Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

I reached for Nox as he lunged forward. “Everyone, stop.”

The turmoil quieted though it hung thick in the air.

“Alexandria, it’s your chance to keep what you should never lose and help your mother in the process.”

The first laugh was more of a cough. I feared that it might be filled with the bile that his proposal had produced. It wasn’t. Instead the ring filled the room. With each breath my laughter grew until it poured from my soul. I was manic as tears of hilarity filled my eyes. “Delusional? You’re the one who’s delusional.”

Alton straightened his shoulders. “I’ve always said it would be fun to tame you. Bryce couldn’t handle you, but I can.”

“Out!” Nox yelled. “Get the hell out of here and stay the fuck away from her. If you get within fifty feet, screw that—one hundred yards—you’re a dead man.”

I reached out to Nox’s arm, stilling his words and his threats.

“Ralph can draw up the agreement,” Alton said.

“No.” I turned to Mr. Owen. “You and Ralph take care of whatever needs to happen. We’re done. Obviously it’s my mother’s husband who is in need of medication or maybe hospitalization. I think both medical and psychiatric evaluations are warranted.” I turned back to Alton, doing my best to ignore the glare coming from Suzanna. “You’re a desperate man and desperate men do desperate things. Here’s my advice: go fuck your whore and visit your son before he’s put away for life… or sentenced to death.”

The crimson returning to his cheeks was oddly comforting.

“My mother and I are done.” I reached for my purse as Nox placed his hand in the small of my back.

When Alton didn’t move, Isaac stepped forward. “Sir, step aside.”

As Alton turned, I saw my stepfather in a different light. He wasn’t the monster I’d allowed him to be. He was a pathetic tyrant, a bully of a man. When faced with Isaac’s girth, his wrinkles deepened and he shrunk into his expensive suit.

“Alton?” I heard Suzanna say as we stepped from the room.

I turned to Mr. Owen. “As soon as you can, evict him from the manor.”

Nox’s hand didn’t move from my back as we made our way outside.

THE SCENES BEYOND the windows of the SUV brought back memories, both good and bad. Nearly nineteen years of my life had been spent in this city and more accurately on the grounds of Montague Manor.

I gripped tighter to Nox’s hand.

“This won’t be the last time you’re here,” he said as the large iron gate moved open, allowing us to enter.

“I kind of feel like if it is, I’m all right with that.”

“It’s yours. You heard Daryl. You’ve read the will. No judge is going to deny you your rightful inheritance.”

Sitting taller I leaned close and kissed Nox’s cheek. “It’s the money, isn’t it?”


“That’s why you put up with me.”

Nox’s smile grew. “No, princess, it’s because I like the way you scream when I—”

Deloris cleared her throat. “TMI. You’re not alone.”

We weren’t, not that that had ever stopped Nox before or his comments or actions. However, it wasn’t only Isaac or Clayton this time. Deloris was with us today.

“This won’t take long,” I said. “Jane said she had our passports ready. My mother didn’t trust the mail.”

Deloris nodded. “I feel better being here with you.”

“Jane promised that neither Bryce or Alton were here.”

“Daryl got the restraining order signed,” Nox said. “Your stepfather can’t be within one hundred yards of you.” Nox’s grip tensed. “The things he said. Fuck. I don’t plan to let him get that close. Then again, I wish he would.”

“Lennox,” Deloris warned.

“I should have hit him harder. I will next time.”

“I’m impressed,” I said.

“I’m impressive,” Nox replied with a grin.

“No, I’m impressed that Mr. Owen got the restraining order filed. I can’t believe a judge actually signed something against the great Alton Fitzgerald.”

“Also one stopping Mr. Spencer from going near Chelsea,” Deloris added.

Even without Chelsea pressing charges, her cheek gave reason for a restraining order against Bryce. Mr. Owen hadn’t requested an order for me with Bryce or one for Chelsea with Alton, but between the two of us, we had them both covered.

Clayton brought the car to a stop and I peered up and out of the window. The pristine walls, spotless windows, and expansive stately porches were exactly as they’d always been, yet knowing that my mother’s nightmare as well as my own was about over, gave them a new sheen.

Clayton opened the SUV’s door. As I climbed out, Nox followed behind me.

“You don’t need to go in.”

He lifted his brow. “We discussed the rules. I still haven’t reddened that sexy ass. For the record, going in what is still his house without me is the same as one of his cars.”

My behind tingled and grin returned at his threat. It wasn’t just the warning but the way the talk of his spanking my ass made his blue eyes shimmer. “Yes, Mr. Demetri.”