Drop Dead Sexy

“Mmm,” was all I could reply at that moment. I’m not sure I could have formed intelligible words if I tried.

Catcher grinned as both his hands cupped my buttocks. He began to work me on and off him in time with his thrusts. God, it was soooo good. I’m pretty sure if my vagina could have put into words what it felt like, it would have broken out into singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Or maybe some Aretha Franklin’s You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman.

Even though Jack Daniels’ bottles banged against the back of my head, I didn’t care. All I cared about was the banging going on below my waist. I began to climb closer and closer to a big finale of an orgasm. As if Catcher could sense it, he propped some of my ass weight on one the shelves and brought a hand between us to stroke my clit. How he thrust and stroked, I have no idea. I didn’t stop to question it because it was just too damn magical.

I didn’t cry out as my walls gloriously clenched down on his pumping dick in a masterful multiple orgasm. Oh no, I screamed. Like ear-splintering loud. At the same time, my nails dug into Catcher’s back through his shirt. He groaned and pumped even more furiously in and out of me. It wasn’t long before he tensed and then a long, guttural groan erupted from him. “Fuck yeah,” he muttered in my ear.

I could have stayed in that moment forever, but then Catcher pulled away.

He eased out of me and then set my legs down. They were so rubbery that I began to slide, and he had to hold me up by pinning my thighs with his.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely.

Catcher chuckled. “That’s a first. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone thank me for fucking.”

I grinned. “I was thanking you for not letting me fall. But when it comes down to it, people should give thanks for good sex. After all, it’s the polite thing to do.”

“Babe, I just fucked you up against a whiskey rack in the storage room of a shithole dive. I think we left polite a long time ago.”

“Maybe so.”

Ever the gentleman, Catcher knelt down and pulled my panties up my thighs.

I slid a lock of hair behind my ear. “So,” I said.

“So,” Catcher replied.

“What do we do now?”

“Well, we get the hell out of here and go back to my hotel room for round two, which hopefully will be followed by rounds three and four.”

“If I go three or four more rounds with you, I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

Catcher waggled his brows. “I’ll carry you.”

I laughed. “I don’t know if my vagina has it in her, but she’s willing to try.”

“My dick is very glad to hear that your vagina has such a good work ethic.”

I couldn’t help staring at Catcher like he was some desert mirage. Like at any moment, he was just going to disappear. It was hard to believe a man like him actually existed. He possessed so many wonderful attributes. Good-looks. Strength. Intelligence. Sex appeal. A sense of humor. Magical fingers that played my clit like it was an instrument. And a masterful cock that hit all the right spots.

The knob on the storage room door jiggled. “Who the hell locked the storeroom door,” a voice grumbled behind the wood.

“Two horny fuckers,” Catcher whispered with a grin.

I playfully smacked him on the arm. “Come on. We better get out of here before we get in trouble.”

“I’m pretty sure I could flash my badge to make things right.”

“Do you often use your badge inappropriately?”

He grinned. “When the need arises, I might be known to use it.”

“That’s not too surprising,” I replied, as I started to the door. After I unlocked it, Catcher said, “Here, let me.” He stepped in front of me to open the door. He stuck his head out and peeked around. “Coast is clear.”

Thankfully, we were able to slip out of the storeroom without being caught. I jerked my thumb toward the bathrooms. “Let me go freshen up a bit, and then I’ll meet you out front. Okay?”

Catcher leaned forward to nuzzle my neck. “I kind of like the idea of you smelling like sex as we walk out of here.”

His words caused a shiver to run over me, and I shuddered. Truth was, I’d felt the same way. There was something erotic and elicit about having the smell of sex on me. But I opted for cleanliness and ducked into the women’s bathroom.

After I did a lightning quick clean up, I left the bathroom. As I started across the floor, a fleshy hand grabbed hold of one of my butt cheeks. “Hey sugar, I saw you dancin’ earlier. Let’s you and me take a turn.”

I tried prying his arm off, but it was locked in a viselike grip. Forcing a smile to my face, I said, “That’s sweet of you to ask, but I have to say no.”

His face clouded over. “You musta mistaken me. I wasn’t askin’. I was tellin’.”

When I opened my mouth in protest, he covered my lips with his, assaulting my senses with the taste of someone who drank an ashtray. I gagged when he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

With all the strength I had in me, I shoved him away. “I said no.”