Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“Why are we going this way? This isn’t the way to the office.”

“We’re going to my place.” He waited for her reaction.

Her gaze swung to his, and the uncertainty in her eyes made him cringe. He didn’t want to confuse her or upset her but he couldn’t explain fully until they had privacy.

“We have to talk.”

She searched his eyes, his face. Whatever she found obviously satisfied her because she nodded and sat back again, and those emerald eyes were slowly concealed by lowering eyelids. Saxon didn’t disturb her again; the silence, while strained, wasn’t uncomfortable. Miles ticked away as they got closer to his eastern suburbs home and his gut clenched, his throat constricted, the sensation not unlike the hours just before he won a new contract.

Only this would be the most important win of his life.

Carly watched the driver bring in all the bags. She stood at the living room window, her back to the view, and watched as Saxon pointed down the hall for the man to take his luggage into his bedroom. When he returned and took hers in the same direction, she spun around to find Saxon watching her with hooded eyes.

“I’ve been waiting a lifetime to see you in my house.”

His whispered words sent a shiver over her skin and down her spine. “What—”

He held up his hand as the driver returned. Saxon handed him a tip then saw him out the door.

The second it closed she spoke. “Saxon, what is going on? Why am I here?”

He walked toward her, slow measured steps, and stopped a foot away. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. If she didn’t know better she’d think he was nervous.

“We’re not finished.” He reached up, cupped her jaw with one hand, his thumb grazing back and forth on her bottom lip.

“The weekend is over.” If she agreed to continue their fling she’d never survive. She’d be lucky to walk away with her heart intact now. If fact, she knew she wouldn’t but she’d at least stand some chance of putting the pieces back together. If she got any closer, slept with him again, she’d bleed to death when he was done.

“Yes. The weekend is over. So is our Singapore fling.”

His words sliced through her; voiced aloud, they did far more damage than thinking them. She fought the sting of tears, gulped over the lump in her throat but she couldn’t speak. Didn’t dare open her mouth for fear a sob would slip out.

“I’m not asking to continue our fling.”

She couldn’t hold the emotion back. A sob hitched in her chest and a lone tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

“Oh, Carly.”

Saxon pulled her close, wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands up and down her spine, the movement soothing and distressing at the same time.

“Oh sweetheart, don’t cry. You’re killing me here.” One hand cradled the back of her head. His fingers massaged her scalp as he held her against the strong beat of his heart. “I want more than a fling, Carly. We connected in a way beyond the physical. I want to explore that with you. I want to see where it takes us.”

She wasn’t sure she heard him right, wasn’t sure if her mind played tricks on her, only hearing what she wanted to hear. Carly tried to break away, tried to see his face, but he held her tighter.

“Carly, please, just listen to me.” Laced with emotion, his tone played havoc with her heart. “I know it’s sudden, but I can’t let you go.”

His words started to register. What he was asking. Her heart skipped a beat and another gut wrenching sob tore from her throat. She used two hands against his chest to pry herself free before springing up and wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her lips slammed onto his, her tongue thrusting out to push inside his mouth. For a second he stood still, and then he burst into motion like a sprinter from a starting block.

The kiss exploded with frantic passion, blazing a trail that consumed them both. Hands groped and grabbed whatever was in reach. Clothes were tugged and torn, the need for skin-on-skin contact overwhelming. Teeth nipped and scraped as tongues lapped and tasted. Without knowing how, Carly found herself naked, caught between Saxon and the floor. His legs forced hers wide, his thighs kept them there.

He peeled his mouth from hers and gasped for breath. “I want inside you now,” he panted.

She opened farther for him. Thrust up to offer what he wanted. What she wanted. The head of his cock probed her pussy, slid between folds slick with the need for him. He growled, withdrew from her heat and she whimpered with impatience.

“No condom,” he explained.

“Don’t care,” she cried, her hips bucking up to reconnect them.

“Jesus. Are you sure?” He looked into her eyes. “If we do this now, you’ll marry me. I won’t have it any other way.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books