Dare Me

“That’ll be more than enough time,” Emery answers.

Kinsley tops off their champagne glasses, and they disappear down the hall toward the guest room.

Saige leans against the kitchen island and taps the top of her champagne flute with her forefinger. “Sorry, I should’ve asked you if it was all right that they came over.”

I frown at her. “Your friends are always welcome here.”

Her face twists guiltily. “I know, but I should’ve at least given you a heads up.”

“It’s not a concern.” I move over to Saige and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. She inhales sharply when I press my lips to her neck. “I love your hair pulled back,” I mumble against the soft skin under her ear. “It gives me better access to this beautiful neck of yours.” I pull my head away and run my fingers over her skin.

“As much as I want to continue this, I have to get ready.” She giggles and kisses me. “But I’d like to see where this was going after the party tonight.” Her green eyes dancing in the light.

“You can bet your ass I’m going to show you where this was going,” I snicker.

She pats my arm as she pushes away from the island. “Meet me upstairs. I’m going to need help with my zipper.”

I raise my eyebrows, my lips twisting into a mischievous smile.

She smirks at me. “Just the zipper.”

Following Saige upstairs, I find myself staring at her perfect body as she pulls off her casual clothes and stands before me naked—willing me to touch her. My pulse quickens as I watch her perfect body slip into nude-colored lingerie, covering all the parts of her I’m dying to touch . . . taste.

She steps carefully into her long, slim dress. She’s stunning. The olive green color matches her eyes perfectly and the silk hugs her body, displaying every luscious curve. The cut leaves one arm and shoulder bare and covers the other, and a slit travels the length of her lean leg, stopping mid-thigh.

Everything about her takes my breath away. She walks toward me, everything moving in slow motion. She’s like a cat stalking her prey—only I’d willingly let her destroy me. She stands before me and turns around, the span of her bare back on display. I zip the dress, but not before running my fingers gently over the curve of her spine, taking in her silky smooth skin.

“Everything about you is beautiful.” I run my hands up and down her arms.

She turns to face me, locking her eyes on mine affectionately. “And everything about you is perfectly handsome.”

“I can’t wait to get you back here tonight, Ms. Phillips.” I run my thumb over her cheekbone, and she settles her head in the palm of my hand.

“We need to go,” she says quietly.

I lean in and press a quick kiss to her forehead, sliding my hand into hers. She grabs her clutch off the bed, and I help her down the stairs in her long dress. Kinsley and Emery are in the kitchen waiting for us.

“You two should not be allowed to show up like that,” Kinsley scoffs. “It’s not fair that the two most beautiful people in the world found each other. Come on, Holt. You want to like a chubby, short girl with a foul mouth like me, right?”

“You’re just as beautiful as Saige,” I tell her politely. “And Emery, you look equally as stunning.” Actually all three women are gorgeous, each in their different ways. We all leave the house together, Emery and Kinsley following behind us while Mr. Jones drives Saige and me.

Twenty-five minutes later, we’re all in the elevator, ascending to the penthouse. When the doors open, the sound of laughter and classical music fill the usually quiet space. Hundreds of people are standing around, talking and drinking. Servers carrying trays of champagne, wine, beer, and hors d’oeuvres flitter through the sea of people.

“Holy shit,” Saige says under her breath.

“It’s always like this,” I tell her. “Just enjoy yourself. There are clients here.” I nod at Mr. Caruso, the CEO of Caruso industries and the owner of four of our planes. “There are even competitors here. We’re a friendly industry, Saige. As cut throat as we make it seem, we’re actually on very good terms with all of our competition.”

She nods and grips my hand. Kinsley and Emery sidle up to a table, each grabbing a flute of champagne.

“Ladies, be sure to find our clients,” I remind them before I guide Saige through the crowd. It’s nice to have Saige with me. I’m used to doing these events alone. Speaking discreetly, I tell Saige, “Don’t worry about Sergio Perez. He’ll be here tonight, but he knows you’re off limits. Be pleasant, but you’re not expected to kiss his ass.” I raise my eyebrows at her, knowing that she’ll do whatever it takes to keep his business, but I’m not willing to negotiate Saige for any aviation deal.

“But—” she starts and I cut her off.

Rebecca Shea's books