February (Calendar Girl #2)

“Tres belle,” he whispered and kissed my clit. He was soft with my sex but ravaging with my ass, plundering in, pushing me up the bed with each force of his hand into my body. I reveled in it, allowing him to take me in that dark way. A place no one’s ever been before. A place I didn’t even know I wanted to go until he took me there. My Frenchie.

Alec lifted up sitting on his shins but kept his hand working me over. He placed his other hand to manipulate me where I needed him most. I gasped and closed my eyes knowing he was watching me.

“Ouvrez les yeux,” he said, then in English he continued, “Open your eyes.” I did as he bade. His eyes were black. No hint of the tawny brown they were normally. “I like to see you. Remember your face when you’re inner beauty is brightest.”

He pushed hard into me, and I gasped then jerked my hips. He fucked me hard with his fingers and when he pinched my clit between thumb and index finger with his other hand, I took flight. Literally left the plane I was in, my body opened up, free as a bird while Alec gave me my wings.

Somewhere in my subconscious, I heard a crackling noise and the scent of rubber wafted across my nose. Alec’s hands cupped my shoulders and then he was there, pressing his length into me. The denim of his jeans scraped along my inner thighs as he thrust deep. It was like the pleasure was never going to end. I hadn’t even come down fully when he’d plowed his thick length into me. He groaned into my hair, and I clasped my limbs around his body, holding him close, loving the warmth of skin as he pressed in and out.

“Chaud, soyeux, et parfait,” he said before kissing me fully. I opened my mouth and let him enter me in all ways, joining with him the way I wanted to from the moment I saw his picture. He was hard, long, and deep inside me. I never wanted him to stop, yet I wanted him to get there more. To feel what he’d given me two times already. So, with all my might, I shifted my weight and rolled over on top of him. That’s when I worked him hard.

His hands immediately came to my hips and helped guide me up and down on his thick cock. He was magnificent like this. The muscles in his forearms tightened and strained with every thrust. A sheen of sweat built up over the bumpy highway of his abdominal muscles. I leaned down at one point and licked and sucked the flat disk of his nipple.

“Putain oui” he said through clenched teeth, his jaw working overtime. I nibbled and bit at his nipple until it was dark and erect then moved over to its mate and did the same. Alec’s fingers dug into my hips signaling his need to be taken harder. I lifted back up, flung my hair back behind me, and rode him…hard. Every press down I ground into his pelvis sending sparks of excitement through my sex where I clamped down using my internal muscles, giving him as good as I’d gotten.

He spoke in rapid French. I couldn’t understand any of it. He sat up, pushed with his feet until he was at the headboard. He leaned my body back and physically slid me on and off his cock. The French started back up again as he watched himself enter my body over and over. As much as I wanted this to be for him, I couldn’t help that he was winding me up again. My body was coiled tight like a snake, and he knew it, too. He leaned his mouth forward and sucked hard on my nipples making them dark red raspberries until he couldn’t take it anymore.

Finally, his head hit the headboard and I grasped the top of the headboard for leverage. That’s when I took us both over the edge, barreling into a sea of sweet nothingness, the only sounds our strained breathing as we cried out in mutual release, my center putting a lockdown around his shaft the likes of which I’d never thought possible before. He held me close still pressing his hips up from beneath me, rubbing out the very last tremors of pleasure.

We stayed that way, me strung up on his cock, sitting in his lap, my hands still hanging onto the headboard. His hands moved up and down my back, arms, thighs as if he needed to touch me, to believe I was really there. I could understand it. When you leave yourself like that, and the pleasure is so extreme, you need something repetitive to bring you back.

Little by little our heartbeats calmed down, and I tucked my arms behind his back and held him close. He didn’t let me go, either, preferring to touch and kiss me wherever he could reach. It was nice—really nice if I was being honest with myself.

For a moment, it reminded me of Wes. Sweet, beautiful, down to Earth, Wes. The one man, the only man I think I could ever truly fall in love with. I took a harsh breath and prevented the tears from coming. I wasn’t cheating. I. Was. Not. Cheating. Even though I kept telling myself, there still was a hint of guilt hovering over me like a machete ready to lop of my head.

“What’s the matter?” Alec asked pushing me back so he could see my eyes.

Audrey Carlan's books