
Harlan climbed to his feet and wiped blood from his nose. He then approached Tripp.

Another surprise came when Tripp started to nod his head.

Tripp was going to let Harlan hit him!

Harlan cocked back a fist and punched Tripp in the mouth. Tripp’s head snapped back and the crowd cheered.

“No!” I yelled. “This is bullshit!”

I tried to move forward, but Sarah clawed at me. “Don’t. Let it…”

“Shut up,” I growled and pushed Sarah.

She fell back to the table, eyes wide.

I heard another punch and the crowd screamed again.

I had a chance to create a diversion now.

I got up on the table. “Get up, bitch!” I screamed at Sarah.

People started to look at me.

Sarah got up and slapped me right across the face.

That gained a lot of ooohh’s.

Tears filled my eyes and I blinked them away.

I wasn’t in the business of bitch slaps. So I wound up and punched Sarah in the mouth. She stumbled back and fell off the table.

Now the crowd cheered for me.

I watched Sarah’s face as it twisted in horror with what I had done.

I looked to the circle and saw Harlan ready to hit Tripp again.

Finally, Tripp made a move. He pulled at his arms, strong enough to move the two guys holding him. He twisted his arms, dropped down a little, and then popped up, breaking free. He caught Harlan’s fist and walked him backwards.

“Okay!” Stoney bellowed. “That’s enough!”

Tripp pushed away from Harlan and turned. Our eyes locked. He was glistening with sweat, blood running from his mouth, his left cheek red and swollen.

It was the sexiest sight of my life.

I wanted him.

I needed him.

This was beyond protection now.


I opened the door and hurried to shut it behind me. Tripp splashed water on his face and turned, looking surprised.

I locked the door and walked right to him. My hands went for his jeans, grabbing at his belt, opening it. I’d officially lost my damn mind. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Christ,” Tripp whispered. He grabbed at my hips, pushing me back. “What are you doing here?”

“Shut up,” I said. “I can’t take it anymore. They fucking set you up out there, Tripp.”

“I know, darling,” he said. He touched my face with his bloody hand. “I know. It’s okay. I knew it was coming. Sometimes in life you have to take a hit or two.”

I swallowed hard.

This guy wasn’t just hot, he was romantic. Edgy, gritty, sure, but behind those dark and wild eyes, there was a man with a big heart.

I lifted my right hand to his face and rubbed at the corner of his lip. I touched his cut. “Does it hurt?”

“Everything hurts,” Tripp said. “You just have to accept the pain. Move on. Let go.”

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the cut. I kissed once, twice, inched my lips to the left so our lips pressed together. I opened my mouth, wanting to taste his tongue again. Tripp kissed me back, setting my body on fire.

My other hand slipped into his open jeans.

As if the guy couldn’t get any sexier, he wasn’t wearing anything but jeans.

My fingertips felt a thatch of hair and then the thick root of his dick. I slipped my palm down along his shaft, trying to find the head of his cock. It seemed like I never would, that he was forever long. When my fingertips felt his thick and fleshy tip, I turned my hand and curled my fingers. I jerked him, my hand shaking with anticipation, my mind racing, body aching, already wondering how he was going to fit inside me.

Tripp groaned as we kissed. I slipped my hand down his face to his chest. I traced the lines of muscle, all the way down to his stomach. The ripples of his abs were hard ridges. No wonder the guy could take a punch and just keep going. He was built to fight.

With his cock in my hand… I knew he was also built to fuck.

He was against the sink, his hands at my waist, struggling between holding me close and pushing me away.

He broke the kiss, my mouth open, my tongue still searching for his mouth.

“Darling,” he whispered. “You don’t know what it’s like after a fight.” He pushed me away a little. “The fucking anger. The fucking rage. My blood pumping a million times over.”

I nodded. I was burning from the inside out. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” Tripp said. His lip snarled at me. “But when I touch you, it’s ten times that feeling. If you don’t take your hand off my dick…”

I squeezed tighter at him. My other hand moved from his stomach to his jeans and pushed them down. His cock popped free and I ran my fingertips down his shaft.

Tripp gritted his teeth and brought his hands to the front of my pants.

Before I knew it… it was all happening.