
I looked forward and Winter was right there, an inch from my face.

She touched my face and curled her lip, trying to look mean.

“Come on, tough guy,” she whispered. “Try me.”


She climbed right on top of me. Her hands were around my neck, holding tight. Pressing those damn breasts in my face. Even through her bra and shirt, damn, she had it all going on the right way. She looked down at me, her hair falling forward. Her eyes, those eyes, they were so blue and yet so seductive. I thought about all the guys who threw money at her. Who saw her under a glittering disco ball or some cheap lighting, all wanting their five bucks to end up somewhere naughty on her precious and beautiful body.

What the fuck do you know, man? She’s got a past… she’s being hunted…

Yeah, she was being hunted. And not by whoever killed Rocky.

She was being hunted by my desires. My cock.

I put my hands to her hips. I went right up her shirt, just like before, and this time, hesitation was not a problem. I cupped my hands over her bra, squeezing her breasts. She put her head back and groaned. She leaned down against my pulsing dick and rubbed. Her hips cocked right to left, grinding on me.

Christ, is this what she used to do?

I felt my balls ache and tighten. I thought for a second I was going to come. That would have been terrible. But her hips were just so damn perfect. Curves in all the right places, she was able to cut directions, swooping down hard, rubbing across my shaft with the right amount of pressure, and then lifting back up.

Over and over.

My hands slid around and I unsnapped her bra. When I came back around, I was finally able to touch her. Her heavy and warm breasts, bigger than the palms of my big fighter hands. Her nipples were hard, rubbing against my palms.

She tried to move her chest, like she wanted to jiggle and dance for me.

I squeezed tighter and sat up straighter. I put my lips to her neck and kissed. I ran my nose up to her ear and groaned.

“No, darling,” I said. “You’re not doing that for me. I’m in fucking control. Understand?”

“Yes,” Winter whispered. “Yes, please, Tripp…”

I pushed forward from the wall. A second later, she was on the floor, on her back. I was now on top of her. Beer bottles scattered all around, but neither of us gave a damn. I stared down into her blue eyes and gritted my teeth.

I was used to crossing lines. I never cared about lines before.

But this? With Winter?

Man, this was…

“Fuck it,” I said.

I brought my lips down to hers. The kiss was like lightening through my body. I turned my head, opened my mouth, and stuck my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back, breathing so heavily.

It told me one thing.

It had been a long time for her. And Christ did that turn me on.

I ended the kiss with a wet pop sound and grabbed at her shirt, lifting it up. Once again, her shirt was up and over her head. I threw it across the room and set my sights on her bra. I ripped it from her arms and threw it the other way.

“Christ,” I said as I cupped her breasts.

I thrust between her legs, wanting to just keep going. I wanted to finish tearing her clothes off, do the same to mine, and then fuck her. I wanted her pussy so bad.

But first…

I brought my mouth down to her neck. I kissed her hard, biting more than I should have. I loved the way she writhed with a ticklish pleasure at the touch of my tongue. I kissed around to her throat and then down. My right hand eased away from her breast, as I cupped at her ribcage. That’s where my mouth went. I gently kissed her nipple, nuzzling my nose to it. The hard nub had a pink hue to it, making my mouth water.

I swirled my tongue around her nipple, opening my mouth wider, engulfing all I could. Winter tried to thrust her chest at me again, but I held her down. She cried out and grabbed at my hair. She pulled and let out a groan.

I pulled back from her breast and nipple, then allowed the tip of my tongue to flick her nipple until she was jumping and trying to get away from me.

My right hand then moved down her body. With ease, I opened her jeans and moved up on my knees. Both hands were then at her open jeans, and I tugged on them. Winter lifted her lower half and I pulled her jeans down only a few inches. I pressed my left hand to her lower belly, my right hand between her legs. I felt the warmth and tender wetness pouring through her panties.

Winter closed her eyes and put her hands to the carpet. She dug her nails, trying to hold onto something. It was my chance to take my cock out and fuck her.

But I didn’t do that.

Instead, I moved her panties to one side and touched her sopping folds. With my pointer and middle fingers, I cut between her lips and touched her pussy. She was tight, but she was so ready.


I moved my thumb to Winter’s clit and pressed.

She jumped and cried out.

That was it for me.

I was going to do it. I was going to fuck her.

I needed to fuck her.

But then Winter grabbed my wrist.