
There was a small gap between us, just enough for me to get my hand on his body, feeling his stomach muscles flexing, working so hard at fucking me. I moved to my tip toes on my left foot and then made a daring move. I jumped up a little and hurried to wrap my left leg around him too. Tripp’s hands were there to catch me, holding my ass again. I was now all his.

He put his forehead to mine, our noses touching and flirting. But our eyes were locked tight. The connection was undeniable. This was far beyond the circumstances that brought us together.

“Fuck, Tripp,” I groaned.

“I know, darling, I know.”

He sped up even more. The shower water hit our bodies. The steam blanketed the bathroom. The sound of the rushing water was gentle, the opposite of the collision course Tripp and I had been on together.

“Fuck,” I cried out.

I was coming again. I had no idea how my body was able to do it so many times like it was. The pleasure and pressure just kept crashing together, making it impossible not to keep letting go.

As I squeezed at Tripp, I felt him thickening. His body was getting ready to come, too. I kissed him, my lips grazing his. I kissed him harder, my tongue licking his lips. There was nothing hotter than a sloppy kiss with Tripp.

Tripp kissed me back and thrust deep, holding there.

I felt the explosion of his orgasm, his cock pulsing deep inside me, spilling everywhere. He kept fucking me, staying deep, throbbing with each thrust. He stayed like that until he was done. Then he pulled back slowly and eased forward again. Going super slow, in and out of me, leaving my entire body tingling.

Tripp then put me on my feet, hands touching my ass.

“I… I love you, darling,” Tripp whispered.

“I love you too, Tripp.”

His forehead touched mine again. “I’m not going to let anything ever happen to you again. I swear on my life.”

“I believe you,” I said. I reached up and touched his face. “I swear, I believe you.”

“Good. Now what?”

I said the first thing that came to mind.

“Wash me, Tripp.”



She turned her back to me. I stared up and down. She was the sexiest and prettiest woman I’d ever been with in my entire life. And she didn’t even know it. She didn’t understand it. Her beauty was assumed to be bought and her heart always left behind.

I couldn’t let that happen again, but there was just so much out of my control.

Except this moment right now.

I grabbed a washcloth and a bar of soap. I lathered it up and touched her shoulder. She reached back and grabbed her hair, holding it up with both hands, giving me access to her neck. As I slid the washcloth along her neck and down her back, my cock ached. I was getting hard again, already. I couldn’t help what she did to me and how she made me feel.

I eased down to the curve of her ass. Down and around, I bent my knees a little and touched the back of her legs.

When I came back up the other side, I slid the washcloth around to the front of her body. Winter let her hair back down and put her head back, to my chest, as I ran the washcloth over her breasts. If this was a cruel game of torture, she fucking won. She fucking won it all. She left me standing there, gritting my teeth, my eyes wide as I brought the washcloth up to her neck and then back down her body. I touched just below her belly and then tossed the washcloth to the side.

I brought my mouth down to hers, kissing her, walking her forward into the water. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and then Winter turned around to face me. The look in her eyes told me she had something to tell me.

“What happened before…”

“I should have never left you alone,” I said. “I’ll never forgive myself.”

“No. Maybe it was good.”


“I know what’s happening. I think.”

“What do you mean?”

“The woman who took Autumn… the woman I gave Autumn to…”


“I know who it was. That was at least one thing I had been involved with besides carrying the baby for nine months.”

I slipped a hand to her belly, touching her. I couldn’t imagine Winter pregnant. I also couldn’t imagine her giving up her baby and trying to live life like nothing bad ever happened.

It pained me and angered me.

“She was a close friend,” Winter said. “So smart. She worked at the club to pay off her loans.”

“Another stripper?”

“Yeah. But she’s not anymore. Not for a long time. She was done right after I started there. When everything happened, Endo insisted on her.”


“Andrea had been pregnant. She’d been with some guy who was crazy for her. And crazy in general. She told him she was done with him after he started to stalk her. But he wouldn’t let her go. Andrea had a one night stand and got pregnant. Her ex set out to take care of her… and he came close.”

“What happened?”

“He crashed her car. Ran his car into hers. She wasn’t far along, but she lost the pregnancy. She had to get emergency surgery and was told she’d never have a baby. Then she met Endo and he killed her ex for her. They probably slept together for all I know. It wouldn’t surprise me. So when everything happened with me and Endo, he wanted to give the baby to Andrea. And she wanted it so badly. I just went along with it all.”