Fidelity (Infidelity #5)

She placed her fist against her hip. “Who’s sending you inappropriate text messages?”

“No…” I shook my head with a grin. “Deloris is listening to everyone. She has your stepfather’s phone tapped. I can tell her to stop listening, but she wanted you to know that your mom just called his number. They’re talking right now.”

“Can she hear what they’re saying?”

I nodded. “And you can too if you want.”

Indecision washed across her features, a cloud of morality. Right versus wrong. Curiosity versus privacy. And just like a gust of winter wind, the hesitancy was gone. “Hell yes.” She rushed toward the door. “Let’s go. I can’t wait to finally hear her tell that bastard off.”

I hurried to keep up as Charli ran down the corridor toward Deloris’s room.

She may have been quick, but my strides were longer. I reached her just as she slid through Deloris’s slightly ajar door. She came to a dead stop, her heartbeat quickened against mine as I pulled her toward my chest. The room vibrated with the thunder of Alton Fitzgerald’s voice.

“…after nearly four days! Four days!”

Her body trembled, the joy from moments earlier was gone as her eyes filled with scenes Deloris and I couldn’t see.

“Princess, let’s go. Deloris will let us—”

She covered my lips with trembling fingers as her head moved back and forth.

Adelaide was speaking. “Stop and be glad I called you now.”

“Be glad? I’d ask where in the hell you are or who you’re with, but I know.”

“I know you know.”

“If that criminal thinks he can come between us…”

“Us, Alton? There’s never been an us. There’s been a you and a me. That doesn’t make an us.”

“Come home and we’ll work this out. Surely you’ve seen the mess—”

“The mess your son has created?”

“What?” Charli gasped as she stumbled, reaching for her stomach.

Her complexion paled as I wrapped my arms tighter around her, also trying to make sense of what had just been said. Did Adelaide just admit that Bryce was actually Fitzgerald’s son?

“Come on—”

“No,” Charli said. “I need to hear this.”

“…I’ve seen it,” Adelaide continued. “Not that you wanted me to. While in that awful place, I couldn’t see anything or anyone—”

“Because you were drunk. You always have been. We put you in that hospital, a very respected facility, for your own good. Do you have any idea how much that place cost?”

“I’m better. I’m calling to let you know that I’ve contacted an attorney. Expect to be served with divorce papers.”

“Have another glass of wine, dear. You’re delusional.”

“And leave my house.”

“How dare you! I’ve built this house, this fortune…” he continued to bellow.

Charli pulled away and sank to the edge of the sofa. “Can you turn that down?”

Deloris nodded as she adjusted the volume.

“…your father expected this out of you,” Fitzgerald continued to bellow. “He knew you’d ruin another marriage. He knew you were never going to keep any man satisfied—”

“Was that why you killed him?” Adelaide’s calm tone resonated as even Fitzgerald had difficulty finding the right words.

“Delusional. I have medical records. I have proof. The doctors will all testify to your incompetence.”

“That’s wonderful. I have doctors, too. I have proof, too. They ran tests. I won’t say more because I won’t waste my breath. Just know that I’ve seen the entire will, including the part you didn’t want me to see.

“You knew that though,” she continued. “That’s why you drugged me, poisoned me. You’re not as untouchable as you think. Push me on the divorce, Alton. Please.

“Because when you do, I’ll enjoy watching you fall. The codicil says everything goes to the rightful heirs. Guess what? That’s not you.”

“We had a prenuptial agreement. The wealth I added to this company, this family…”

“Maybe you and Bryce can share a cell. From Chelsea’s bruised face, it’s easy to see that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Or because of that, maybe you would rather room with someone else. That boy has quite the temper. Maybe you could find out what it’s like to be on the receiving end.”

“There’s no way I’ll allow—”

“Goodbye, Alton. Let me give you some parting advice, the same you gave me: remember to swallow and grin and bear it.”

Though Fitzgerald continued to speak, the line had obviously been disconnected.

I reached for Charli’s hand. The trembling had stopped, but her cheeks were wet.


She took a deep breath and stood. “What did she mean about Alton’s son?”

Deloris’s eyes widened. “I really don’t know. I can try to find out.”

“Eww,” Charli said, turning a small circle. “His son. Suzanna and Alton’s affair has been going on for nearly thirty years?” She took a deep breath. “I think I feel ill.”

“You didn’t marry him. Even Porter isn’t claiming you did.”

Her head moved back and forth. “B-but he wanted me to. Alton was pushing me to.”