Drunk Dial

Panting, I watched as his jeans fell to the ground before he kicked them aside. When he slipped his shirt off, I marveled at the sight of his rock-hard, tattooed chest, getting an up close and personal look at it like never before. His body was like a chiseled canvas of fine art, a pure delight for my eyes. I wanted to lick a line down the happy trail of hair dividing his lower ab muscle.

He was standing before me in nothing but his black boxer briefs. The material did nothing to mask the outline of his package. The tip of his cock was sticking out at the top, and I could see his shiny piercing for the first time in the flesh.

I licked my lips in anticipation as he placed his hands on his waistband and slowly lowered his briefs, causing his cock to spring forward in all of its glory. That sight brought me to my knees both literally and figuratively.

Unable to resist, I wrapped my hand around his hot flesh, relishing the silky feel of his shaft. Yearning to lick the small bead of precum surrounding the piercing, I swirled my tongue around his thick crown as if it was slowly dancing around the cock ring. He tasted delicious. I couldn’t say that anything had ever given me more pleasure than this. Unable to stop, I began to take him deeper as he gathered my hair in his hand so that he could watch his cock moving in and out of my mouth.

He bent his head back. “Fuck. Don’t try to tell me you don’t know what you’re doing. This feels incredible.”

With his cock still filling my mouth, I smiled up at him. His eyelids tightened as he reluctantly pulled himself away.

He helped me up then said, “I can’t wait another second. I’m going to fuck you so good, Rana.” Pressing his gloriously hard body against my breasts, he leaned his weight into me until I fell back onto the bed. This was one moment I was grateful to live alone, because I knew this was going to be loud.

Nudging my legs open, he looked at me intently in a silent warning before he entered me in one hard thrust that made me gasp.

The bed shook, and my headboard banged against the wall as he fucked me relentlessly. When you waited as long as we did, there was no easing into things. The friction alone from his thick shaft moving in and out of me was like nothing I’d ever felt. Landon fucked like a champ—totally focused and with his entire body.

The sex I’d had in my teens was just about a means to an end with no regard for my pleasure. For Landon, sex wasn’t about just sticking his dick inside of me and moving it in and out. We were connected in every way possible. His hands were locking mine in place to help me hold on for the ride. His tongue was tasting me with the same synchronicity as the movements of his body. Occasionally, he’d break away to gently bite me, which always felt like he was staking his claim in some way. And his cock penetrated me so deeply that I knew I would be sore tomorrow.

I couldn’t wait for him to come, to feel that explosion of his desire inside of me.

“You thought you’d be too wet for me, huh? I love your come all over my dick, baby. Feels better than anything.”

My toes were curling from the intensity of his thrusts. I loved the feel and sound of his balls slapping against my ass.

This was what it was like to be truly fucked.

His hips moved in a circular motion as he slowed himself down. “I have to slow down, or I’ll explode.”

“I’m ready,” I whispered.

He challenged me. “Yeah?”

I gripped his ass. “Yeah.”

He began to pound into me even harder than before as he shot his load. As soon as I felt the warmth of his cum, my muscles tensed around him in climax. And then I finally understood what he meant when he explained what it feels like when he comes, that his mind goes blank. That was exactly what happened to me. All of the worries in the world just disappeared into him for a moment.

He stayed over me, his dick remaining hard and hot inside of me. Our foreheads were touching, and our breathing was still heavy. I didn’t know how I had lived so long without experiencing this.

I tried to thwart my mind’s attempts to think about the women he’d been with. Now that I’d experienced being with him, I was even more jealous of anyone who had come before me and hoped that none had experienced exactly what I just did. Because it felt like so much more than sex.

When he finally moved off of me, I didn’t like it. I wanted to stay connected in his warmth.

“I have a confession,” he said as he slipped a sheet over us and drew me into him. Once again, my body was happy.


“Don’t kill me.”

“What did you do, Landon?”

“I saw you dance tonight.”


“I selfishly wanted to see you in action without you knowing that I was watching you. I sat in the corner of the restaurant so you couldn’t see me.”

“Oh, my God.” I straightened up. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were there.”

“I had my hat pulled down over my face. I figured if you noticed me, I would go with it and reveal myself. But since you didn’t, I just decided to enjoy watching you like everyone else.”

My cheeks felt flush. “What did you think?”

“It was more than I ever envisioned. You were amazing. Every movement was in step with the music perfectly. Everyone in that room just wanted a piece of your spirit, of your beauty. I can’t believe I don’t get to experience watching you all of the time. I’d be front and center every damn night if I could. I’d do nothing else. I didn’t expect to feel so damn proud of you. It was hard not to run onto the dance floor. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so fucking magical.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t know you were there because there is no way I could’ve focused. How did you get there from the airport?”

“I rented a car. So no more bus for a few days.”

I was starting to ruminate a bit.

He examined my face. “What are you thinking right now?”

“I feel like I have so many thoughts and feelings at the tip of my tongue, but nothing is coming out, and I am just gonna burst.”

“If you can’t find the words, you can use that tongue any other way you want. And I can definitely relate to the feeling of needing to burst. It’s why I flew all this way. In all seriousness, Rana, whatever you’re worried about right now, just get it the fuck out of your mind, okay?”

“Okay,” I whispered.

“I didn’t come here to force you into talking about any heavy stuff or anything. A man doesn’t randomly shut down his business in the middle of the lunch hour and run home to book a plane ticket to fly across country because he wants to make trouble. I came for two things.”

My heart was ready to explode. “Yeah?”

“The first is obvious. But the second and most important is to tell you in person that I am totally in love with you, Rana Saloomi. Because that just doesn’t seem like something you say over the phone. I fucking love you.”

He cradled my face in his hands and planted a long kiss on my lips. I broke away prematurely because I needed to reciprocate his sentiments.