FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

My mom and sister took the guest bedrooms in the house. It tore out that last bit of my guts to see them step off of the plane, both of them with red, puffy eyes, hurt and confusion coating their entire demeanor. My mom lost it again and began pounding me with questions I had no clue how to answer. Her two sons are fighting against each other, and both have the desire to kill the other. How the hell do you look at the woman who brought you into this world and tell her what one of her children’s lives has become? I told her the minimal. Of course, she blew up, demanding me to tell her more. I couldn’t. I may never be able to. If it wasn’t for my sister stepping in to help me calm her down, I would still be up, trying to figure out what to say to her, while listening to her heart being ripped out of her chest all over again.

Even though they're all safe tonight, I can't sleep, so I'm out on the porch, drowning in the sound of the night. My phone is in my lap, and I'm trying like hell to not fucking wake Steele up and make him fly my ass to Alabama to see her. Goddammit, Jade.

I stretch my arms behind me and watch the sunrise from the middle of the porch. The sky is beautiful even though half the sky is being shadowed with a large storm cloud. The other side is sunlit and causing a contrasting flare to the darkness.

“You up already?” Jackson stops running as he approaches.

“No. Haven't slept yet.”

“Fuck, man. You know that's not good. You need to rest, Kaleb.”

“I know. Too much on my mind.”

“Jade or your brother?”

“Both. Hell, you take a pick.”

“Have you heard from her?”

“Yeah, Harris said they made it. She went straight to bed.”

“Damn, man. You know why she's pissed, right? You have to know her well enough to know how to fix this.”

“I will. Just need to handle some family business before I bring her into it.”

“You guys need that vacation when this is all over.”

“I agree. I'm taking her away for a few weeks when I get the chance.”

“My man. You're gonna just have to create the chance. I've known you for years, and you're always working.” I exhale. I know he's right. I'd love more than anything to slow down some and make a life with Jade. I just don't know if I have it in me to slow down.

He sits next to me and leans the chair back on two legs. “Your ass will come back with triplets if you take her away for a week.” I smile at the thought of Jade pregnant with my baby, knowing our lives would forever be changed with news like that. There’s no way in hell we’re anywhere ready for that to happen.

“Ah. We won’t be having any little Fires for a long while.”

“Thank god, man. The big Fire is enough.” His laughter comforts me. Jackson is always a happy guy. He’s learning timing is crucial for me. “You ready to call that asshole brother of yours, now that your mom is safe?” I catch some anxiousness as well as the seriousness this man rarely shows.

“Yes, I am. Not that he’ll tell me where he is.” He’s a chicken shit. I don’t have to express that for Jackson to know this. It’s obvious.

“You'd be surprised. He may give us a clue. We can always try to track him, but I'm sure he's smarter than that shit.”

“He is.” How the hell he became smart when his entire life he’s been nothing but a dumb fuck is a riddle to me.

“Let's get the guys around the table and call his ass now.”

“Alright, gather them up. I'll be right there.” He stands quickly and starts jogging toward the main office, where we keep all the computer equipment. We’ll record this call and analyze the fuck out of it. I wouldn't be surprised if Pierce finds him based on this call. He's a sharp motherfucker and someone I wouldn't want to hide from. He's an expert at that shit.

“Dial that fucker. Everyone stay completely quiet until the call is ended.” Pierce sets all the equipment to record, and I dial my sick fucking brother. The phone rings four times, and I start to worry he won’t answer. Then he picks up the call.

“I knew you'd call. Surprised it took you this long.” His voice disgusts me, and I battle the urge to scream at him for the shit he's in on.

“What do you want? You know I'll kill you before you get a chance to go near mom or Amelie.” His laughter is evil. Like the protégé of the devil himself. I send looks around the room as we try to analyze his reactions to me. He thinks he scares me. He’s far from it.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books