Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

And now I have Sabrina under my skin and for the most part I’ve resigned myself to that fact. It’s when she looks at me as though I’m the only one she sees that terrifies me. I want that look to always be on her face. I don’t want it to ever be wiped off because of how I look unclothed. No matter how many times she tells me to trust her and that she isn’t like that, until you’re faced with fact no one has any idea how they’ll react.

The more time I spend with her, the more I’m pulled under. Until she moved in with me, I had no idea how lonely I was, how much I was craving company. Someone to call my own to build a life with, and then Sabrina burst into my life literary knocking the breath out of me.

My brothers already think of her as part of the family, and, well, I don’t even need to think about my parents. They welcomed her into the family from the minute she stepped foot in to their home with Lily. When Sabrina hasn’t shown up for a family dinner, Mom has always given me the look, which would have me coming up with any excuse I could think of to get out of her line of sight. Yeah, my mom still has it.

I’m going to give Mom a minute after we tell her about the baby to reach for the tissues. She loves children and dotes on Charlotte and Jr. so much. It’s no wonder she’s always hinting at us to get married and give her a house full of grandchildren. No doubt she’ll be wishing extra children on each of us when she finds out about Ramon, although he could adopt. I need to pin him down and find out what’s going on with him. I really hate knowing something is going on, but not exactly knowing what, and he’s damn evasive. In fact, Sabrina probably knows more about what’s going on in his life than any of us, as they seem to have developed a good friendship.

I sigh, wondering what the future is going to hold for Sabrina and me as I pull up outside my parents’ house.

I’m lucky to have grown up in such a family with such a house. This place will always be home to me and my brothers, and no matter where we travel, we always come home.

“You okay?” Sabrina asks sliding her hand up my thigh.

I catch her fingers and entwine mine with hers. “Yeah, I’m good.”

I leave out that I’m nervous. She can probably tell anyway. I’m the oldest at forty-one so I shouldn’t be nervous about bringing a girl home. I wasn’t with Alyssa. Probably because she didn’t mean as much to me as the woman beside me does. Which is why I’m fuckin’ terrified she’ll see the light and walk away.

“You’re lying to me. You look like you’re about to hurl.” Sabrina offers me a small smile.

I laugh, which eases me.

“C’mon let’s go and tell Mom you have a bun in the oven.” I smirk, knowing it’s going to get her back up.

“You better think of better words to use or you won’t be seeing what’s beneath this dress,” she counters getting out of the car.

I get moving and meet her beside the passenger side.

She looks so damn cute that I invade her space and press up against her. I rest my forearms against the car while I gaze into her eyes. “You make my libido crazy. But you know that already…don’t you?”

She smiles and reaches up with her hands, sliding her fingers through my hair. Shards of pleasure run down my spine waking my dick up as I press right against her covered *. Sabrina moans into my mouth our tongues doing a dance that is primal and as old as stars. A dance that I wish we were doing with other parts of our bodies.

Her taste is driving me crazy.

I reach down and grab her bottom in my hands, hoisting her up so she’s more in line with where my cock needs to be. Her dress needs to disappear. My cock needs to be free.

Fuck. No!!!

“Shit babe.” I breathe heavily against her neck. “We’re in my folks’ front yard.”

She chuckles. “I know.”

“Fuckin’ hell. I hope they’re busy elsewhere. The last thing I want is for anyone to see you like this.” I mean every word as well. I don’t want anyone seeing her when she’s in a lust induced haze. I don’t give a shit who sees me, but no one sees my girl.

“Do you need a minute before we go inside?” Sabrina asks while smoothing her dress out.

“No. I’m good.”

“You sure?” She looks at my groin before moving her eyes up to me and grinning.

“I’ll be fine by the time we get inside. I just need you to keep your hands to yourself.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her along with me.

“What about your hands on me.”

“I figured if I’m aching to be inside you, then you might as well ache as well.” I bend to her ear and whisper, “I want you imagining my cock, hard and thick sliding back and forth creating a delicious friction inside that * of yours.”

She freezes and gives me an incredulous look.

“How the hell am I suppose to go and sit in there with your family with a soaked *, without any panties on I might add, imagining you buried deep inside me?” She smirks.

“No panties, Fuck! I’ve no idea, but now you can suffer like I’m about to. At least your arousal isn’t going to be obvious for all to see.”


“Anyway, when the hell did you remove your panties?”

“In the restroom before we left my mom’s apartment building. They were too wet to wear after what you did to me.”


“Lucien…with Sabrina.”