Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

Nox put his hand on my arm. “Don’t move. You heard your mom on that call. She can handle him. Let her.”

The dread I’d felt at first hearing his voice as we ascended the elevator shaft morphed. Nox was right, my mother had stood up to him. Alton’s world was crumbling and it was time I stopped bowing to his every demand.

Disobeying Nox’s demand, I stood. “I’m not going out there, but if he wants to talk to me, he can come in here, in front of all of you.”

“No,” Nox said. “You don’t owe that pig anything.”

“I don’t. I want him to know I’m done listening to him. I want him to hear it from me.”

Nox narrowed his gaze, scanning me from head to toe. “Are you sure?”

Rolling my upper lip between my teeth, I considered my decision. As I did, I turned to his reassuring light-blue stare. His presence overwhelmed me as it had from our first meeting. It wasn’t stifling, like Alton’s or Bryce’s. I didn’t disappear in his presence. I became more.

With Nox I was safe and strong. It wasn’t the knowledge that he could fight my battle, but knowing that I could. I could stand against the injustices in my life and I’d be supported, because Nox understood that my power didn’t threaten his control.

Nodding, I reached for Nox. As we touched, I stared at the contrast in our hands.

His was larger and stronger, and had given me so much.

His hands had held me, caressed me, and given me delight. They’d taken me where no one else had gone. They’d teased me, bound me, and even spanked me. They’d brought me to tears and to ecstasy.

Nox had taught me to trust with my whole self. It was a gift. With him I knew who I was. With his hands, he’d shown me strength, not in him, but in myself.


Last night on the phone Momma had lit a match to Alton’s world. I heard the panic in his voice. It was time to fan the flame.

Straightening my shoulders, I lifted my chin. “I am. I’m done cowering at the sight of him. I’m done being a scared little girl. Montague is Momma’s and mine. If he wants anything after the divorce, he needs to learn who’s in charge. The scepter has been passed. It’s time for him to bow.”

Giving Nox’s hand a squeeze, I moved mine to the table and steadied my stance. Though my entire body trembled as if the room had suddenly dropped twenty degrees, I did my best to appear confident.

Alton’s demand came again, this time with threats to Isaac and everyone keeping him away from his daughter.

Nox’s warm hand covered one of mine as he lowered his voice. “You want to do this?”

I swallowed and nodded.

Nox looked to Mr. Owen. “You heard the lady. Open the door.”

When Daryl pulled the door inward, only Isaac’s back was visible. He literally filled the doorway. By the way his jacket strained I could easily imagine his arms crossed over his chest, his protruding brow beneath his shaved head, and the same scowl he’d worn in front of Montague Manor.

“Isaac,” Nox said, “Miss Collins will see Mr. Fitzgerald.”


“Alexandria, come out here,” Alton demanded. “We’ll talk in private.”

“Isaac,” I said calmly, “if Alton wants to speak to me, he can come to me.”

Instead of stepping aside, Isaac pivoted into the room. His back flattened against the wall. His arms were still crossed just as I’d imagined, and his expression was as intimidating as I’d ever seen. Though it was meant to cause fear, his sneer made me smile.

I turned back to the open door. “If you have something to say, come in here and say it.”

“Alexandria, this is a private family matter.”

With Suzanna by his side and Ralph behind him, his face glowed a deep shade of crimson.

My smile grew. “Suzanna isn’t family.”

“Alexandria?” She elongated my name, each syllable dripping with Southern guilt. The tone alone said she was hurt by my comment and insulted by my audacity. It was the way proper ladies condemned one another, verbal cues that spoke more than words. Usually they were accompanied by a smile on their face and a drink in their hand.

I tilted my head innocently as my eyes met hers. Then straightening my stance, I turned back to Alton. “This is your last chance. Speak now or forever hold your peace. We’re leaving today and won’t be returning until we are needed to testify.”

“On Bryce’s behalf… right?” Suzanna said. “Dear, he needs you. He’s distraught. Come to Carmichael Hall. You know—”

“Mr. Fitzgerald?” Mr. Owen interrupted.

Alton’s chest puffed as he took a step through the doorway. “Alexandria…” The restraint in his voice was impressive as he kept his gray eyes on me. “You always have been a spitfire.”

“What do you want, Alton? What could you possibly say to me now that your marriage is over and your world is crumbling?”

“No, that’s where you’re wrong. It’s your world and your mother’s that is crumbling. My world is intact. This is Savannah. I rule Savannah.”