Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

They didn’t speak in the elevator or on the walk to the taxi stand. Luckily the queue was short and in no time they were in a cab on their way to Clarke Quay, Singapore’s busy riverside bar and restaurant district.

People were gathered everywhere when they arrived. Saxon paid the driver but didn’t bother with a receipt because Carly was out of the car and gaining numerous admirers—all of the male variety. He wanted to plant himself at her side and make it clear she was taken. His teeth ground together as he joined her on the sidewalk. He snaked an arm around her waist and possessively cupped her hip bone as he urged her to walk farther into the crowd.

The place was hopping, the bar and restaurant patrons spilled out into the paved alley. As they ventured toward the river, Saxon drew Carly closer to his side. They were bumped and jostled from all directions and he tried his best to shield her from harm. With restaurants on both sides of the river and a bridge walkway to cross, they had plenty of establishments to choose from for a drink.

“Oh, look. A tapas bar.” Carly pointed ahead of them. “Let’s see if they’ve got seating by the water.” She stepped away and before he could complain at the loss of contact she reached back for his hand and began to tow him behind her.

Saxon couldn’t help thinking he’d be happy for this woman to lead him around for the rest of his life.

Carly sipped her Sangria and studied Saxon. Something had changed. She wasn’t sure what but she knew when. They’d had sex without a condom and the man had apologized until he was blue in the face. She wasn’t on a contraceptive, so she knew there was a chance she could get pregnant. She’d always had a regular cycle and she was due early next week so she was pretty sure the odds were slim. That was the least of her worries.

She couldn’t stop thinking about carrying his child and secretly wished she did get pregnant—which was a stupid thing to wish for when all they were doing was having a fling. The man had proven lethal to more than just her hormones. He’d always intrigued her mind but now he’d managed to sneak into her heart. How, she wasn’t sure. Wasn’t even sure she believed what she felt but something had definitely changed.

Saxon wasn’t helping her. His behavior confused her more. He’d been bossy and possessive like he had a right to be and then he’d withdrawn and not spoken a word. He kept throwing smoldering looks her way but didn’t do anything about them. Did he not want to be seen with her in public? He’d suggested coming out but acted like he didn’t want to be here. She didn’t like not knowing the score and hated the games some people played, but other than asking him outright what was going on she had no choice but to try to figure it out.

“You’re very quiet. Is there something wrong?”

Saxon’s quiet words snapped her out of her troubled thoughts. “What? No. I was just thinking the same about you.” Carly laughed.

“Oh, well I’ve been sitting here wondering how long we have to stay before I can drag you back to our room and have my wicked way with you again.” He smiled and waggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated mockery of a leer.

Carly placed one hand on her chest, the other over her O-shaped-lips and feigned shock but she couldn’t hold back the laugh bubbling in her throat. Her sides shook and it wasn’t long before Saxon joined her. They both found it far funnier than they should but strung out on lust and their earlier satisfaction, their emotions were running high.

Saxon took money from his wallet and tossed it on the table. “Let’s go. I’m not waiting any longer.”

He hauled her to her feet and led her from the restaurant, quickly weaving his way through the crush of people to the taxi stand. The queue stretched for over fifty meters when they arrived and with not a cab in sight it looked like they’d be waiting a while. He moved her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist, snuggling her close against his front. Leaning down, he nuzzled her neck, used his head to push hers to the side, exposing the creamy flesh to his exploring lips.

Goose bumps broke out along her skin and a shiver fluttered down her spine as his hands roamed while his lips and tongue continued the assault on the delicate skin below her ear. His fingers—spread wide over her tummy—pulled her hips more snuggly into the cradle of his and his erection pressed into her ass. The other hand cupped her ribs just below her breast, close enough to tease the mound but not enough to bring relief.

“See what you do to me?” he murmured in her ear, his breath bathing the shell with moist heat that set her pulse racing. “You make me want you so much I’m hard as rock.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books