Coup De Grace

When I drank the first beer I’d had, he thought he’d won the lottery and kept trying to force feed me more.

“You’re such a fuckin’ downer. Get the fuck away from me,” Isaac slurred.

I wanted to nut punch him.


“Well, I think I’ll go home, then,” I hesitated. “Do you want me to give you a ride?”

His eyes narrowed and he took a look around.

The party had been a ‘bust,’ or so he’d said. I didn’t know if it had or not.

Seemed there’d been a lot of people there for me, but they’d slowly drifted out of the main room until there were about fifteen of us left.

“Yeah, I’ll go home. Let me go get one more drink.”

I wanted to tell him no, but I knew that that was probably the only way I was going to get out of here.

We were in his truck, after all.

“I’ll go get Bristol,” I said, wandering away from him.

I found Bristol in the kitchen doing things that I didn’t think were possible.

Mainly those ‘things’ being drinking upside down with a tube shoved down her throat while a few of the football players yelled, ‘chug’ over and over. She even managed to look good doing it, too.

“Uh, Bristol?” I called worriedly. “It’s time to get going, are you ready?”

The football players looked up at me, curiosity in their eyes.

They’d been doing that all night and I had no clue why.

I wasn’t anything special, but they were staring at me like I was the biggest piece of juicy steak they’d ever seen.

“Bristol?” I called again.

The closest football player finally lowered Bristol’s legs, and she hit the floor with a spewing laugh.

Beer covered her from head to toe.

“I think it’s time to go,” I said softly.

Bristol nodded, so glassy eyed that I thought for sure she was going to fall over any second.

With the help of the football players, I loaded a very boisterous Bristol, and a very touchy Isaac into his big three quarter ton truck.

Isaac’s truck wasn’t my favorite thing to drive on the best of days, but it being night and slightly rainy, I knew it wouldn’t be fun at all.

Regardless of my apprehension, I got into the driver’s seat, pulled the seat up so I could reach the pedals and the steering wheel, and started it up.

“Remember, it pulls to the left,” Isaac slurred, leaning over the console to run his mouth along my neck.

I cringed and pushed him slightly to fall back into his own seat.

“Let me drive, please,” I said pleadingly.

Isaac laughed as he turned to Bristol who was sitting in the middle of the backseat, staring at us giddily.

“I knew y’all would make such a great couple!” She cheered, clapping her hands like she was a seal at Sea World.

I wanted to flip her off, but it took two hands to maneuver Isaac’s huge truck.

Did I mention I hated driving it?

He had huge tires on it.

They were so big that they came up to my waistline.

His truck was the size of a tank on steroids.

His daddy bought it for him the day he turned eighteen.

Now, two years later, it still looked brand new because he took such good care of his ‘precious baby.’

Three years ago, when I got my first car at eighteen, it’d been because I’d saved money, since I started working at fifteen.

Although my parents were great, they weren’t the richest.

In fact, they weren’t even middle class.

We were the ‘barely making it’ class.

Even now, with me out of the house, they were still struggling to make ends meet.

But they did have four other kids besides me.

So it was understandable.

But it was also probably why I’d be in debt until I was fifty.

Paying for my bachelor’s degree in nursing wasn’t very easy. Thank God for student loans.

Although they wouldn’t be my friends once I graduated.

“Why are you going so slow, Sawyer? I feel like we’re crawling!” Bristol yelled, leaning forward on the console.

“Put your seatbelt on or I’ll pull this truck over,” I said with as much venom as I could.

Lani Lynn Vale's books