
Tripp opened my pants and pushed them down, panties too. Down to my knees and he stepped forward, tearing them down to my ankles. I hurried to step out of them, fighting with damn shoes, trying my best not to look like a fool.

His hands came up my legs and around to my ass. He squeezed tight and lifted me. I threw my legs around his body and was eye level with him. We started to kiss. The hottest and sloppiest kiss of my entire life. Our tongues fought, battling, rolling back and forth. I groaned into his mouth and he growled back at me.

Tripp slowly turned, putting me against the sink.

He kissed down my neck and ran his teeth along the other side of my neck.

His right hand moved between our bodies and he touched between my legs. His thick fingers touched my pussy, opening me. Two fingers darted inside and he groaned.

“Fuck, darling,” he said. “You’re so tight for me.”

“Open me then,” I said. I was desperate. I couldn’t remember being so turned on before. “Hurry. Now, Tripp. Please.”

He grinned.

He enjoyed me begging.

His fingers left my body and the feel was replaced by his cock. When he touched me, I gasped. I lost my breath, breaking our kiss, looking down. I watched his cock press at me, tearing me open, filling me in a way I knew never existed.

Just halfway inside me, I was holding onto his shirt for dear life, seeking relief. But I wanted more. My body craved more. Everything about it was so fucking wrong. Being in the bathroom in the clubhouse of the Red Aces MC. Tripp was supposed to be protecting me. It was all too risky, but so well worth it.

Tripp pulled back and then thrust at me, burying deep inside me.

I felt a tearing feeling that sent a rush of pain. I threw my head back, crying out, the pain quickly becoming a warm pleasure. My head smacked the mirror with a hard thud. I felt my hair pull a little and knew we had broken the mirror.

Seven years bad luck? If it was with Tripp and his cock, it was worth it.

Tripp started to pump at me, fucking me hard, making my body accept him as fast as he wanted to go.

It felt so good. There was so much pressure. Each time I thought my insides were going to explode there was a fresh wave of pleasure to overtake the pressure and pain. My legs were wrapped tight around Tripp’s body, my ankles locked. I held his shirt at the sides, shaking as I pulled, wanting him more and more.

Our mouths and tongue flirted, randomly touching as we breathed heavy at each other. Our eyes were open, staring at each other. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so controlled before. Just staring in his eyes as he fucked me… it was like it was changing me.

His thrusts grew harder and deeper. He grunted each time he came forward, filling me. I licked at his top lip, my bottom lip quivering. His mouth then came over my bottom lip, sucking for a second, then overtaking my mouth completely. I hurried to move a hand to the back of his head.

We kissed and kissed as he sped up. I could actually feel his cock getting thicker, ready to let go. I dug my ankles into his back, pulling, wanting it. His tongue sought out my neck again, going down to the top of my shirt. Yeah, maybe this wasn’t the romantic, making love dream that I had locked somewhere in the back of my mind.

But what was wrong with a good, hard fuck?


I looked down and forced Tripp to kiss me again. His tongue explored my mouth, his mouth opening wider as he groaned. His cock started to pulse, releasing as he thrust deep and held there. His hands grabbed my ass, his fingers digging so tight, it hurt. Yet again, another good hurt.

His lower half flexed hard with each push and release of his cock. He filled me, leaving me almost breathless as our kiss broke for the last time. My mouth was open, my body bouncing gently with each thrust he offered, taking good care of my insides. I couldn’t tell where my own pleasure began and ended. It was like a constant orgasm.

Tripp slowed and finally stopped. He was still inside me. His hands opened and ran up my body to my face. I was used to it being long over by now. Never anything that lingered like this. Never anything that felt like it could have meaning.

“Fuck, darling,” Tripp said. “We’re in deep shit. Such deep, deep shit.”

“I know. It’s worth it. Right?”

Tripp gently kissed me. “Come on, we have to get moving.”

He pulled from me with a warm gush that left my body paralyzed. I gripped the edge of the sink as my lower half tingled. It took me a good minute to regain composure and get dressed.

When I turned around, sure enough, the mirror was broken.


Tripp put his hand to my lower back and opened the bathroom door.

Stoney stood there, arms crossed. “Finished?”

“Jesus,” I said.

Stoney nodded to Tripp. “You and I need to have a talk. Right now.”



We were outside.

The clubhouse was behind us, lots of noise and partying going on inside. My car was parked at the end of the lot, Winter waiting there. As long as I could see her, I felt comfortable.

I made fists and looked at my knuckles. Freshly cut, damp with blood.