FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

A low moan passed through her sweet lips as I finished cleaning her. I couldn’t resist slipping a finger inside her while leaning down to kiss her lips. When she finally opened her eyes, I was the first thing she saw and fuck if that didn’t make me hard. It was something I could easily get used to until I craved it.

Words were meaningless and unnecessary. My clothes were shed and I was sliding back inside her heat. This time, instead of the normal pounding, I moved inside her slowly, testing the waters. I couldn’t resist slipping deeper inside, causing her to moan from my possession.


“If you ever let another man touch you, I will kill you on the spot. Are we clear?”

“Your crazy has no limits,” she groaned.

“Only when it’s you.” I felt her body soften while I bit back a curse. Why hadn’t I known I would say that?

“Are…” She hesitated. Uncertainty plagued her eyes as she stared up at me with too trusting eyes, her body moving with me. “Are we making love now?”


The self-satisfied smirk plastered on her face was beautiful. Instead of recoiling, I found myself wanting to capture this moment. The look in her eyes. The smell and feel of her skin. The sound of her soft moans.

She was everything.

I needed to stop this shit. If I weren’t careful, the little bitch would have her way. I moved to separate our bodies, already mourning the expected loss, but she must have sensed it because her legs locked around my waist.

“Don’t,” she demanded. “Don’t do it. Don’t run.”

“What makes you think I’m the one who needs to run?”

“Because I’m not afraid anymore and that scares you. I’m—” My finger slipping inside her mouth shut her up.

“Suck me,” I ordered harsher than I had intended.

Her eyes closed as she obeyed. Her lips closed around my finger, taking it deep and my dick hardened even more inside her. Together, we rocked each other to completion.



I was being led somewhere. They were always taking me to places where they made me do bad things. Each time I wanted to say no but knew if I ever did, they would hurt me and not let me eat for a long time.

As I followed behind them with my hands tied, I wondered who they would make me do bad stuff to today. For two years, this had been my routine. I go where they take me and do what they tell me to do.

It was always the same.

So why did this time feel different?

They didn’t blindfold me like normal, and when we stopped outside a room, I knew why. We weren’t leaving the compound.

The door opened to a room I’d never seen before, and the first thing I noticed were all the bright lights. And the cameras. There were at least three, which was strange for a normal sized room.

What is happening?”

I looked around the room curiously, forgetting my training. We were never allowed to speak or to look anywhere but straight ahead when training. The room was empty except for the lights, cameras, and in the center of the room was large bed, and it was then I noticed the tiny form lying in the center of it.

I squinted through the bright lights, and as my eyes adjusted, recognition followed.


What is she doing here, and where are her clothes? She was completely naked without even a blanket to cover her. I didn’t understand why, but I knew it was wrong. She shouldn’t be here. These men shouldn’t be here.

A scary thought wormed its way into my mind. Was I here to kill her? Sometimes, when they wanted to punish the other kids, they made me do it. It was much easier to kill the children than the adults. They called it extra practice. With the other kids, it was different, and each time, I was hurt because they made us fight. They wanted me to prove myself, and so I didn’t just have to kill them, but I had to fight them to the death.

“It’s just another way to toughen you up, slave,” Frank would say.

B.B. Reid's books