Drop Dead Sexy

I couldn’t help sighing in relief when I saw that the Holiday Inn where Catcher was staying wasn’t a complete dive like the Rusty Ho. That place was going to scar me for life. At the same time, it couldn’t be classified as the Ritz. It appeared to have been built in either the late seventies or early eighties. In the end, the only thing that mattered was it wasn’t a total shithole.

I eased my Accord into the space beside the black sedan Catcher was driving. Although it didn’t look like something he would drive, it screamed federal agent. He impressed me more as the type who would drive a flaming-red sports car. Not that he needed to compensate for his manhood. He had that in spades.

Catcher flew out of his car and was at my door before I could even open it. “How are you holding up?” he asked, his handsome face etched with concern.

My heart did a sappy pitter-patter at his concern. “I’m fine. It was nothing.”

Catcher tilted his head at me. “You call being sexually assaulted and partaking in a bar fight nothing?”

“After the day I’ve had, it certainly pales in comparison.”

Catcher chuckled as he shook his head. “As my late grandmother would say, ‘Honey, you just won’t do.”

I laughed. “Sounds like something my grandmother would say. Well, if you threw in a few expletives.” I motioned my finger at his eyebrow. “While I appreciate your concern, you’re the one who is bleeding.”

Catcher winced when he reached up to feel his busted brow. “Dumb fucker.”

“Are you talking about you or the redneck?” I teasingly asked.

Catcher snorted. “It should probably be me since I didn’t block that Neanderthal better.

Considering he was a lumbering idiot, he was surprisingly quick.”

“I would have to agree since he came out of nowhere at me.”

Catcher cuffed my chin playfully. “You’re a tough cookie, Olivia Sullivan.”

“Thank you, Catcher Mains.”

We stood there staring into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity. “Come on. Let’s get inside, so I can get inside you again,” Catcher said, in a husky, bedroom voice.

My-oh-so-sexy response to his naughty words was to trip over my heels and almost face plant on the sidewalk.

“Easy there. I need you to stay vertical.” With a wink, he added, “Well, at least for a little while.”

“Okay. I’ll try,” I replied.

Catcher threw an arm around my shoulder and drew me to him. We walked side by side into the lobby. Catcher ushered me in front of him to take the elevator to the tenth floor, which happened to be the highest floor. “Oh, you have the penthouse?” I teasingly asked.

“Oh yeah. Just wait until you see the killer views I have of the abandoned textile mills.”

I laughed. “Swanky.”

“I demand only the best whenever I stay at a Holiday Inn.” Catcher slid the keycard into the slot and unlocked the door. “Ladies first,” he said, motioning for me to go in.

“Thank you,” I replied, as I walked into the room. After I sat my purse down, I turned back to him. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I desperately need to wash away the grime of the Rusty Ho.”

Catcher grinned. “As long as I can join you.”


“First, I think we need to clean your eye up.”

“Can’t I just hold it under the warm water, and call it a day?”

“It needs cleaning,” I countered.

“Fine,” he grumbled.

“Go sit on the bed,” I instructed, as I dug my first aid kit out of my purse.

“You seriously carry a first aid kit with you?”

“Habit of the trade. More often than not, you have someone who gets hurt when investigating a death or when you go to pick up a body.”

Catcher snorted as he flopped down on the mattress. “You are one hell of a woman,” he mused.

I brought the kit over to him. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should. I don’t think I’ve ever met such a fascinating woman who can fuck like a champ in a storeroom and then take down a redneck assaulter with a chair and a pool stick.”

His summation of the night’s events had me giggling as I brought the antiseptic wipe to his eyebrow. “I wouldn’t say I was always so fascinating. Tonight has certainly been something out of the ordinary for me in many ways.”

Catcher winced before saying, “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

“You can say that again.” I leaned forward and blew on Catcher’s eyebrow to dry the antiseptic.

He took me off guard by bringing his hands to my thighs. I sucked in a breath as they slid my dress up over my hips. Dipping his head, he took one end of my thong between his teeth. When he jerked it, the flimsy material gave way. My legs began trembling as he kissed his way across my abdomen to the other side. When he repeated the process, the thong completely tore away from my body.

Cool air swirled around my inflamed core as I stared down at Catcher. He gave me a cocky grin as he swept my thong from his mouth. “You owe me a pair of panties, Mr. Mains,” I said.