Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

Carly sank her teeth into her bottom lip to stifle a moan. When he snaked his tongue out and danced it over her sensitized flesh she bit down harder but a whimper escaped, drawing the attention of the man ahead of them in the line. She snapped her eyes shut, didn’t want to see the look of disgust the stranger was sure to give them.

Saxon must have sensed her tension because he whipped her around in his arms and shielded her face against his chest. His lips brushed her hair, his words brushed her ears.

“Shh, it’s okay.” He tightened his arms, pulled her closer.

She drew in the smell of him—a mix of hot steamy night, lingering soap and cologne, and the unmistakable scent of sex. Her pussy squeezed with memories of him thrusting inside her still fresh in her mind. The bulge presently caught between them was another reminder of the pleasure they so recently enjoyed. Her stomach contracted and liquid pooled in her crotch. Wet and ready, Carly teetered on the razor edge of desire with little more than a few words, a solid body and the recollection of a past encounter.

Carly wanted to lift her leg over his hip, open herself for him to explore. The blood in her clit throbbed with each breath she took. She ground her pelvis on his. It wasn’t enough. She wanted him to touch her. Needed him buried inside her. Craved him more than her next breath.

Saxon cupped her ass and held her still. “Dammit, Carly, if you don’t stop I’ll lose complete control and take you right here, right now,” he growled in her ear.

His hands held them immobile and she couldn’t tell if the shudder was hers or his. They struggled for breath, their chests rubbing as they dragged in air. He’d accused her of short-circuiting his brain earlier but the score was even. He scrambled hers like a pan of eggs.

“Jesus!” His hands stilled on her ass. “Please tell me you’re wearing another one of those g-string things.”

She couldn’t find her voice, but that was okay because she couldn’t lie to him either. She didn’t answer. Hoped he wouldn’t question her further. If he knew she was bare beneath her skirt they’d both be lost and even with her mind in a sexual daze she knew they had to make it back to the hotel.

His hands moved higher on her butt, his long fingers explored her hip line, searching for the panties that weren’t there. Muscles flexed and fingertips dug in to meet bone.

“Fuck!” The word exploded from his mouth, blew the hair from her neck. He shook with tension, every inch of his body taut.

The growl had her muscles tensing. Before she could decide if he was angry he let her go, dug his phone from his pocket and yanked them both out of the queue and down the footpath. The humid night air, sticky on her skin, swirled around them. Saxon didn’t slow down, just barked orders into his phone as he all but dragged her down the street. A man on a mission. Carly took two steps to every one of his.

They arrived at an intersection, the lights of the Quay district behind them, the busy downtown area ahead. Friday night was alive in all directions but for once Carly wasn’t interested in the party. She wanted to be alone. With Saxon. A breeze picked up off the river, blew her hair around her face and chilled her heated body. The cool wind floated up her skirt, stung flesh alive with need and sent erotic pulses through her clit.

The deep breaths and fresh air did nothing to calm her racing libido. Every step rubbed her thighs together and with no barrier her cream had nothing to stop it from flowing free. Each slide, a caress of sensual pleasure as she hurtled straight toward the very thing her soul had begun to crave.


She’d suggested a fling. Thought she would be satisfied with a few nights of tangling the sheets with the hottest man to cross her path in months. Like any other hunger, she was supposed to take her fill and leave. But the yearning hadn’t faded. If anything it had grown and now it was an addiction she feared she’d never control. And it wasn’t just the sex she wanted. The need to be with him regardless of what they were doing was just as strong.

If she could think straight she’d end it now. Cut the cord before it attached too firmly, before it entwined so fully with her soul she’d never get untangled. Carly feared it was already too late for that. Knew, even as she thought about walking away, he’d wound his way inside her heart. Become a vital part of her somehow. A part that would be ripped from her and leave her bleeding when their fling ended.


Carly made love with a desperation that blindsided him. Saxon couldn’t say why the emotional intensity had changed, but Carly behaved as if every move, every breath taken were her last. It brought out a primitive response in him. He wanted to give her exactly what she demanded, what she craved. What he craved. He wanted to touch all of her. Leave himself imprinted on her mind, her heart—her soul—so she could never turn her back on him.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books