Drop Dead Sexy

“Sure it wasn’t.”

He reached over and took my hand. “You’re right that I was somewhat addressing your vagina, but it’s not what you think. If it’s been a long time, then I know I’ll need to take some time with the foreplay. I can’t just go plowing into you like I want unless you’re ready for me.”

I furrowed my brows at him. It had been a long, long time since I’d been in a bar or part of the hook-up scene. The last time a guy spoke this frank to me was in college, and I just assumed his bluntness was part of his immaturity. When it came down to the nitty gritty, did all men talk this way?

“Thanks…I think.”

He dipped his head closer to mine. “Stop thinking so much. Let me and your body make the decisions.”

“I can try.”

Catcher’s closeness, coupled with his sexy smile, ignited a wildfire between my legs. I pressed my thighs together to try to put it out.

“First thing we’re going to do is loosen you up.”

“Considering the conversation we’ve just had, I think I’m loose enough.”

I sucked in a breath at the feel of Catcher’s warm hand clenching down on the skin of my exposed thigh. He shook his head. “Talking about something and actually doing it are two separate things. And I’m only talking about one or two drinks. The last thing I want is you plastered.”

“Wouldn’t that make it easier?”

“Hell, no. I want you to enjoy every second of this. After all, you’ve more than earned it.”

“You’re right. I have.”

“Good.” Catcher then took my arm and led me out of my chair. We weaved our way through the crowd over to the bar. Catcher waved the bartender over. After slapping a twenty on the bar, Catcher said, “Give us two shots of tequila, please.”

“You got it.”

“I guess I should’ve checked first to make sure you liked tequila,” Catcher said as the bartender poured our shots.

“I would have let you know.”

Catcher grinned. “Yeah, I thought so. You don’t impress me as the type of girl to suffer in silence about anything.”

I jerked my chin up. “I speak my mind if that’s what you’re alluding to.”

“As well as not taking any shit from anyone.”

I couldn’t help laughing at his summation. “That, too.”

When the bartender set our shots in front of us, Catcher lifted his. “To speaking your mind and not taking anyone’s bullshit.”

I lifted my glass. “Here, here.”

Catcher clinked our glasses together and then motioned for me to drink. “Ladies first,” he insisted.

“Okay.” I licked the salt on my hand before tipping back the shot glass. The golden liquid scorched a trail down my esophagus to my stomach. I sucked the lime into my mouth as my eyes watered. “Done,” I said, my voice hoarse from the tequila.

To my surprise, Catcher didn’t immediately down his shot. Instead, he shocked the hell out of me by taking the salt-shaker and dusting my chest with its contents. “What are you—”

He brought a finger to my lips to silence me. “Just go with it, babe.”

Although I was still uncertain, I decided to follow Catcher’s advice. After he took his finger away, he picked up the shot glass. I sucked in a breath as he placed it inside my dress between my breasts. With my dress’s tight material, the glass was held suspended perfectly.

I exhaled in a rush when Catcher dipped his head. I gasped when his warm tongue slid across the skin above my breasts. Once he had lapped up all the salt, his mouth closed around the top of the shot glass. I shivered when I felt his lips lightly brush against my skin. Oh fuck me, did it feel good having his mouth on me.

With the glass securely in his mouth, he tipped his head back and downed the contents. He winked at me as he put the glass on the bar. “That hit the spot.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I said breathlessly. Jeez, if I stayed around him too long, I was going to need an oxygen tank to regulate my breathing.

“Think you’re good, or you wanna do another?” Catcher asked.

“Maybe. You want me to do it out of your pants?”

He chuckled. “No, babe. No tit for tat on that one.”

Not wanting to be outdone or unsexy, I added, “I could probably make it work.” Of course, in this case it would be dick for tit but whatever.

Catcher grinned as he waved the bartender over. “Two more shots please.”

Once the glasses were refilled, he passed mine to me and held his up. “Let’s do these together.”


“Bottoms up.”

I had just brought the glass to my lips when Catcher added, “Just like I hope to have you before the evening is over.”

My mouth momentarily formed the Minion “Whaaat?” before I tipped my head back and sucked down the tequila. Somehow with Catcher’s innuendo, I felt I was going to need it.