Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

I jump at the sound of my mom’s voice and turn towards hers.

Unbeknown to us, she has snuck up and is standing in the doorway with a mischievous look in her eyes. I just hope to god she didn’t hear Sabrina and me as we passed sexy banter back and forth. Wouldn’t surprise me. She doesn’t miss anything.

“C’mon inside. Sebastian and Carla have just arrived too.”

Oh great! Just what we need—Sebastian.

“Oh look what the cat dragged in,” Sebastian says while taking my woman into his arms for a bear hug, grinning at me.

“Ignore him,” Carla adds giving me a quick hug before it’s Sabrina’s turn. She hooks her arm through Sabrina’s and as she drags her towards the sofa, I hear her say, “So you and Lucien, huh? I want all the details later. It seems as though you’ve neglected to tell your friend all about it.”

Sabrina looks back to me, which gets my feet moving.

As I join her on the sofa I hear the end of her response, “He’s amazing.”

I grin and Carla rolls her eyes.

“Next time you’re telling me about him, please make sure he can’t hear you because that smug look he’s wearing reminds me of Sebastian when we’re discussing something, and he insists he’s right.”

“Of course I’m right babe. A McKenzie is never wrong.”

“See what I mean,” Carla glares at Sebastian before turning her attention back to us, “it’s annoying.”

We laugh as Mom and Dad sit opposite while Mom pours us both a drink from the large coffee pot in the middle of the table.

I’m not sure Sabrina should be drinking so much coffee with her being pregnant. The thought of making a comment about it makes me slightly queasy. I’m an adult but the thought of announcing things like marriage and babies to my parents has butterflies in my stomach as large as golf balls.

Sabrina slips her hand onto my thigh and gently squeezes. I lift my eyes and find I’m lost when I look into hers. She’s amazing. Offering me comfort, support or whatever you want to call it. Something I sure as hell don’t deserve after the way I was with her this morning.

Forgetting we’re in a room with my family, I lose all focus of my surroundings. Slipping my hand around the nape of Sabrina’s neck, I nudge her towards me and sigh when our lips meet in a sweet kiss. Being slightly off balance, Sabrina’s hand lands on my hip, narrowly missing my rising cock. I groan, and hear a throat being cleared.

“Do you two mind? You may want to be alone, but I can assure you, you’re not,” Sebastian says.

“I know that,” I reply with my girl still in my arms. “We’re getting engaged and having a baby.”

You can hear a pin drop after my announcement.

Sabrina smiles against my lips before sitting upright and facing my folks.

They both look stunned.

Mom is the first to pull herself together and jumping up, she runs around the table and pulls Sabrina into her arms and holds her so tight I’m not sure she can breathe. “Thank you for bringing our son back to us,” I hear her whisper into Sabrina’s ear. I haven’t been anywhere, but I know what she means. Back to the living. Back to having a normal life.

“Wow, them McKenzie swimmers are good,” Sebastian adds pulling me up from the sofa into a hug. “It’s about damn time you got your act together.”

I grunt in response and pull Carla back into my arms for a hug.

She doesn’t say anything, but I catch her wiping at her eyes.

Sebastian takes his woman back and whispers into her ear causing her to turn a lovely shade of red.

As I turn back to Sabrina and Mom, I catch Dad watching me from where he’s sitting on the sofa, unmoved.

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I walk over to him and offer him a hand, which he takes. As soon as he has his feet under him he wraps me up in his arms and just holds me. He doesn’t say anything—he doesn’t need to.

When we separate, I find I’m fighting back tears of my own.

“I’ve always been proud of you,” he starts, “but none more so as of right now. I know you’re still fighting your demons, but you have the love of a good woman with a baby on the way. You’re changing the future you said you were resigned to six years ago, and I don’t think anything will ever be as hard or difficult as it is for you right now. So the fact that you’re fighting to overcome them has made me damn proud of you all over again. I love you, son.”


Sabrina wraps herself around me, offering comfort. I pull her against my chest and bury my face into her neck while I get my bearings back. My dad’s words have floored me. He’s always been a man of few words and even though we know he loves us, it isn’t often he tells us.

“Are you, okay?”

Raising my head, I gaze into Sabrina’s swimming eyes and offer her a small smile as I bend and kiss each one. “I think I am.”


“I’m really happy for you both,” Carla says, “and I can’t wait until baby is here…Oh, how pregnant are you?”