Coup De Grace

My parents. Michael’s Parents.

Joslin and Dean.

Madden and his kiddos.

My husband and children.

Hannah and Wolf – although, that was a new thing.

They’d spoken on and off for the last few years, but with the way they were acting, looking at each other but not going near the other, I knew something had transpired.

I just didn’t know what, but I had a feeling that something would break soon.

And then they’d be just as happy as the rest of us.

And I was happy

Ecstatically so.

“Here you go, Mama,” Michael said, handing Clay over.

He took Heath from my arms and handed me my own little butterball, and I smiled as Michael gazed longingly into Heath’s little face.

For a man that hadn’t wanted any children, he sure was adamant about having more and more.

And as I looked around at all the children running and playing happily in the yard amongst their parents, I decided that just maybe another baby wouldn’t be a bad thing.

As long as I had Michael, I could totally get on board with another kid.

Because I loved him.

With my whole heart and soul, and I knew he’d always be there for me.

He was just that type of man.

A man that always had his woman’s back, no matter what it took.

That’s what true love was.

Coming Soon

Counter To My Intelligence 1-6-16


Rules are meant to be broken…just not quite like that.

-Coffee Cup.


“Bristol, please let’s not do this!” I pleaded with my best friend.

Bristol looked over at me with a raised brow. “Finals are over. You don’t have volleyball practice for two months. It’s time to stop being such a hermit and just be a college freshman like the rest of us.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think this is going to be a good idea. I’m freaking out here, and I’m not even there. I don’t want to go.”

Bristol looked unimpressed.

“I’m going whether you want to or not. The decision is up to you,” she left that hanging in the air, and walked out of our shared dorm, closing the door quietly behind her.

“Shit,” I sighed.

I really didn’t want to go.

But it was more than apparent that Bristol did.

I wasn’t one for parties. I was more comfortable curled up with a good book rather than going to a party or hanging out with friends.

I loved Bristol with all my heart, and I knew she loved me right back.

We’d been friends for as long as I could remember, and I knew that she’d always be there for me. Even if I wanted to be left the hell alone.

Bristol had done her best to ‘get me out of my head’, as she liked to call it, but it would help if I actually wanted to be out of it.

Which I most certainly did not.

I was a very shy person.

Between her and Isaac, my boyfriend, I was doomed.

Something he proved in the next minute when a text showed up on my phone.

Going 2 the party w/ Brooklyn. You better be there.


I looked longingly over at the new book I picked up at the grocery store before I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pants and a black spaghetti strap shirt.

It wasn’t the greatest, but it’d do.

I wasn’t there to impress. I was there because I was being forced.


“No, Isaac. I don’t want any,” I growled four hours later.

I’d already had a beer, and it was one more than I’d wanted.

I was a lightweight. After more than four, I wasn’t gonna wake up for a very, very long time.

Which was why I always stayed with one and one only.

Isaac, though, didn’t seem to care.

“Seriously, I don’t want one!” I said, shoving it away.

After this night was over, so were Isaac and me.

He’d tried to publicly grope me and have sex with me, something we hadn’t done before, and wouldn’t ever be doing.

He’d tried to get me to play beer pong, and when I wouldn’t, he played with a couple of other college coeds.

Lani Lynn Vale's books