Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“Alyssa once asked you if you’d change the sofa’s in the main room of your apartment because she thought the color was hideous. Do you remember? You told her they were comfortable and that she knew where the door was if she wanted to leave.”

“She was surprised, and I had to turn away so she wouldn’t see the grin I was trying to hide. She had a wicked temper. Truth be told I’m glad she left—not the way she left—she wasn’t for you. Anyone could see it.”

“But me,” I finish for him.

“Yeah, but you.”

“Sabrina is different and as soon as you meet her, you’ll realize that.”

“Good. So when do we start this project of yours?”


“Okay, then tonight we’ll warm up the lasagna in the fridge, and I’ll camp out here. At least tomorrow night, I might get a bed.”

I grin at him. “So how long are you planning on staying?”

“Until you’re sorted.” He grabs a notepad and a pen from the table in the hall, and disappears into the family room.

I lean against the wall and watch him walk around the room making notes when I ask him, “So why are you so keen to come and hide here?” I grin knowing him well.

Dante’s head comes up with a look of shock.

I’m right. It’s not just our friendship that has him here helping me out.

Folding my arms across my body, I wait him out.

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”

“Not the first time I’ve been called that, and it won’t be the last.”

“Family. My sister to be precise. She’s also a pain in the ass.” He shakes his head. “I don’t want to talk about her. Let’s make a start with the downstairs rooms before we eat.”

I stay silent and watch him while I wonder what Emelia has done now. She’s always been a handful, but now she’s living in a different city than her twin, Diego, I guess she’s spreading her wings more. Diego seemed to keep them clipped. And if I remember correctly she’d been angry and upset when Dante had joined the priest hood.

Perhaps Dante’s problems will stop me from worrying about Sabrina, and what she will think once she finds out I’ve left Lexington.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Each evening I stare at the envelope with our baby’s picture and DVD in it, and I do the same before climbing out of bed for the day. So far I’ve been unable to look at them. I desperately need Lucien to be with me when I see them for the first time. He doesn’t deserve my consideration in this. Not when he made the choice to not be here for me…for our baby. No matter how many times I tell myself the facts I still can’t open the envelope.

I’d picked them up six days ago. The day Ruben told me Lucien had headed to Colorado to get his head together. Each day that passes makes it harder for me to believe he will come back for me, and our unborn baby. The way Ruben spoke was as though he’d be back for us soon. I hope with all my heart that he will be but the doubts are there and growing stronger each day. It was difficult being away from him when he was in the same city, and now that he’s gone, it’s unbearable. I miss him more than words can say.

Now that the fundraising event is around the corner, I’ve been spending more and more time helping to get all the arrangements finalized, which means Gavin has been constantly around and flirting with me. He’s a nice guy, a great doctor, just not for me. If he asks me one more time to go to the event with him, I just might give in and say yes. He knows all about Lucien so it’s not as though I’d be leading him on. The thought of having to attend alone is making me nervous. I’ve never been good with walking into a crowded room so it would be good to have someone with me.

The night of the fundraiser will also be the first time I’ve seen Lily and the rest of the McKenzies since I left Lucien. A part of me is nervous but the other part is longing to see them, to have all the support I can get. I may not be family, but I know they will rally around me. Of course, that assurance doesn’t calm my nerves. What if they blame me for Lucien leaving? I’m sure it’s my mind making all sorts of assumptions, but I can’t help it.

In all, I am looking forward to the event and I’m hoping it’s going to be a huge success. If it is, it will mean all our hard work will have paid off.

I think I’m safe to say that the only thing I need to do for the event now is to buy myself an evening dress that makes allowances for my rapidly expanding belly. When I’d gone shopping with Eric, I hadn’t given an evening dress thought so that needed to be sorted, and soon.

Thinking about it makes me realize that I should figure it out sooner rather than later and now is a good time. There’s a boutique a block over from where I am now that sells the most amazing dresses, I just hope they have something with a pregnant woman in mind. I’m not too fussy as long as it covers the essential bits. Although, if it happens to show some of my plump breasts, I’m not about to complain, after all Lucien is supposed to put in an appearance if Ramon has anything to say about it.