Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

“We’ve got a really wonderful proxy stepping in to speak on Gia’s behalf. Please welcome, Evan Decker,” Bruce said, stepping back from the podium and clapping.

Gia was halfway out of her seat when she spotted Evan strutting down the aisle toward the stage. He was wearing a suit and tie and his hair was neatly combed. He waved with both hands as he walked like the perfect Mini Mayor.

By the time he reached the podium the audience was standing and applauding. The kid definitely had a future in politics, Gia sighed, clapping along with the rest of the crowd.

Evan couldn’t be seen over the podium until Beckett pulled a crate out from under his seat and arranged it behind the podium.

He gave Beckett a polite nod and shook his hand before turning to face the crowd. He shot a grin at Gia and waved.

Weakly, she waved back.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I would first like to thank you for joining us tonight. When two people as stubborn as Gia and Beckett fight, it takes a village to bring them back together.”

The crowd laughed appreciatively.

“Best town meeting ever,” Joey muttered, her popcorn forgotten in her lap.

“We’ve heard my esteemed colleague say his piece,” Evan continued. “And now I’d like to educate you on the opposing position.”

Evan took a moment to organize his notecards before looking out over the audience. “Gianna Decker isn’t my mother.”

Gia slumped lower in her seat and closed her eyes. “For the love of —”

“At least not biologically. But in every way that counts, she is.”

Gia chanced a peek out of one eye.

“She married my dad when she could have done better, because she loved me. After letting my dad pursue his goals, she realized that we needed more stability. We needed family. She divorced my dad and moved us here to be closer to Grampa. But we found a lot more family than just him. We found the Pierces.”

He looked over his shoulder at Beckett. “Beckett made dumb mistakes. Really dumb ones. Like incredibly stupid ones.”

“Move it along, kid,” Beckett grumbled.

Evan grinned. “But he made them with what he thought was our best interests at heart. When my dad makes decisions, he makes them because it’s what he wants, not because it’s for the best for everyone. So even though Beckett was wrong, his heart was in the right place.”

Evan shuffled his cards again. “Okay, now we get to the part where Gia was wrong.”

Gia straightened in her chair.

“See, Gia got really used to being in charge. Even when she was married to my dad, she did everything for us and he didn’t want a say in it. Beckett wanted a say, and Gia didn’t know how to handle that. For instance, she’s probably really mad right now and feeling like we’re trying to tell her what to do. But that’s not true,” Evan said.

He looked directly at her. “We’re just trying to help you make a decision that works for all of us. Please don’t ground me. Thank you for your time.”

The applause was thunderous and Evan waved again while he took a seat next to Beckett. They solemnly high-fived and Gia knew she was screwed.

Bruce was back at the podium again. “At this time we’d like to open up the floor to comments.”

“Oh my God,” Gia whispered.

Willa from Blue Moon Boots was the first to stand. “I’d just like to say that I’ve seen the way these two look at each other and they’re a strong, solid match. Family and community are so important to them both that if they can work things out, we’ll all benefit.” She curtsied to the warm applause and took her seat.

Donovan Cardona stood up next, his uniform shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. “I’d like to throw my two cents in as a fellow town leader. I haven’t yet been called to Beckett’s house to settle any kind of dispute between him and Gia. So, in my book, that’s a huge improvement.”

People around him nodded in agreement.

It went on like that with townspeople debating their relationship for another fifteen minutes until Mrs. McCafferty of McCafferty Farm Supply stood up. “What I want to know is what kind of guarantee is this girl going to have that Beckett isn’t going to pull the rug out from under her again?”

Joey applauded with the rest of Team Gia.

Carter stood up. “Miz McCafferty, I give you my word that if my brother tries to do something else stupid like that again, I’ll beat some sense into him.”

Gia was suddenly suspicious that that’s how the brothers had gotten their bruises in the first place. Mrs. McCafferty frowned thoughtfully. “I think that’s a fair solution,” she nodded and took her seat again.

Julia, her pink tipped hair pulled back in a perky ponytail stood up. She had a chubby infant on her hip. “How do we know that Beckett really cares about not just Gia but you and your sister?”

Evan climbed back onto the crate at the microphone. “I’m glad you asked. I’d like to submit as evidence a few pictures that prove that Beckett likes us a lot.”

Lucy Scorey's books