February (Calendar Girl #2)

I shook my head. These were not thoughts I ever planned on sharing with Alec or anyone for that matter. “Just relaxing against you,” I kissed his nose then nuzzled him there. “We should clean up, take care of the um…” I looked down and Alec’s gaze followed.

“Ah, the condom, yes, I should do that.” He lifted me off and then got up pulled off the condom and tied it at the end before setting it into a tissue and putting it in a wastebasket. I imagine the last thing he wanted to do was go down the stairs to the bathroom though that’s exactly what I needed to do. I rolled to my back and groaned. “What is it?”

“I have to pee,” I mumbled and he laughed. Before I could say anything, he lifted me up from the bed in his favorite princess hold and carried me down the stairs to the bathroom. Once in front of the toilet, he set me down and moved out the door.

“I’ll make us a snack, oui?”

“Oui,” I responded and he chuckled before shutting the door. I took care of my business quickly and then grabbed for the robe on the back of the door. It was a lush deep burgundy color that felt like squishy awesomeness over my bare skin. I didn’t want to hop out there completely naked.

I hopped my way to the kitchen. He had a tray of items in one hand and a couple glasses of wine in the other. Still, he was bare-assed naked, and I greatly enjoyed the view. His tattoo slithered along his body and that reminded me how much I wanted to trace it…with my tongue.

“Un moment,” he said as he jaunted up the stairs to the loft bedroom. Before I knew it, he was rushing down the stairs, his dick flapping in the wind. I giggled as he made his way over to me. “What?” he asked a lovely smile adorned his face. When he was happy, he was less intense artist and more friendly Frenchie. Though I thoroughly enjoyed both very much.

Once he reached me, he pulled me into his arms and carried me back up the stairs. “I see you found my robe,” he said with a mock stern voice. Then he set me on my good foot, his hands going to the tie. “That is not acceptable. I told you, ma jolie, I like to see your naked body.” I let him remove the robe then I crawled over the bed and got comfortable. He set the tray in front of us and handed me a glass of wine. The rich berry flavor drifted down my throat and settled nicely in my belly. The tray he brought had some salami, tiny blocks of cheddar cheese, green grapes and a bunch of strawberries.

My stomach growled while I scoured all my options then settled on a chunk of cheese. It paired well with my wine. “Thank you.” I pulled the sheet up into my chest.

“For what?”

I picked up a strawberry and held it close. “For this, for tonight, painting me, sharing your work with me. I’m really honored to be here with you.”

His hand came up and held my cheek. “You are my muse, Mia. You were meant to be here.”

Chapter 5

Once we finished our meal, we messed around a bit more, kissing, caressing each other, getting to know one another better. After a deep kiss, I leaned on his chest and hugged him.

“Do you realize you barely say anything in English when you’re fucking?”

Alec’s body tightened before he responded. “I do not fuck, chérie. I told you, I make love to you, to your body.” His tone was drop dead serious and I couldn’t grasp why. “And I speak in French because you make me so far gone, I lose myself in you, in your sexy body.”

I grinned saucily giving him my best smile. Then I thought about the fucking versus love making for a moment. “But doesn’t that get tricky, the love making? Doesn’t everyone fall in love with you when you do that?”

He held me tight and slid a hand up to my bicep and squeezed. “I would hope so.”

“Wait a minute; you want me to fall in love with you?” I lifted off his chest and looked hard into his eyes. They were so pretty.

“Of course, don’t you?” his face contorted into one of bafflement.

I shook my head hard letting my hair fly. “No, not even. I want to have fun with you. Then after, I’m going to be with another client who I may or may not have sexual relations with.”

“As will I.” He looked utterly confused, which said a lot, because I was pretty sure I was going off the deep end without a paddle.

I pushed my hair out of my face and behind me. “Okay, let me get this straight. You want me to fall in love with you, yet you know I’m going to leave and be with someone else. Do I have this right so far?” He nodded and smiled innocently. “And you are going to fall in love with me, yet when I leave, you’re going to have this same awesome sex with another girl.”

“Awesome sex?” he grinned. Fucking pig. All men think with their dicks I swear. This proved it. I smacked him on the chest.

“Pay attention.”

Audrey Carlan's books