Dare Me

Kinsley pipes in, “From the look on your boyfriend’s face, Holt doesn’t give a fuck about fifty million dollars.”

“Just stop!” I bark, rubbing my temples. “Fifty million dollars is a lot of money to lose for a one-evening commitment to a party.” Even though every fiber of my being doesn’t want to go, is scared to go, I’d do it for Jackson-Hamilton . . . I’d do it for Holt.

“It’s never just one night, Saige,” Emery says quietly. “With Sergio Perez, you never know what you’re getting yourself into. He’s shady as fuck. I don’t trust him, and I agree with Zay. Jackson-Hamilton is better off without him. This is one sale. We have plenty of others that we’re close to securing.”

I sigh loudly. “I understand that, but you guys . . . I don’t ever want to be the reason that Holt’s company loses a client. It’s just so silly—”

“It’s not, though,” Rowan jumps in, placing his hand on my shaking arm. “I’ve known Holt for a long time. He’d do that for any one of his employees. He wouldn’t put their safety in the hands of a corrupt Colombian politician who toys with guns and drugs on the side. He just wouldn’t. He doesn’t run his business that way.”

I nod, feeling a bit better.

Rowan gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “Saige, don’t even stress about this. Let Holt handle it the way he needs to. This isn’t about you; this is about Sergio.”

“I know, but . . .” I rub my stomach as it twists and turns as I wonder how the meeting is going between the two men downstairs.

Emery grabs my hand. “No buts.” She smiles at me, but I know she understands my concerns. “Now let’s enjoy this party. I mean, it’s free booze.” She winks at me, then everyone begins talking again and the mood around us shifts. I plaster on a smile and say hello as guests wander past, pretending all is fine. If I’ve learned one thing in my life, it’s fake it till you make it.

“Em,” I say, turning around. “I’m going to the restroom for a minute to just take a breather. I’ll be back.” It’s a flat out lie, but I don’t want my friends looking for me.

I weave through the tables and politely smile at people as I pass them, making my way toward the elevators. I press the down button, tapping my foot impatiently as I wait. When the doors slide open, the elevator is full of people arriving for the cocktail party. As they filter out, I step inside, and seconds later, I’m on the dark floor of Jackson-Hamilton’s main offices.

I walk quickly down the main hall that leads to Holt’s office, noticing the office lights peeking through the fogged privacy glass. The office door is cracked open and I go still as I contemplate whether to knock or just listen to the two raised voices exchanging words behind the door.

“She’s not negotiable,” Holt barks.

“Everything is negotiable, Mr. Hamilton. Everyone can be bought for a price,” Sergio snarls. My heart begins racing again.

“I beg to differ, Mr. Perez.” Holt’s voice is calm but deadly. “Ms. Phillips told me she spoke with you and that she’s not interested. Please respect her wishes—and mine.”

“This is about you, Mr. Hamilton,” Sergio says, laughing bitterly. “You’ve taken an interest in her. I saw you walk in together, and I saw the way you kept her glued to your side.” There’s a moment of silence before Mr. Perez begins speaking again. “Well, I’m interested as well. And fifty-two million dollars says that Ms. Phillips will be accompanying me to my dinner party.”

“You’re wrong. Ms. Phillips won’t be going anywhere with you.” Holt’s voice is laced with anger.

I hold my breath and stand up straight as Holt puts Sergio in his place.

“You’re willing to risk losing my business for a stupid woman?” Sergio snaps at Holt, his accent growing thicker the faster he speaks.

“I’m willing to risk everything for her,” Holt says, and my throat goes dry. “She’s worth more than your fifty-two-million-dollar airplane, and any other business you’d send my way.” His voice is firm and commanding and I almost faint when I hear him say I’m worth more than this sale.

Sergio chuckles. “You are a foolish man, Mr. Hamilton.”

“We’ll see about that,” Holt growls.

Hearing the shuffling of footsteps, I quickly step to the side and around the corner so they don’t see me. My heart is racing and my stomach is still in knots knowing that Holt just threw away a huge deal and lost a longtime client. I watch Sergio Perez disappear down the main hall, then I step around the corner. Holt is sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair, his face turned to the ceiling.

“You okay?” I ask softly, standing in the doorway.

Holt spins his desk chair around to face me. “How long have you been standing there?” he asks, letting out a deep sigh.

My knees shake unsteadily. “Long enough to know that I think you made a mistake. Long enough to know that I’m shocked you’d do that for me.” Tears sting the back of my eyes when I think about what Holt has just done for me.

Rebecca Shea's books