Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

“I don’t know how to start over.”

“Red, we’re not starting over. We’re moving forward. I want you and I want those kids. I want to be there to find your keys and phone for you every day. I want to take Evan to the stables so he can gawk at Joey. I want to scare away Aurora’s first boyfriend.” He turned them around and pointed at Carter and Summer, swaying to their own music oblivious to the barn full of people. “I want that.”

“I want that, too,” Gianna whispered, her eyes damp.

“Then give me another chance and I will give you everything.”

The song ended, but still he held her. “I love you, Gianna, and I love those kids. I want us to be a family. A big, sloppy, loud, temperamental family.”

She laid her hands on his chest and took a deep, shaky breath. “I need to think about this, Beckett.”

He brought his forehead to hers. “Take some time. But understand that I’m not backing off, I’m not letting you go. I’ll be there nudging you along.”

“Bucket! Can I dance wiv you?” Aurora appeared next to them, her face smeared with cake.

“Of course you can, shortcake.” He hoisted her up on his hip, but instead of letting Gianna go, he pulled her back in. “Now we can all dance.”

“Rora, don’t get cake all over Beckett,” Gianna warned.

“K, Mama,” Aurora grinned and put her head down on Beckett’s shoulder.

Over Gia’s head, Beckett spotted Evan on the dance floor with Joey. The kid gave him the nod and Beckett returned it.

Yeah. This time he wasn’t letting go.

As the sun began its slow descent in the November sky, the party was wrapping up. Most of the non-family guests had left carrying thoughtful boxes of their Thanksgiving favorites.

Aurora was yawning mightily, having exhausted herself dancing all afternoon. Gia was feeling a little worn out herself. The man of her dreams told her he loved her. But just like an apology, they were only words. It was the actions that mattered and so far, his had left much to be desired.

She slipped her shoes off under the table and reveled in the freedom for her toes.

Summer was dancing with Niko and laughing. He was handsome, there was no doubt about it. All that thick, dark hair and olive complexion. Even without the name Vulkov, there was something exotic about him.

He’d casually flirted with her before the ceremony and Gia understood that it was just his way. He wasn’t a womanizer per se. He was an adorer of all things female. She was looking forward to their shoot tomorrow. His work would help put Thrive at the top of the game.

Across the floor near the patio doors, Evan was in conference with Franklin and the Pierce men. Even with the fading bruises — that Niko had promised Summer he could edit out — they still made quite a picture.

She hadn’t asked what the outcome of the bachelor party had been, but given the mile-wide grin on her father’s face, she imagined it had gone well. After all, Beckett was standing next to him, relaxed and smiling. Finally.

At least he’d gotten it out of his system and now her father could be a welcomed part of that family.

Gia picked up her glass and sipped. Summer’s Wheat, she thought with a smile. The thoughtful sentiment had Carter written all over it. She made a mental note to ask him sometime how he talked the other two into naming their inaugural beer after his bride.

The men dispersed, each looking like they were on a mission. Evan and Jax headed outside to bank the flames in the patio fireplace. Her father wandered over to Phoebe while Carter snuck behind the bar and pulled out a skinny rolled up paper. He nodded at Summer, who winked and tugged on Niko’s sleeve.

Niko abandoned her to grab his camera while Summer floated to Carter’s side.

They were a perfect team. Gia only had to look at them to know theirs was a love that would last forever. For just a second, when Beckett had guided her back down the aisle, she let herself pretend it was their time, their love.

But pretending was foolish. He’d hurt her and now she had to decide whether or not she could forgive. He’d given her the words she’d longed to hear, but without the action to back it up there were no guarantees.

She’d been hurt before, had forgiven again and again. But the outcome never changed. She and Paul weren’t destined to be together, weren’t part of the same team.

Her gaze found Beckett as it had all day. She watched him tickle Aurora and give Evan a high five through the glass.

Gia just needed some time to think. Maybe after she had wrapped up the rest of January’s content for the magazine she could just take a day and really figure everything out. Pros and cons. Try to logic it out, since her feelings were so conflicted.

“If you guys have time for one more toast, let’s head out onto the patio before my wife and I call it a night,” Carter announced, putting his arm around Summer’s shoulders.

Lucy Scorey's books