his tongue moving down beyond my lower stomach. The tip of his tongue sliced between my legs, curling, tasting me. He came up, found my clit with ease and then pulled away. Tripp looked up at me. Even though he was on his knees before me, he controlled everything. He was my protector in more than one way.

His mouth connected with my sex again, suckling my folds, his tongue making circles, gently penetrating me, then curling up to my clit again. He stayed there this time, his lips holding tight, pulling, making me cry out and thrust harder at him. His hands kneaded into my ass, fingertips pulling at my cheeks.

As his tongue continued to explore, I put my head back. I kept my eyes open, losing myself in the sexy moment. The water beat on my chest, on my nipples, and it actually felt really good. With Tripp between my legs and the water hitting my chest, it started to make me feel way too good. My legs started to pump as I felt an orgasm already building.

But as fast as that started, Tripp stopped. He pulled away and stood back up, his hands still at my ass, positioning me so he could enter me.

But I didn’t get my turn.

I put my hands to his hard chest and pushed him away.

“What the hell?” he growled.

I grinned and came forward, kissing his chest. My right hand reached down and found his cock with ease. My fingers slipped around the hard, wet skin, and I jerked at him. I kept kissing down his body, dropping to my knees before him. My hand stroked his cock, up and back. The water hit the back of my head and my back.

Tripp’s fingers ran through my wet hair.

“Oh, fuck, darling,” he whispered. “You have no idea…”

I gripped the root of his cock as hard as I could, allowing my mouth to slide over the tip of his cock. My mouth opened as wide as it could, sliding down on him. My lips moved over the soft ridge of his tip right to his steel hard shaft. My hand gently pumped as I sucked him, pulling back slowly, moving down slowly. Back and forth, tasting his beautiful cock, feeling his fingers digging into the top of my head.

Tripp then started to gently thrust, groaning each time my lips pulled back over the tip of his cock. I came forward again, wanting to see how far I could take him in. But as I tried, Tripp pulled away from me. He stepped back, forcing my mouth away from him.

I looked up and saw him gritting his teeth. He took his hands away from my hair. His right hand stroked my cheek. Bending forward a little, his left hand grabbed for my elbow and he helped me up. Before I could take a breath or say a word, Tripp came at me. His lips crashed to mine, our mouths opening. He turned me and pinned me against the shower wall. The tile was cold and I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. Tripp’s kisses took my breath, my words, my heart.

His right hand moved down the side of my body to my leg. Reaching down and around he pulled at me, opening my leg, letting me wrap it around him. I then felt his cock touch me. Right against my center, pressing, the pressure already enough to make me moan.

Tripp grunted as he thrust forward, opening me. He welcomed himself deep inside my body. I grabbed at the backs of his shoulders, kissing his neck, losing myself again.

He pulled back and thrust forward again, even harder. My ass crashed against the tile over and over, taking him in. Feeling him so deep. Feeling one orgasm after another cresting, crashing, building up again.