Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“Can you tell how pregnant Sabrina is?”

“She’s twelve weeks and two days, going off the answers Sabrina has written down on the questionnaire all newly pregnant ladies are asked to fill in, and her answers match what the ultrasound is telling me.” She looks to me. “Everything seem to be going as planned, but after the scare you’ve had, I want to see you twice weekly for the next three weeks and we’ll go from there.”

What isn’t she telling me?

“I can see the wheels turning Sabrina. I’m not concerned about anything, but you were admitted to the hospital so to be on the safe side I want to keep a close eye on you for a few weeks. That’s all, I promise.”

“I’ll make sure she’s here.”

“I’m sure you will.” She grins at Lucien. “Please make the appointments on your way out, but for now let me clean you up and sort out your photographs and DVD.”

She starts to wipe my stomach clean while I gaze at Lucien. I’ve never seen that look on his face before and my brow wrinkles in confusion until I realize what it is—wonder.

“Are you okay?” I ask him as the doctor leaves us alone.

He inhales and exhales before standing and dropping his forehead to mine. “Yeah,” his voice breaks, “it’s amazing seeing our baby. It’s just become real. We’re going to be parents.” He kisses me on the lips. “Thank you.” He kisses me again and hovers above me with mere centimetres between us. “You and this baby will always come first, Sabrina. It’s not going to be easy for me, no one changes that quickly—”

I cover his mouth with mine.

Pulling away, I say, “The past is what it is, and although I’m not making light of what happened to you, we need to start living for our future.” I kiss him again and pulling back, I smile. “I can’t wait to tell your parents. Your mom is going to freak.”

He moves away and helps me sit up on the table laughing. “That she is.”

“We’ll leave my mom for now.”

“I think it might be better if we tell her first to get it out of the way and then go and tell my folks.” He slips my shoes back onto my feet and helps me stand before he rearranges the top of my yoga pants.

“I’ve told you how she’s likely to react. I’m not sure I can handle her negativity at the moment.”

Lucien leans into me, his heat warming me—making me feel safe as he brushes my hair from my face with his hand in a gentle caress. “My mom will pull you out of whatever your mom does to you, and just remember I’ll be with you. Stop her playing on your mind. You need to stay stress free.”

“I know you’re having a private conversation, but I have to agree with your boyfriend. The sooner you tell her, the sooner you can move forward and enjoy being pregnant.” The doctor passes me the pictures and DVD and starts to show us out of the room when she says, “Oh, and in case you’re wondering, there isn’t any reason why you can’t carry on with a normal sexual relationship.”

As soon as the words leave her mouth, I feel my face heat up and Lucien’s hands on me tighten as he pulls me slightly closer to him.

“That’s good to know,” he responds.

He ushers me out of the office and into the elevator without speaking.

Pressing the button for the underground car park, he stands opposite me with his ankles crossed and his back leaning against the elevator wall. The look on his face is so heated that I’m sure my panties have melted right off.

“Sex, hmm.”

Chapter Sixteen


Since the doctor mentioned sex, I’ve been unable to get it out of my head. Up until a few months ago, I hadn’t had sex in close to six years because my cock had decided to stay flaccid. Then Sabrina appeared and I had a permanent erection, and now the doctor has just given us permission to have a sexual relationship again—not that we needed permission—but since she opened her mouth, my dick has sprung to life and wants to be buried in Sabrina’s warmth.

From the fidgeting Sabrina has been doing, I’m guessing that she’s in a state of arousal as well, which is why I’m driving back to our apartment instead of her mother’s place. I want to show Sabrina with my body what she means to me. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to give her properly what she wants—me fully naked—but I can worship her body and give her pleasure like no one else will ever get the chance to do because I’ll be damned if she’s ever going anywhere. That’s just unthinkable.

I refrain from touching her as I pull into my parking space at our apartment building. Otherwise we aren’t going to make it out of the car.

Jumping out, I run around and open the door for Sabrina. Taking her hand, I pull her out of her seat. She comes up against me causing a groan to burst from between my lips. My body feels like it’s about to combust with the lust running through me.

“I want you,” I ground out.