Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

Words escape me.

I told him that I’d agree to be engaged to him for now, and marriage may follow once we get to know each other so him being so forward is a surprise. Looking at the shock on my mother’s face, I turn and meet his gaze. He winks at me before turning his attention back on my mom. It dawns on me that he said that first to give her something to think about before he announces, “You’re also going to become a Granny,” as he caresses my stomach.

I cringe. Granny isn’t going to go down too well, which he damn well knows. I can’t help but snicker.

He’s damn wicked.

“You’ve gotten her pregnant?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He grins. “Strong swimmers in the McKenzie family.”

She stutters and we watch as she blushes.

He’s purposely baiting her.

I shouldn’t feel the need to come to her rescue when that wouldn’t even enter her head if it was me, but I do. “Mom, I’m three months pregnant and sometime before the baby is born we might be getting married. That’s not confirmed as yet so we’ll see.”

Ignoring what Lucien said my mother's gaze spears in to me and I know she isn't happy. All the years of disappointment is shining in her eyes right now as her mouth goes as tight as her voice, "Really Sabrina, I expected as much from you. Unmarried, pregnant and now you are only considering marriage. For that baby's sake, I would hope that you are married before it's born. There is nothing worse than giving birth to an illegitimate child. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you don't care about the well being of that little person inside you. You always were selfish Sabrina."

I feel Lucien tense beside me at her words. I’m not surprised by her tone, but I am with her angry words, which is sad considering she’s the only parent I have left.

Lucien gets to his feet and pulls me up. “We’re leaving before I say something that might have Sabrina hating me. If you want to be involved in your daughter and grandchild’s life then I’m sure you know how to contact us.”

Before I can fully comprehend what she’s just said and Lucien’s reaction to her words, I’m out in the hall and being ushered back to the elevator with a fuming Lucien.

He leans with his hands on the wall and then lets his head drop between them while he calms himself down. I hate seeing him like this and I’ve no idea whether or not he’ll welcome my comfort or reject it. There’s only one way of finding out.

Conscious of his aversion to being touched on his back, I move in closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder and rub.

I feel him shudder at my touch. He turns his head and looks at me from beneath his brows and I feel my panties incinerate. I love seeing that look on his face. As though I’m the only one he sees. The one he wants to devour.

Hearing the ping of the elevator, he moves so quickly and has me shoved up against the back wall. The doors close as his mouth descends to mine.

Chapter Eighteen


After feeling like I was drowning this morning, I feel pretty damn smug with myself now. Giving Sabrina an orgasm in the elevator after sucking her breasts through her top before the doors opened on the ground floor is something to feel pretty damn smug about. She’d gone off like a rocket causing me to start working out complicated mathematical problems to get my raging erection to shrink before I embarrassed myself.

It certainly helped to lighten the mood from this morning.

I’d been a dick.

It killed me seeing the hurt on Sabrina’s face after I’d made love to her and not being able to prevent the feelings that were rising up in me. So I’d gone and hidden in the bathroom like a coward. I’d wanted to grab hold of her and tell her how much she means to me, but those feelings had choked me up and I’d started to panic, which brought back the last time I’d seen Alyssa. She’d been screaming at me. Telling me how hideous I looked. How no one in their right mind would ever want to be with me, and if they did it would be because of my money, and who my family are, and not because of me with how I look now.

For years, every time I shut my eyes, all I could see was her face all screwed up in disgust, until eventually I started to believe her and shut myself off from everyone. I suppose the fact that I couldn’t get hard for her after the fire might have angered her even more, but if she’d loved me then she would have hung around and not abandoned me. I thank God everyday that my family were there. They always are.