Dare To Run (The Sons of Steel Row #1)

Ending the kiss before I forgot about the ring and left it out here to rot, I picked it up from on top of the peach. “This was my mother’s ring. She asked me to keep it for when I decided to get married. I never thought I’d use it . . . but then again, I’d never thought I’d meet someone like you, either.”

She held her hand out. It still trembled. “It’s beautiful. Perfect. I love you,” she said in a rush. “I love you so much.”

Laughing, I slid it onto her finger and helped her to her feet. “I fucking love you, too,” I growled in her ear, backing her into the house. “And I’m gonna show you how much.”

She clung to me, and our lips melded together perfectly, just like they always had. I’d known, after that first real kiss in my kitchen, that this thing we had going between us was forever. I hadn’t recognized the warm feelings she gave me for what they were, but deep down . . . I’d known. And it was why I’d refused to let her go.

Kicking the door shut behind us, I lifted her onto the counter in the kitchen, stepping between her thighs and deepening the kiss even more. She undid my shirt, and within seconds it was on the floor. A minute later, the rest of our clothes were there, too.

I broke off the kiss and stared into her blue eyes, unable to believe that this was my life now. I’d lucked out, won the jackpot in life. Not too long ago, I’d been so sure I’d never be free. That I’d never have the same freedom that everyone else in America had. But . . . I’d been wrong. I’d found that freedom. Heidi was it. And I was hers. I’d never forget that or take it for granted. “I love you, darlin’.”

“I love you, too.”

She kissed me again, her hands skimming over my chest. When she moved lower, closing them over my cock, I hissed through my teeth and rocked into her hand. She let out that husky laugh of hers that was sexy as hell, her fingers moving over the tip of my cock. “You like that, Lucky?”

“I’m feeling pretty fucking lucky right now, so, yeah,” I said kissing a path down her body. Her neck. Her collarbone. Her breast. When I reached the hard pink tip, I took it into my mouth, sucking hard and scraping my teeth across it exactly like she liked it. Letting it go with a pop, I smirked up at her and knelt so I was head level with her hot, wet *. “How about you? Feeling lucky, darlin’?”

Spreading her legs for me, she arched her back and buried her hands in my hair. “Yes. God yes.”

Chuckling lightly, I closed my mouth over her clit, rolling my tongue over her in wide, light circles. By the time I reached the third circle, she was panting and clawing at my shoulders, begging for me to hurry up and just take her.

So I moved even slower, of course.

Her hips rocked against my mouth, and I could taste the sweetness of her orgasm coming, so close it was making her legs quake on either side of my head. I increased the pressure just enough to send her flying over the edge, and thrust two fingers inside of her at the same time. Her walls clamped down on me, and she stiffened, her mouth forming that perfect O that never failed to drive me insane.

Growling, I stood and drove inside of her in one smooth motion. The second I was fully inside of her, she came again, her screams filling the kitchen and echoing off the tile floors. I thrust inside of her, again and fucking again, harder each time. Her nails scraped over my back and my balls pulled up tight to my body. Everything screamed for me to finish—to come, too—but I held back.

I wanted more from her.

Tossing her head back, she screamed out in frustration, closing her legs around my hips and digging her nails into my shoulders so hard it stung. “God, Lucas. Please.”

Biting down on her neck, I lifted her slightly and plunged inside of her, hitting the spot that was guaranteed to make her come at least three times. She screamed, choked on a sob, and came, tightening all around my aching cock. Growling, I caught her mouth with mine and kept moving inside of her, hitting the same spot over and over again.

By the time she came down from her second orgasm, I was fucking lost. I needed to reach completion inside of her more than I needed air, or water, or life.

If I didn’t have her . . .

I’d be nothing.

I moved my hips faster, grunting as the orgasm took over my entire body, mind and soul. And she joined me, soaring through the clouds one last time before drifting back down to my arms. Burying my face in her neck, I struggled to catch my breath.

It was useless. Around her, I’d always be breathless.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

She rested her head on my shoulder, sighing and tapping her fingers on my heart. I watched her, the diamond ring glistening in the sunlight that streamed through the windows. She still smelled like peaches. Sucking in a deep breath, I let her sweet scent wrap around me, hugging me close, and that all-too-familiar warmth spread through my veins all over again. Only now I knew what it was called.

It was love.


Jen McLaughlin's books