Drop Dead Sexy

The next few days passed without any crazy incidents or further information on Randy’s murder. Catcher was asked to consult on a different drug case while he was waiting on leads for both Randy and The Shadow. As for me, it was pretty slow at Sullivan’s with only one service to preside over.

Although Catcher was busy and lived forty-five minutes away, it didn’t stop him from burning up the phone lines and roads to see me. And whenever we were together, our sex life set fire to whatever surface we could find be it the bed, the floor, the bathtubs at our houses, the backseat of his convertible. Thankfully, we were pretty creative when it came to places to have sex….and flexible. Of course, after my pounding on the car hood, it took me a couple of days for my vag to feel like its old self and be fully operational again.

But our physical connection was becoming rivaled by the emotional connection we had. Even though it had only been a week, I was starting to envision a future with Catcher. The rational side of me reasoned that it was ridiculous and “insta-love” wouldn’t last. But the teenage girl in me sent me doodling Mrs. Olivia Mains or I Love Catcher on my notepad while taking down funeral information. Oh yes, it was just that sickening.

On the fateful day that led to me being bound and gagged outside of a sexual scenario, I was in my office catching up on paperwork when the phone rang. I couldn’t hide my goofy grin when I saw it was Catcher. “Hey you.”

“Hey, babe, I’ve got some news.” He sounded out of breath.

I leaned forward in my chair. “What’s up?”

“You’re never going to believe this.”

“Considering what we’ve seen in the last week, try me.”

“You know how I told you we’ve had a secret informant giving us information on The Shadow.”


“Turns out, Mr. Delaney was the informant.”

I gasped. “You’re joking.”

“It’s crazy, but I’m not.”

“How did you guys find out?”

“Our IT department started decoding Delaney’s laptop, and then all the emails from him to us showed up.”

“So that means that Krump killed Delaney too?”

“Yup. Apparently Krump worked as a hitman for the Dixie Mafia back in the day.”

“And he’s definitely out of prison?”

“Yeah, somehow the fucker got released six months ago. Allegedly for good behavior.”

“I’m guessing the twenty-five years in prison didn’t change him since he’s been on a killing spree since he got out.”

“It’s looking that way. Listen, I gotta run up to Ellijay to have Olive sign a deposition. You wanna come with me. We could have lunch at that barbecue joint we liked. I know you said you wanted to go downtown and look in all the shops.”

“I really need to stay here and do paperwork.”

Catcher grunted. “You can do paperwork anytime. It’s a beautiful day, and I’ve got the top down.”

Damn him. He was such a bad influence on me. As I nibbled my lip, I glanced down at Motown who was snoozing at my feet. “Can I bring Motown along? He loves car rides.”

At the mere mention of “car”, Motown’s furry head jerked up, and he stared pleadingly at me.

“Sure you can bring him along. The more the merrier.”

I grinned into the phone. “Okay. Where can we meet you?”

“Come down to Jasper. We’ll meet at the shopping center off Hwy 515.”

“Okay. See you in thirty minutes.”

“Bye, Liv-bug.”

My heart flip-flopped. “Bye, Catcher.”

After meeting up, Catcher, Motown, and I headed north to Ellijay. We bypassed the barbecue place, so we could eat outside at one of the cafés downtown that was dog friendly. We did a little window-shopping, and then Catcher babysat Motown while I went inside a few places.

Once we were finished, we headed up the mountain to Olive’s. When we passed the turnoff where we’d had our hood hookup, I couldn’t help giggling.

“What is it?”

“I was just thinking about our sexcapade out in those woods.”

Catcher waggled his brows. “Oh yeah.”

“Just make sure while you’re signing the deposition you don’t let Olive slip you any more male-enhancer.”

“Are you sure? That was some pretty epic fucking.”

“Yes, it was. But I’m not sure my vagina can withstand another pounding like that.”

Catcher chuckled. “Okay, okay. No more man yarb for me.”

We pulled into Olive’s driveway. Since she didn’t own a phone, we hadn’t been able to call ahead to see if she was home. I guess we could have tried Jewell at The Crow’s Caw.

I had just reached for the door handle when my phone rang. After seeing it was Allen, I turned to Catcher. “Go on in. I need to take this.”

“Sure thing.

“Hey. What’s up?” I asked as I answered the phone.

“I’ve got a real cunt-bag on the phone who is demanding to talk to you.”

“Take a message, and I’ll call her back.”

“Uh, yeah, Ace, thanks for the tip. I’ve already done that. She keeps calling back.”

“Who is it?”